Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from aznmonkey's block: fresh block
forked from anonymous's block: fresh block
forked from codyjroberts's block: fresh block
license: mit |
[ | |
{"year": { | |
"2016": | |
[ | |
{"name":"AgglomerativeCluster","songs":["CommunityStructure"], "category":"happiest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"CommunityStructure","songs":["AgglomerativeCluster"], "category":"happiest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"test","songs":["The bestest song", "The best song"], "category":"saddest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"The bestest song", "songs":["The best song", "test"], "category":"saddest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"The best song", "songs":["test", "The bestest song"], "category":"saddest", "info":[]} | |
], | |
"2015": | |
[ | |
{"name":"AgglomerativeCluster","songs":["CommunityStructure"], "category":"happiest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"CommunityStructure","songs":["AgglomerativeCluster"], "category":"happiest", "info":[]}, | |
{"name":"test","songs":[], "category":"saddest", "info":[]} | |
] | |
}} | |
] |
Built with blockbuilder.org
forked from aznmonkey's block: fresh block
forked from anonymous's block: fresh block
forked from codyjroberts's block: fresh block
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function findCat(category) { | |
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node = svg.append("g").selectAll(".node"); | |
let hierarchy = d3.hierarchy(packageHierarchy(data)) | |
let nodes = cluster(hierarchy).descendants() | |
let links = packageSongs(nodes); | |
// Generate nodes with song names around radius | |
let node_selection = node.data(nodes.filter(function(n) { return !n.data.children; })); | |
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find(d.name, d); | |
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// Return a list of songs for the given array of nodes. | |
function packageSongs(nodes) { | |
let map = {}, | |
songs = [], | |
category = {}; | |
// Compute a map from name to node. | |
nodes.forEach(function(d) { | |
map[d.data.name] = d; | |
category[d.data.name] = d.data.category; | |
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// For each song, construct a link from the source to target node. | |
nodes.forEach(function(d) { | |
if (d.data.songs) d.data.songs.forEach(function(i) { | |
songs.push({source: map[d.data.name], target: map[i], category: category[d.data.name]}); | |
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return songs; | |
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[{"years":{ | |
"1950": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Anton Karas", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Third Man Theme", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8bf2e86ab8369c536b04a71b5f08ba5a82bf666a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.863 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teresa Brewer", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Music, Music, Music", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b822caee4440cfa676011b4e4195020b5a6fd1f5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.935 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Red Foley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ba3fc4dea228f2af9ea02e0e7434a21bc112c701", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.829 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kay Starr", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3605264d40949fbab13c32e349ab23e2a553c4f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.847 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gordon Jenkins and The Weavers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f1896c4dabcab9477fad2e4c32b82229f9008beb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.926 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Phil Harris", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Thing", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/65245a64b79a794a065e98a5052e3a881ec61693", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"Rag Mop", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.916 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rag Mop", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ed17296a33247112203ef44c72ce04e50177eb18", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Hoop-Dee-Doo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.981 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hoop-Dee-Doo", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/00a803565b147233b70156f99108afc1fca9e2bc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"Music, Music, Music", | |
"Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy", | |
"Bonaparte's Retreat", | |
"Tzena, Tzena, Tzena", | |
"The Thing", | |
"Rag Mop" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.925 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary and Bing Crosby", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Simple Melody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1477e4768d6013870de79e0c5650b85636db91e5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All My Love", | |
"Dear Hearts And Gentle People", | |
"Cry Of The Wild Goose" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.798 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "All My Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/24ff6479abbf289f7ffa06816319d21faf5f3d30", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Simple Melody", | |
"Dear Hearts And Gentle People", | |
"Cry Of The Wild Goose" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.644 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bing Crosby", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Dear Hearts And Gentle People", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/68f4c8d2ed3bb55559293a45ac9ffb7be851691a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Simple Melody", | |
"All My Love", | |
"Cry Of The Wild Goose" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.67 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Cry Of The Wild Goose", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5ff31c6676a0e95d8cd528a37890e31990d2df71", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Simple Melody", | |
"All My Love", | |
"Dear Hearts And Gentle People" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.712 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary and Bing Crosby", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Sam's Song", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"It Isn't Fair", | |
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"I Can Dream, Can't I", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sammy Kaye and Don Cornell", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "It Isn't Fair", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sam's Song", | |
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"I Can Dream, Can't I", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eileen Barton", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sam's Song", | |
"It Isn't Fair", | |
"I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"I Can Dream, Can't I", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andrews Sisters and Gordon Jenkins", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sam's Song", | |
"It Isn't Fair", | |
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"I Can Dream, Can't I", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andrews Sisters and Gordon Jenkins", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I Can Dream, Can't I", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sam's Song", | |
"It Isn't Fair", | |
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gordon Jenkins", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Bewitched", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sam's Song", | |
"It Isn't Fair", | |
"If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked A Cake", | |
"I Wanna Be Loved", | |
"I Can Dream, Can't I" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Mona Lisa", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7dad2b6b8ada02509eb2bde62f7070bb5cd3a050", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sentimental Me", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"My Foolish Heart", | |
"Bewitched", | |
