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Created October 3, 2015 19:54
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'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var ReactScriptLoaderMixin = require('react-script-loader').ReactScriptLoaderMixin;
var ReactStripeCheckout = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactScriptLoaderMixin],
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
className: 'StripeCheckout',
label: 'Pay With Card',
locale: 'auto',
componentClass: 'span'
propTypes: {
// If included, will render the default blue button with label text.
// (Requires including stripe-checkout.css or adding the .styl file
// to your pipeline)
label: React.PropTypes.string,
// Named component to wrap button (eg. div)
componentClass: React.PropTypes.string,
// Show a loading indicator
showLoadingDialog: React.PropTypes.func,
// Hide the loading indicator
hideLoadingDialog: React.PropTypes.func,
// Run this method when the scrupt fails to load. Will run if the internet
// connection is offline when attemting to load the script.
onScriptError: React.PropTypes.func,
// =====================================================
// Required by stripe
// see Stripe docs for more info:
// =====================================================
// Your publishable key (test or live).
// can't use "key" as a prop in react, so have to change the keyname
stripeKey: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
// The callback to invoke when the Checkout process is complete.
// function(token)
// token is the token object created.
// can be used to create a charge or customer.
// contains the email address entered by the user.
token: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
// ==========================
// Highly Recommended Options
// ==========================
// Name of the company or website.
name: React.PropTypes.string,
// A description of the product or service being purchased.
description: React.PropTypes.string,
// A relative URL pointing to a square image of your brand or product. The
// recommended minimum size is 128x128px. The recommended image types are
// .gif, .jpeg, and .png.
image: React.PropTypes.string,
// The amount (in cents) that's shown to the user. Note that you will still
// have to explicitly include it when you create a charge using the API.
amount: React.PropTypes.number,
// Specify auto to display Checkout in the user's preferred language, if
// available. English will be used by default.
// for more info.
locale: React.PropTypes.oneOf([
'auto', // (Default) Automatically chosen by checkout
'zh', //Chinese
'nl', //Dutch
'en', //English
'fr', //French
'de', //German
'it', //Italian
'jp', //Japanease
'es' //Spanish
// ==============
// Optional Props
// ==============
// The currency of the amount (3-letter ISO code). The default is USD.
currency: React.PropTypes.oneOf([
// The label of the payment button in the Checkout form (e.g. “Subscribe”,
// “Pay {{amount}}”, etc.). If you include {{amount}}, it will be replaced
// by the provided amount. Otherwise, the amount will be appended to the
// end of your label.
panelLabel: React.PropTypes.string,
// Specify whether Checkout should validate the billing ZIP code (true or
// false)
zipCode: React.PropTypes.bool,
// Specify whether Checkout should collect the user's billing address
// (true or false). The default is false.
billingAddress: React.PropTypes.bool,
// Specify whether Checkout should collect the user's shipping address
// (true or false). The default is false.
shippingAddress: React.PropTypes.bool,
// Specify whether Checkout should validate the billing ZIP code (true or
// false). The default is false.
email: React.PropTypes.string,
// Specify whether to include the option to "Remember Me" for future
// purchases (true or false). The default is true.
allowRememberMe: React.PropTypes.bool,
// Specify whether to accept Bitcoin in Checkout. The default is false.
bitcoin: React.PropTypes.bool,
// Specify whether to accept Alipay ('auto', true, or false). The default
// is false.
alipay: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['auto', true, false]),
// Specify if you need reusable access to the customer's Alipay account
// (true or false). The default is false.
alipayReusable: React.PropTypes.bool,
// function() The callback to invoke when Checkout is opened (not supported
// in IE6 and IE7).
opened: React.PropTypes.func,
// function() The callback to invoke when Checkout is closed (not supported
// in IE6 and IE7).
closed: React.PropTypes.func
getInitialState: function() {
return {
scriptLoading: true,
scriptLoadError: false
// Used by scriptLoader mixin
getScriptURL: function() {
return '';
statics: {
stripeHandler: null,
scriptDidError: false
hasPendingClick: false,
onScriptLoaded: function() {
this.setState({scriptLoading: false});
// Initialize the Stripe handler on the first onScriptLoaded call.
// This handler is shared by all StripeButtons on the page.
if (!ReactStripeCheckout.stripeHandler) {
updateStripeHandler: function () {
ReactStripeCheckout.stripeHandler = StripeCheckout.configure(this.getConfig());
if (this.hasPendingClick) {
componentDidUpdate: function () {
if (!this.state.scriptLoading)
showLoadingDialog: function() {
this.props.showLoadingDialog &&
this.props.showLoadingDialog.apply(this, arguments);
hideLoadingDialog: function() {
this.props.hideLoadingDialog &&
this.props.hideLoadingDialog.apply(this, arguments);
getConfig: function getConfig() {
var config = {};
config.key = this.props.stripeKey;
var options = [
'token', 'image', 'name', 'description', 'amount', 'locale',
'currency', 'panelLabel', 'zipCode', 'shippingAddress',
'billingAddress', 'email', 'allowRememberMe', 'bitcoin',
'alipay', 'alipayReusable', 'opened', 'closed'
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
var key = options[i];
if (key in this.props) {
config[key] = this.props[key];
return config;
showStripeDialog: function() {
onScriptError: function() {
ReactStripeCheckout.scriptDidError = true;
this.props.onScriptError &&
onClick: function() {
if (ReactStripeCheckout.scriptDidError) {
console.log('failed to load script');
} else if (ReactStripeCheckout.stripeHandler) {
} else {
this.hasPendingClick = true;
renderStripeButton: function() {
return (
<button className="stripe-checkout-button" onClick={this.onClick}>
<span className="inner-text">{this.props.label}</span>
render: function () {
var ComponentClass = this.props.componentClass;
return (
!this.props.children ? this.renderStripeButton() : (
<ComponentClass {...this.props} onClick={this.onClick}>
module.exports = ReactStripeCheckout;
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