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Created January 25, 2019 11:43
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Python's Instance, Class, and Static Methods Demystified
import math
class MyClass:
def method(self):
return 'instance method called', self
def classmethod(cls):
return 'class method called',cls
def staticmethod():
return 'static method called'
obj = MyClass()
# print(MyClass.method())
#TypeError: method() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
class Pizza:
def __init__(self, ingredients, radius):
self.ingredients = ingredients
self.radius = radius
def __repr__(self):
return (f'Pizza({repr(self.radius)}, '
def area(self):
return self.circle_area(self.radius)
def circle_area(r):
return r ** 2 * math.pi
def margherita(cls):
return cls(['mozzarella','tomatoes'] ,2)
def prosciutto(cls):
return cls(['mozarella','tomatoes','ham'], 4)
obj = Pizza(['cheese', 'tomatoes'], 5)
print(obj) # Pizza(['cheese', 'tomatoes'])
print(Pizza.margherita() , Pizza.prosciutto())
p = Pizza(['mozzarella', 'tomatoes'] ,4)
'''One way to look at this use of class methods is that
they allow you to define alternative constructors for your classes.
They all use the same __init__ constructor internally and simply
provide a shortcut for remembering all of the various ingredients.'''
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