"Can Anyone Explain?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.364 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sentimental Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f4c7a4696db13634ecf23e92a5a98e8fb85e2c10", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mona Lisa", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"My Foolish Heart", | |
"Bewitched", | |
"Can Anyone Explain?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.296 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Tennessee Waltz", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/841ecde3b19c35d4a62328fbb0174d6ddd7bcb06", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mona Lisa", | |
"Sentimental Me", | |
"My Foolish Heart", | |
"Bewitched", | |
"Can Anyone Explain?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.285 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gordon Jenkins", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "My Foolish Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37ffb1d3c93c780a176c5e79d652ff2c0723be81", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mona Lisa", | |
"Sentimental Me", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Bewitched", | |
"Can Anyone Explain?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.307 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Snyder", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Bewitched", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4b01b0568ab4f421acec32298815750d048ccd9f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mona Lisa", | |
"Sentimental Me", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"My Foolish Heart", | |
"Can Anyone Explain?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.243 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Can Anyone Explain?", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2fb7223773ce510bcbff3844dbfce3da8dbd5556", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mona Lisa", | |
"Sentimental Me", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"My Foolish Heart", | |
"Bewitched" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.304 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gordon Jenkins and The Weavers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Goodnight Irene", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c1a9a09a930d105e8065f632784e691221eb51d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Third Man Theme", | |
"I'll Never Be Free" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.572 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Lombardo", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Third Man Theme", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/88434094033f94c07e767c30bc1510f8bbcfab75", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Goodnight Irene", | |
"I'll Never Be Free" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.523 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tennessee Ernie Ford and Kay Starr", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I'll Never Be Free", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4e8a4b9f6a309615137900abaec3908a0d80186f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Goodnight Irene", | |
"Third Man Theme" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.502 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sammy Kaye", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Harbor Lights", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69cbf4488a59d5743e591ec07a59e5e76d4a7a6e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"There's No Tomorrow", | |
"My Foolish Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.118 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Martin", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "There's No Tomorrow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b980dff64f7a8bc9318c330bfc8d5c35081b0bc1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"My Foolish Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.193 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Eckstine", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "My Foolish Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ba0940fca79e2648a13e579d50fbfb7c4e936f36", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"There's No Tomorrow" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.121 | |
} | |
], | |
"1951": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rosemary Clooney", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Come On-a My House", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/490315e879af31eac6d96b012fe6efecc19ba9b7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"Down Yonder", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dinah Shore", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sweet Violets", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6c97af7dd11b171ac602ebf2b04e48e85e134c8e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"Down Yonder", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.828 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Les Paul and Mary Ford", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a09098a964b11cfb6844d9921f03d86b054d7d38", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"Down Yonder", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.83 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell and Mitch Miller", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a0317d0efa5d865fd53b2f255d32b903fd50a29f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"Down Yonder", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.96 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/73fffd67fbfefd568f6fcb201fab699395861a76", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Down Yonder", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.937 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Del Wood", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Down Yonder", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6541e69375d7747840a20c67dc0c4b0f160b6c3b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"The Thing" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.976 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Phil Harris", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Thing", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/65245a64b79a794a065e98a5052e3a881ec61693", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Come On-a My House", | |
"Sweet Violets", | |
"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise", | |
"My Truly, Truly Fair", | |
"Rose, Rose I Love You", | |
"Down Yonder" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.916 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Les Paul and Mary Ford", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "How High The Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a10907e135f3537c1095e1c69956595bfa3f7437", | |
"songs": [ | |
"On Top Of Old Smoky", | |
"Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"Sound Off" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.74 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Weavers", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "On Top Of Old Smoky", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7169ad3c2a8fa975163294c40c725b1d0517138b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"How High The Moon", | |
"Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"Sound Off" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.683 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Les Paul and Mary Ford", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69a16714caa00e075fee75a3a6681830d9c56308", | |
"songs": [ | |
"How High The Moon", | |
"On Top Of Old Smoky", | |
"Sound Off" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.769 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Vaughn Monroe", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sound Off", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ae9b645d655a90b869b4e74f0d35c6083054c25c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"How High The Moon", | |
"On Top Of Old Smoky", | |
"Mockin' Bird Hill" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.634 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell and Mitch Miller", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "My Heart Cries For You", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Aba Daba Honeymoon", | |
