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Last active April 15, 2024 14:06
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  • Save azlen/cc8d543f0e46e17d978e705650df0e9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save azlen/cc8d543f0e46e17d978e705650df0e9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
All Paths Lead to Roam
* credit to Dhrumil Shah (@wandcrafting) and Robert Haisfield (@RobertHaisfield)
* for the original concept which was part of their RoamGames submission
* and can be found at:
/* ======= OPTIONS ======== */
/* note: if you change these, reload the page to see the effect */
let scale = 2;
let bulletColor = '#FF0099';
let showLines = true;
let lineWidth = 2;
let lineColor = bulletColor;
let borderRadius = 5;
let highlightRefs = true;
let refColor = bulletColor;
/* ======= LIBRARIES ======== */
* arrive.js
* v2.4.1
* MIT licensed
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Uzair Farooq
var Arrive=function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(e,t,n){l.addMethod(t,n,e.unbindEvent),l.addMethod(t,n,e.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback),l.addMethod(t,n,e.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback)}function i(e){e.arrive=f.bindEvent,r(f,e,"unbindArrive"),e.leave=d.bindEvent,r(d,e,"unbindLeave")}if(e.MutationObserver&&"undefined"!=typeof HTMLElement){var o=0,l=function(){var t=HTMLElement.prototype.matches||HTMLElement.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector||HTMLElement.prototype.mozMatchesSelector||HTMLElement.prototype.msMatchesSelector;return{matchesSelector:function(e,n){return e instanceof HTMLElement&&,n)},addMethod:function(e,t,r){var i=e[t];e[t]=function(){return r.length==arguments.length?r.apply(this,arguments):"function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):n}},callCallbacks:function(e,t){t&&t.options.onceOnly&&1==t.firedElems.length&&(e=[e[0]]);for(var n,r=0;n=e[r];r++)n&&n.callback&&,n.elem);t&&t.options.onceOnly&&1==t.firedElems.length&&,t.selector,t.callback)},checkChildNodesRecursively:function(e,t,n,r){for(var i,o=0;i=e[o];o++)n(i,t,r)&&r.push({callback:t.callback,elem:i}),i.childNodes.length>0&&l.checkChildNodesRecursively(i.childNodes,t,n,r)},mergeArrays:function(e,t){var n,r={};for(n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r[n]=e[n]);for(n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r[n]=t[n]);return r},toElementsArray:function(t){return n===t||"number"==typeof t.length&&t!==e||(t=[t]),t}}}(),c=function(){var e=function(){this._eventsBucket=[],this._beforeAdding=null,this._beforeRemoving=null};return e.prototype.addEvent=function(e,t,n,r){var i={target:e,selector:t,options:n,callback:r,firedElems:[]};return this._beforeAdding&&this._beforeAdding(i),this._eventsBucket.push(i),i},e.prototype.removeEvent=function(e){for(var t,n=this._eventsBucket.length-1;t=this._eventsBucket[n];n--)if(e(t)){this._beforeRemoving&&this._beforeRemoving(t);var r=this._eventsBucket.splice(n,1);r&&r.length&&(r[0].callback=null)}},e.prototype.beforeAdding=function(e){this._beforeAdding=e},e.prototype.beforeRemoving=function(e){this._beforeRemoving=e},e}(),a=function(t,r){var i=new c,o=this,a={fireOnAttributesModification:!1};return i.beforeAdding(function(n){var i,;(l===e.document||l===e)&&(l=document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]),i=new MutationObserver(function(e){,e,n)});var c=t(n.options);i.observe(l,c),,}),i.beforeRemoving(function(e){}),this.bindEvent=function(e,t,n){t=l.mergeArrays(a,t);for(var r=l.toElementsArray(this),o=0;o<r.length;o++)i.addEvent(r[o],e,t,n)},this.unbindEvent=function(){var e=l.toElementsArray(this);i.removeEvent(function(t){for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++)if(this===n||[r])return!0;return!1})},this.unbindEventWithSelectorOrCallback=function(e){var t,r=l.toElementsArray(this),o=e;t="function"==typeof e?function(e){for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++)if((this===n||[t])&&e.callback===o)return!0;return!1}:function(t){for(var i=0;i<r.length;i++)if((this===n||[i])&&t.selector===e)return!0;return!1},i.removeEvent(t)},this.unbindEventWithSelectorAndCallback=function(e,t){var r=l.toElementsArray(this);i.removeEvent(function(i){for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)if((this===n||[o])&&i.selector===e&&i.callback===t)return!0;return!1})},this},s=function(){function e(e){var t={attributes:!1,childList:!0,subtree:!0};return e.fireOnAttributesModification&&(t.attributes=!0),t}function t(e,t){e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.addedNodes,,o=[];null!