"Undecided" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Aces and Al Alberta", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "(It's No) Sin", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Heart Cries For You", | |
"Aba Daba Honeymoon", | |
"Undecided" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Debbie Reynolds and Carlton Carpenter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Aba Daba Honeymoon", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Heart Cries For You", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Undecided" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers and Les Brown", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Undecided", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Heart Cries For You", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Aba Daba Honeymoon" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Mario Lanza", | |
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"name": "Be My Love", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.202 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/56daf708e1a7b219d69c473cc2deb3c0dc8d9915", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.307 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "If", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4b30f8d1adcdaf95a7dd02b9df8cb3f599d796d5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.238 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Mario Lanza", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/441d40695bb20605a364651ab92082748c73649e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.219 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Tennessee Waltz", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/841ecde3b19c35d4a62328fbb0174d6ddd7bcb06", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.285 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Jezebel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0d2cce9c67c5f5e502a880f83308a06c1c99c96f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"(It's No) Sin", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.38 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Eddy Howard", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "(It's No) Sin", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0c4ea02abe70a1c6149af89a03882e0bdfe146d2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"Because Of You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.226 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Les Baxter", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Because Of You", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Be My Love", | |
"Cold, Cold Heart", | |
"If", | |
"Loveliest Night Of The Year", | |
"Tennessee Waltz", | |
"Jezebel", | |
"(It's No) Sin" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.305 | |
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"artist": "Tony Martin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I Get Ideas", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/81cd89ab81b2280baf03224958787611bbe6f077", | |
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"Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"Would I Love You", | |
"You're Just In Love" | |
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"valence": 0.519 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e4c979b482ac136841d8faa5483d8e9b2a163adc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Get Ideas", | |
"Would I Love You", | |
"You're Just In Love" | |
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"valence": 0.571 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Would I Love You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0a230d65b500ae020ddf92a13194ddbc93300ce7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Get Ideas", | |
"Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"You're Just In Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.556 | |
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"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "You're Just In Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3b7b2f7892b3ba7d8f4d0610fafd8251153a7a1e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Get Ideas", | |
"Mockin' Bird Hill", | |
"Would I Love You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.565 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Too Young", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e2003ea3e787be9629ee7201277282b69199a063", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Because Of You", | |
"I Apologize" | |
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"valence": 0.18 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Because Of You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/47b3b139125f33ae2e7148ca5ee2c7e71807222b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Too Young", | |
"I Apologize" | |
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"valence": 0.187 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Billy Eckstine", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "I Apologize", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a6a58ee695e6f230c4441279029015beb7b0bab2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Too Young", | |
"Because Of You" | |
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"valence": 0.13 | |
} | |
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"1952": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ella Mae Morse", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blacksmith Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a610e69e2cfa106af5ec01079713c0b5917c1e18", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Jambalaya", | |
"Botch-a-me", | |
"Glow Worm" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.817 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Jo Stafford", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Jambalaya", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/00ef59bfdba7e3aa489516eb4eb3404a1bbeca36", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blacksmith Blues", | |
"Botch-a-me", | |
"Glow Worm" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.82 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Rosemary Clooney", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Botch-a-me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8c78ea5f5e23613f78e3ab4f2913d7a6f4532c1b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blacksmith Blues", | |
"Jambalaya", | |
"Glow Worm" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.949 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Mills Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Glow Worm", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/39e696b4af307b91870877e387c7073947f5d2a4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blacksmith Blues", | |
"Jambalaya", | |
"Botch-a-me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.882 | |
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"artist": "Percy Faith", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Delicado", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7dce690c565cf7ae8e3ef04e1857f508227ab398", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Kiss Of Fire", | |
"A Guy Is A Guy", | |
"Slow Poke", | |
"Meet Mr. Callaghan" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.73 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Georgia Gibbs", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Kiss Of Fire", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57fdbef1bb49828f7afecd10ad8e30662ce4b8ee", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Delicado", | |
"A Guy Is A Guy", | |
"Slow Poke", | |
"Meet Mr. Callaghan" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.743 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Doris Day", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Guy Is A Guy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f1c4368c513537fb04ea4fc8b3208a594e2fbf85", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Delicado", | |
"Kiss Of Fire", | |
"Slow Poke", | |
"Meet Mr. Callaghan" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.761 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pee Wee King", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Slow Poke", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9be775aa2214b478ca93a4afaa0e2a7cce56b6ec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Delicado", | |
"Kiss Of Fire", | |
"A Guy Is A Guy", | |
"Meet Mr. Callaghan" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.786 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Les Paul", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Meet Mr. Callaghan", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d0fc2669a9b7e7124f8bb5193311cb98e838f12b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Delicado", | |
"Kiss Of Fire", | |
"A Guy Is A Guy", | |
"Slow Poke" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.796 | |
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"artist": "Eddie Fisher and Hugo Winterhalter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Wish You Were Here", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Any Time", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"It's In The Book", | |
"Tell Me Why" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher and Hugo Winterhalter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Any Time", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wish You Were Here", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"It's In The Book", | |
"Tell Me Why" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher and Hugo Winterhalter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I'm Yours", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wish You Were Here", | |
"Any Time", | |
"It's In The Book", | |
"Tell Me Why" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Standley", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "It's In The Book", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wish You Were Here", | |
"Any Time", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"Tell Me Why" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher and Hugo Winterhalter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tell Me Why", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wish You Were Here", | |
"Any Time", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"It's In The Book" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie Ray", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Cry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/037c591f314a478c7e2d9a6ab7a4b3ee58cf3d40", | |
"songs": [ | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.351 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jo Stafford", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You Belong To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/570db84782b3d3b22ac283e3ce1a9315a8d44e58", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.33 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Vera Lynn", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1f5373b8d501fe92c0df62eab0fdd69345b63051", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.216 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rosemary Clooney", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Half As Much", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bff02b38391af3cb9a2e7d517b6ea055211e53cb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.237 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/035bc29126a993d0e6b521485be59256f21f9aef", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.271 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Al Martino", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Here In My Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1fe4434a7274c86e37bec4ef858879d94dcea388", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.22 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie Ray", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0c6afb1c21c400eb89fdfe93152b4e720939ef0a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.287 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "High Noon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37f4b1bb1e26737d85562402099c09f81075a3a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.339 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Cornell", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'm Yours", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90ad80336e1003b7afad6d7eda7e5d821d13da38", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'll Walk Alone", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.31 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Cornell", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'll Walk Alone", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4400d7a177b723027dbffb9693607571d47825ac", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"Please, Mr. Sun" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.216 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie Ray", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Please, Mr. Sun", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0cafd63d3925e411c74e1c9c2514715671cc68eb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cry", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Auf Wiederseh'n, Sweetheart", | |
"Half As Much", | |
"I Went To Your Wedding", | |
"Here In My Heart", | |
"The Little White Cloud That Cried", | |
"High Noon", | |
"I'm Yours", | |
"I'll Walk Alone" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.227 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Leroy Anderson", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Blue Tango", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/592103a2af24d4cd29e6f66f5c48b0cf688f9cc2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wheel Of Fortune", | |
"Tell Me Why", | |
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.534 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kay Starr", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Wheel Of Fortune", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3f9d9e7f962528a268fd9d79f9b21c2e4dc68f84", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blue Tango", | |
"Tell Me Why", | |
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.409 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Aces", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Tell Me Why", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37008fad7dc0c42a19c4b660b0c6828a3c291ea8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blue Tango", | |
"Wheel Of Fortune", | |
"Walkin' My Baby Back Home" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.464 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie Ray", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Walkin' My Baby Back Home", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a4b51603802725ba33bf35757a5b34eb5f350caa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Blue Tango", | |
"Wheel Of Fortune", | |
"Tell Me Why" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.595 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hilltoppers", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Trying", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3d9250ef02a6ad5843cc7811900f22b73b72acaf", | |
"songs": [], | |
"valence": 0.102 | |
} | |
], | |
"1953": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8f128d20a9072e256ba945c6f20f1259f762b400", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Oh", | |
"Anna" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pee Wee Hunt", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Oh", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/48c5dfaae2f8830a5183d6c732997db58186da32", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes", | |
"Anna" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.828 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Silvana Mangano", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Anna", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/172622afcace82cd82a47160b099336f5f8c66f6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes", | |
"Oh" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Doggie In The Window", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6aacd9f652e6a75d201bbfa432f1fa0c392fc53d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"April In Portugal" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.656 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Les Baxter", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "April In Portugal", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/818906cdaf1cf174e089cbcfe72b4a2ec79c00b1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Doggie In The Window" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.632 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Julius La Rosa", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Eh Cumpari", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tell Me A Story", | |