==n&&n.length>0?l.checkChildNodesRecursively(n,t,r,o):"attributes"===e.type&&r(i,t,o)&&o.push({callback:t.callback,elem:i}),l.callCallbacks(o,t)})}function r(e,t){return l.matchesSelector(e,t.selector)&&(e._id===n&&(e._id=o++),-1==t.firedElems.indexOf(e._id))?(t.firedElems.push(e._id),!0):!1}var i={fireOnAttributesModification:!1,onceOnly:!1,existing:!1};f=new a(e,t);var c=f.bindEvent;return f.bindEvent=function(e,t,r){n===r?(r=t,t=i):t=l.mergeArrays(i,t);var o=l.toElementsArray(this);if(t.existing){for(var a=[],s=0;s<o.length;s++)for(var u=o[s].querySelectorAll(e),f=0;f<u.length;f++)a.push({callback:r,elem:u[f]});if(t.onceOnly&&a.length)return[0].elem,a[0].elem);setTimeout(l.callCallbacks,1,a)},e,t,r)},f},u=function(){function e(){var e={childList:!0,subtree:!0};return e}function t(e,t){e.forEach(function(e){var n=e.removedNodes,i=[];null!==n&&n.length>0&&l.checkChildNodesRecursively(n,t,r,i),l.callCallbacks(i,t)})}function r(e,t){return l.matchesSelector(e,t.selector)}var i={};d=new a(e,t);var o=d.bindEvent;return d.bindEvent=function(e,t,r){n===r?(r=t,t=i):t=l.mergeArrays(i,t),,e,t,r)},d},f=new s,d=new u;t&&i(t.fn),i(HTMLElement.prototype),i(NodeList.prototype),i(HTMLCollection.prototype),i(HTMLDocument.prototype),i(Window.prototype);var h={};return r(f,h,"unbindAllArrive"),r(d,h,"unbindAllLeave"),h}}(window,"undefined"==typeof jQuery?null:jQuery,void 0);
/* ======= CODE ======== */
// Add custom style tag to document for CSS customization
let style = document.createElement('style');
let baseStyle = `
.path-highlighted .rm-bullet .rm-bullet__inner,
.path-highlighted .rm-bullet .rm-bullet__inner--user-icon {
background-color: ${bulletColor} !important;
transform: scale(${scale});
if(highlightRefs) {
baseStyle += `
.path-highlighted + .roam-block .rm-page-ref,
.path-highlighted + .roam-block .rm-alias {
color: ${refColor};
.path-highlighted + .roam-block .rm-block-ref {
border-bottom-color: ${refColor};
style.textContent = baseStyle
// Remove classes when block is unfocused
document.leave('textarea.rm-block-input', function(el) {
let bullets = []'.path-highlighted'));
bullets.forEach(function(bullet) {
// Show highlighted bullets + path when block is focused
let pathid = 0;
document.arrive('textarea.rm-block-input', function(el) {
let bullets = [];
let block = el.closest('.roam-block-container');
// iterate through parents and get bullet elements
while(block) {
block = block.parentElement.closest('.roam-block-container')
// bullet styles cannot be applied directly to the element because they are pseudotags
// so we'll create a style string and add it to the style tag we created earlier
let bulletStyle = ''
bullets.forEach(function(bullet, i) {
let lastBullet = i > 0 ? bullets[i-1] : null
// give each bullet a special path identifier so that we can target it directly
if(!bullet.dataset.pathidentifier) { bullet.dataset.pathidentifier = pathid++ }
if(lastBullet != null && showLines == true) {
let bboxA = lastBullet.getBoundingClientRect()
let bboxB = bullet.getBoundingClientRect()
bulletStyle += `
.path-highlighted[data-pathidentifier="${bullet.dataset.pathidentifier}"] .bp3-popover-target::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 10px; left: 6px;
width: ${bboxA.x-bboxB.x}px; height: ${bboxA.y-bboxB.y}px;
border: ${lineWidth}px solid ${lineColor};
border-right: none;
border-top: none;
border-bottom-left-radius: ${borderRadius}px;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 11 !important;
// highlight bullet
// set content of style tag to include both the base styles from before and the bullet styles we just generated
style.textContent = baseStyle + bulletStyle;
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azlen commented Feb 13, 2021