"Limelight (Terry's Theme)" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine and Jimmy Boyd", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tell Me A Story", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Eh Cumpari", | |
"Limelight (Terry's Theme)" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frank Chacksfield", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Limelight (Terry's Theme)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Eh Cumpari", | |
"Tell Me A Story" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3b9ffd23a9844e2cc00ee586cd8be6caed340db1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.254 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You, You, You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d96ac54fcd914e784cbe1d07b6bc2d102ecdd76b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.331 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teresa Brewer", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e1d1018c1711b202c2820eea27a05167d5cf2e11", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.385 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "No Other Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90a4a979069ab408440f54bd229f9b3d3d29caf4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.235 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I Believe", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/186a271cc2bf4b0b3abe7f95dbe13b5e2f52ad6e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.267 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Pretend", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e82c162722d9b16591a0b6eae01a462755e9846a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.278 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Richard Hayman", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Ruby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6942e54adaab166728b2e978b13d1b7ef7a2d3f4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.294 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Anthony", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Dragnet", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad676eb5ea05a2f89f1352e319db9af2075fb4f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.351 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joni James", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Why Don't You Believe Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f608c32a03f7f831030ba6d4951efc59e0a04e7d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Your Cheating Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.262 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joni James", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Your Cheating Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3bc38677b0a90b8dd334716a67dac31f8a2c3044", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Walking Behind You", | |
"You, You, You", | |
"Till I Waltz Again With You", | |
"No Other Love", | |
"I Believe", | |
"Pretend", | |
"Ruby", | |
"Dragnet", | |
"Why Don't You Believe Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.37 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Stan Freberg", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/296b7b3dd9f5cb2219178e2e5e0419237d2b40a8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"Crying In The Chapel", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.542 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hilltoppers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "P.S.: I Love You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/89fc3078bec80ff7ed12990b8796fd04bd08dc8e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"Crying In The Chapel", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.463 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gaylords", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a9186ed003c0ecf977ffa0a0c431b65b0387b120", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"Crying In The Chapel", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.516 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Rags To Riches", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/882e40346f1f32f4e07a0f9bcd7ef9c5a9019f78", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"Crying In The Chapel", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.558 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Say You're Mine Again", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90e4ed096b09377e9cea8fd1be5f1000669946d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Crying In The Chapel", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.414 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "June Valli", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Crying In The Chapel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d42ca054d4be00144004e607465a97a840fc819a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"C'est Si Bon" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.468 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eartha Kitt", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "C'est Si Bon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3fe70ee29e4b117c85941fb230077d1036282115", | |
"songs": [ | |
"St. George And The Dragonet", | |
"P.S.: I Love You", | |
"Tell Me You're Mine", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Say You're Mine Again", | |
"Crying In The Chapel" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.538 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Percy Faith", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Song From Moulin Rouge", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/149ddf1bb189a0b8d1125b176558ae69fd10f197", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Vaya Con Dios", | |
"Ebb Tide", | |
"With These Hands", | |
"Have You Heard?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0573 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Les Paul and Mary Ford", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Vaya Con Dios", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a11107b1e66b537bc1c8c650d08d749a897b5170", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Song From Moulin Rouge", | |
"Ebb Tide", | |
"With These Hands", | |
"Have You Heard?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.192 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frank Chacksfield", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Ebb Tide", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5c711727a247bc318fb7d322c390f17bb12233c0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Song From Moulin Rouge", | |
"Vaya Con Dios", | |
"With These Hands", | |
"Have You Heard?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0581 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "With These Hands", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bd85b9a8abd746baac0b05a7860b29fa57f78d27", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Song From Moulin Rouge", | |
"Vaya Con Dios", | |
"Ebb Tide", | |
"Have You Heard?" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.145 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joni James", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Have You Heard?", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/53490fe9c83d3a4ec4f2df9ff29e49c5edb3ff64", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Song From Moulin Rouge", | |
"Vaya Con Dios", | |
"Ebb Tide", | |
"With These Hands" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.171 | |
} | |
], | |
"1954": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jo Stafford", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Make Love To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/22e00e2692a7ce4e806f23e53a58d4c1c15499d7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.819 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Knights", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Get So Lonely", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/485ad0c8d1dcd2404e15e4a6d9f9740485b49f9f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.967 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rosemary Clooney", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "This Ole House", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/44f0b47dac6fad9328b87413c0d76a8b8277490f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cf780455af7db24b7631cf4d4f153e3ca7a99252", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.888 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gaylords", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Little Shoemaker", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/030a563b9fc29cd331f14f4d3baecccedb458901", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.968 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ralph Marterie", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Skokiaan", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/633b45160a2abf5979bf2170c784ec0dd3cfe6cd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.852 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Papa Loves Mambo", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0ac2eee56a4dd3ee43bd770e54c7168effd67fda", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Shake, Rattle And Roll" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.896 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Haley and His Comets", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Shake, Rattle And Roll", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Make Love To Me", | |
"I Get So Lonely", | |
"This Ole House", | |
"Cross Over The Bridge", | |
"The Little Shoemaker", | |
"Skokiaan", | |
"Papa Loves Mambo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.829 | |
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"artist": "Archie Bleyer", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Hernando's Hideaway", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2018e7a1d9a1d4bbb0fee67df2244b1b88f3fcc2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Need You Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.703 | |
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"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Need You Now", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2750fd9fbd64dfae00ee5c8dedf1eb69e7199861", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Hernando's Hideaway" | |
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"valence": 0.749 | |
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"artist": "Frank Weir", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Happy Wanderer", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Kitty Kallen", | |
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"name": "Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Answer Me My Love", | |
"If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"Hold My Hand", | |
"Changing Partners", | |
"Here" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.242 | |
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"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Answer Me My Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cfbcae42fdf71df30b87d732747962a15162188c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
"If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"Hold My Hand", | |
"Changing Partners", | |
"Here" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.25 | |
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"artist": "Doris Day", | |
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"name": "If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c2d526e61235cb0387f3eab2eb825106557f99df", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
"Answer Me My Love", | |
"Hold My Hand", | |
"Changing Partners", | |
"Here" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.34 | |
}, | |
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"artist": "Don Cornell", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Hold My Hand", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9c93f896e8e3a9f9701108c5b6f241a67324eb41", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
"Answer Me My Love", | |
"If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"Changing Partners", | |
"Here" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.325 | |
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"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Changing Partners", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fcea5abe73a8beaae9d4a1d18281f454d265e1e3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
"Answer Me My Love", | |
"If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"Hold My Hand", | |
"Here" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.262 | |
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"artist": "Tony Martin", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Here", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0ec6aacaa61a101b5eb3f5f7d803015d38e7de79", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Things Mean A Lot", | |
"Answer Me My Love", | |
"If I Give My Heart To You", | |
"Hold My Hand", | |
"Changing Partners" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.373 | |
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"artist": "Perry Como", | |
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"name": "Wanted", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.403 | |
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"artist": "Crew Cuts", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Sh-Boom", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/79bd0d73b31e7a5e01aa0b714987757f54769b96", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.519 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5b62233a28424cba0c1db66be2a9de086ec8139a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.487 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Four Aces", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5fbeaa4e7f2fc6019307ad1609db9178fbbed235", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.51 | |
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"artist": "Frank Sinatra", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Young At Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c77b2662845bb22d28075cb419ac43cf9e4af97d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.434 | |
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"artist": "Dean Martin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "That's Amore", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7d265bb7120d01c467e2be3bbc7a3462d9dc2b99", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.474 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Kay Starr", | |
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"name": "If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9cf43c378f578d238d33b9d033d777ef4cdf9691", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"Rags To Riches", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.4 | |
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"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
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"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.558 | |
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"artist": "Four Aces", | |
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"Wanted", | |
"Sh-Boom", | |
"Oh! My Pa-pa", | |
"Three Coins In The Fountain", | |
"Young At Heart", | |
"That's Amore", | |
"If You Love Me (Really Love Me)", | |
"Rags To Riches" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.484 | |
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"artist": "Rosemary Clooney", | |
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"name": "Hey There", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Secret Love", | |
"Stranger In Paradise", | |
"In The Chapel In The Moonlight" | |
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"valence": 0.171 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Doris Day", | |
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"name": "Secret Love", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Hey There", | |
"Stranger In Paradise", | |
"In The Chapel In The Moonlight" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.184 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Stranger In Paradise", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ef5cf632624c03b5195f3f92d08f9f5c08090a8e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Hey There", | |
"Secret Love", | |
"In The Chapel In The Moonlight" | |
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"valence": 0.103 | |
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"artist": "Kitty Kallen", | |