Hey all, seems there was a problem where the class on the bullets would change when you have "edit icons" turned on

The latest code should fix the issue!

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mahadikprasad15 commented Feb 13, 2021 via email

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Fantastic work~~~~

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orkhan10 commented Feb 19, 2021

Am I the only one having this problem where I can't expand and collapse blocks other than the one I am currently editing? See video:

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azlen commented Feb 26, 2021

@orkhan10 Thanks for pointing out the problem with expand/collapse—this should be fixed in the latest version if you grab the latest code

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@orkhan10 Thanks for pointing out the problem with expand/collapse—this should be fixed in the latest version if you grab the latest code

Lovely, thank you!

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Is there a way to fix that the bulletpath line not completely overlaping the previous line? I hope the bulletpath line overlap the previous vertical line~~ Thanks~~~

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I'm using the standard theme. It used to work fine for a few days and now the vertical lines appear above the path lines

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This was fixed by adding : z-index: 11 !important; to the .path-highlighted class (line 105). They added z-index of 10 to .rm-multibar

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This was fixed by adding : z-index: 11 !important; to the .path-highlighted class (line 105). They added z-index of 10 to .rm-multibar

It works~~~Thanks

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Wow, wonderfully useful addition to Roam. Thank you.

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kauderk commented Mar 23, 2021

I want to offset them vertically a few pixel.
Where should I do it?

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How do we get the new bullets to appear below the existing bullet to draw attention to it rather than cover it over with the new color?

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Great work -- thanks for this! Is there any way to make it play nice with headings? It looks great whenever there are no headings applied, but lines are off when they are.

screenshot_2021-04-25 at 13 10 11@2x

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some error info "#object[TypeError TypeError: document.arrive(...) is not a function]" (Roam: 0.8.7-d82d431a chrome: 91.0.4472.114)

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LudwigWS commented Sep 7, 2021


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This was fixed by adding : z-index: 11 !important; to the .path-highlighted class (line 105). They added z-index of 10 to .rm-multibar

This worked 👍 🙏

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mickm3n commented Sep 11, 2021

Thanks!! I really love it!!

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I've been seeing this feature popping up in Roam videos all over the place and couldn't figure out where they got it! So happy I found it. This is fabulous! Thank you.

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Hi @abhayprasanna this looks and works fabulous on Drac Pro!

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Hi @abhayprasanna this looks and works fabulous on Drac Pro!


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Hi, I know I'm writing a bit late but my bullet does not get highlighted. I tried resetting my user settings and deleting my css, nothing works. Thanks for your help !

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Hey @azlen , are you planning on bringing this incredible plugin to the new official Roam plugin marketplace? If not would you be comfortable passing the reins to me or someone in the Roam community to keep it updated?

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Hello @azlen! This plugin was re-implemented as a Roam Extension (in Roam Depot). The new code is here:

The original code was re-written but the essence of the original idea is the same (using the ::before css pseudo-selectors and getBoundingClientRect to compute the correct width/height for the box).

I'm happy to transfer my repository to you if you want. Let me know.

More details here: Roam-Research/roam-depot#48

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Hi @paulovieira,

I compared the original code from azlen and your roamdepot implementation and saw that the horizontal line from the multibar to the bullet is moved up a few px in your version and doesn't "enter" the bullet in the middle.

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paulovieira commented Sep 8, 2022

Hi @paulovieira,

I compared the original code from azlen and your roamdepot implementation and saw that the horizontal line
from the multibar to the bullet is moved up a few px in your version and doesn't "enter" the bullet in the middle.

@JasperGeh, thanks for looking into this! The line was indeed slightly out of place when using a line width of 2px. This is now corrected in the latest update submitted to roam depot. The problem should be solved when the update is accepted (you can confirm it is updated when you see "Version: 2" instead of "Version: 1" in roam depot).

By the way, to have the new extension look exactly like the original, the settings must be configured like so:


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DRschulman commented Oct 11, 2022 via email

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@maugermika2 @DRschulman This extension is now available in Roam Depot. It has several improvements over the original implementation (the code in this gist) and is now the simplest way to install.

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this is so beautiful, thank u!

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