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"name": "In The Chapel In The Moonlight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/de9821a4789a5a46280e0ef34972e7a1c2db2a82", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Hey There", | |
"Secret Love", | |
"Stranger In Paradise" | |
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"valence": 0.179 | |
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"1955": [ | |
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"artist": "Mitch Miller", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Ain't That A Shame", | |
"Tweedle Dee", | |
"The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.939 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Ain't That A Shame", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/61e0cf8fb0ab6f64f1fda3ebd370fec2f5b9b6de", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Yellow Rose Of Texas", | |
"Tweedle Dee", | |
"The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.808 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Georgia Gibbs", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tweedle Dee", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8b92960cfd26d02e69ae3196190f5c1b938404fc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Yellow Rose Of Texas", | |
"Ain't That A Shame", | |
"The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" | |
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"valence": 0.898 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8731b23cecaf552ddb1baf87dcf34d6aca4126ed", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Yellow Rose Of Texas", | |
"Ain't That A Shame", | |
"Tweedle Dee" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.832 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Perez Prado", | |
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"name": "Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Rock Around The Clock", | |
"Sincerely", | |
"Dance With Me Henry", | |
"Learnin' The Blues", | |
"Ko Ko Mo" | |
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"valence": 0.732 | |
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"artist": "Bill Haley and His Comets", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Rock Around The Clock", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
"Sincerely", | |
"Dance With Me Henry", | |
"Learnin' The Blues", | |
"Ko Ko Mo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.737 | |
}, | |
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"artist": "McGuire Sisters", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sincerely", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bc7e663996549090c444347c3dcf13fbbc3de227", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
"Rock Around The Clock", | |
"Dance With Me Henry", | |
"Learnin' The Blues", | |
"Ko Ko Mo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.683 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Georgia Gibbs", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Dance With Me Henry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/31081d0e3d3bcb63bb212e4e3a28b3fab7647bdb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
"Rock Around The Clock", | |
"Sincerely", | |
"Learnin' The Blues", | |
"Ko Ko Mo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.777 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frank Sinatra", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Learnin' The Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c0c67fcb43ef2af93f5bf822eed20107974fe0ce", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
"Rock Around The Clock", | |
"Sincerely", | |
"Dance With Me Henry", | |
"Ko Ko Mo" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.613 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Ko Ko Mo", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a8030d6172ad5f6619a0d0cf84129fe5ac619baa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White", | |
"Rock Around The Clock", | |
"Sincerely", | |
"Dance With Me Henry", | |
"Learnin' The Blues" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.795 | |
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"artist": "Bill Hayes", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Crazy Otto Medley I & 11", | |
"Hearts Of Stone", | |
"Honey Babe", | |
"That's All I Want From You", | |
"It's A Sin To Tell A Lie" | |
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"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Crazy Otto", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"Hearts Of Stone", | |
"Honey Babe", | |
"That's All I Want From You", | |
"It's A Sin To Tell A Lie" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Fontaine Sisters", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Hearts Of Stone", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"Crazy Otto Medley I & 11", | |
"Honey Babe", | |
"That's All I Want From You", | |
"It's A Sin To Tell A Lie" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Art Mooney", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Honey Babe", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"Crazy Otto Medley I & 11", | |
"Hearts Of Stone", | |
"That's All I Want From You", | |
"It's A Sin To Tell A Lie" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
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"artist": "Jaye P. Morgan", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "That's All I Want From You", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"Crazy Otto Medley I & 11", | |
"Hearts Of Stone", | |
"Honey Babe", | |
"It's A Sin To Tell A Lie" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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"artist": "Somethin' Smith and The Redheads", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "It's A Sin To Tell A Lie", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"Crazy Otto Medley I & 11", | |
"Hearts Of Stone", | |
"Honey Babe", | |
"That's All I Want From You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Roger Williams", | |
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"name": "Autumn Leaves", | |
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"songs": [ | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.241 | |
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"artist": "Les Baxter", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Unchained Melody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7b50b497abeee3c6f64d5e516ae69a468c493412", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.225 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Four Aces", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/93f164f1477dc2122b253a7c7a5a07ecfe4a4b46", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.304 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Billy Vaughn", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Melody Of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7a506c2bc47104a49b0c53e584eaf5f8d64e5e18", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.262 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Tennessee Ernie Ford", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sixteen Tons", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b3d49a9174a98dccb7ea3c8f6f41e6824a45acf0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.393 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Lads", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Moments To Remember", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a832715dc5b1b287f1ed4be2d65876f15eef748b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.352 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joan Weber", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Let Me Go Lover", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dac612e7e953aeeb4a84ade2ec7ed3ea0b93ae1a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.323 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Al Hibbler", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Unchained Melody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90b4fb6fd614d78837dfdc5b67d13089c0c92aee", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Hard To Get", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.259 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gisele Mackenzie", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Hard To Get", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0a234925bd75d97aa0d93bebeaeb9ff747bb0c40", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Only You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.234 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Only You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3838de29f7c20685b07022f6fd0e8bbcba8f9b2f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Autumn Leaves", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Love Is A Many Splendored Thing", | |
"Melody Of Love", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Moments To Remember", | |
"Let Me Go Lover", | |
"Unchained Melody", | |
"Hard To Get" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.336 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chordettes", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Mr. Sandman", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/335ad5f3de7e70a22ff95507a23593d555add5f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"A Blossom Fell", | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.599 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "A Blossom Fell", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a8a1d5066390dbb5bb445f63d8630752b328ac26", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Sandman", | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"The Ballad Of Davy Crockett" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.438 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fess Parker", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8472f695570d1c5c3920e96e89423b8122161b3d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Sandman", | |
"A Blossom Fell" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.598 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tennessee Ernie Ford", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Ballad Of Davy Crockett", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2486efcedb19b128eb4268d80ba3f84d59cc2c7b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Sandman", | |
"A Blossom Fell" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.542 | |
} | |
], | |
"1956": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Don't Be Cruel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/55f71e5caaccf649dd8c1ab9742cd0c09e1e65e7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.836 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hound Dog", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f683997c027a50649aa3b6c627cd67bd1a9364f5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.949 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hot Diggity", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/17b2b10834de3353ab16a0014835c0474b80ea34", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.971 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Carl Perkins", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c7cface76828f18c76ceb4e889570486e9cf9836", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.97 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jim Lowe", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Green Door", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/df3074f1c2985661f35248c341bf07a8c973fcb9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.823 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Doggett", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Honky Tonk", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4d4bbdecab674c4ad9dba65d1c508895b347f3c6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.889 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I'm In Love Again", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/db4fa859a89f807ea951870879c406806e80b976", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blueberry Hill", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/481a3c72d4ec407e30bd8f2a7c75ce611c0928ec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.836 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sanford Clark", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Fool", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/95952944c2a46b075aafb6a508388cdd36e5bfb3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.81 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Robertson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Happy Whistler", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bfdfc1a93cfc26c14de565cc7703fbe3c99f3a7e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.898 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Richard", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Long Tall Sally", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/238e9d3374c73b23c643ce3c37851775948de396", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.883 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frank Sinatra", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/988f2980855abf24e3db7544e0e2731510c4f3f1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.9 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Dungaree Doll", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2eb5c983d47658de55a376f749d999f90250fca1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.822 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gale Storm", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bd13f169e6dd309cdbfbf66b6b36f974caa2eead", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.84 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Juke Box Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7372dba3c607aad5ccf7001dbbae5aaac810c79e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.887 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Glendora", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f9cd076e324ee77be38410910d68c0e71133b715", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.853 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tutti-Frutti", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dfecd97771bff789a38509222f2c02b31ea4e514", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.81 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Cadillacs", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Speedoo", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6efb1c3ee41b743a44c741b08750685d6df816bc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.941 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "My Blue Heaven", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ce24835d2283268c2bdd16a4639f72d3370deb2b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.975 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Want You to Be My Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0ecfccd83b152273c5a0d267e51767abd98243cd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"Bo Weevil" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.922 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teresa Brewer", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Bo Weevil", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ffecf5b5d6c08c9619a8217250dade601b361597", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Be Cruel", | |
"Hound Dog", | |
"Hot Diggity", | |
"Blue Suede Shoes", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Honky Tonk", | |
"I'm In Love Again", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"The Fool", | |
"The Happy Whistler", | |
"Long Tall Sally", | |
"Hey Jealous Lover", | |
"Dungaree Doll", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Juke Box Baby", | |
"Glendora", | |
"Tutti-Frutti", | |
"Speedoo", | |
"My Blue Heaven", | |
"I Want You to Be My Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f57b3ba45451dabdf48d825a21880525a1c06b30", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.719 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Les Baxter", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/eb367b65b551ab93bcb1b7ac4bd41efa82e57ace", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.778 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Doris Day", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0b6fbe52a0d553e7f96b91188d1d6d6f347e9e34", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.723 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kay Starr", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bcd4a18c3551e379c2295fb53f309ac742c29606", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.671 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Great Pretender", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4c808797127b696409db762dd7cf9947b709e62b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.664 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2821fcc2eb2ae761550ffc25af9446492e9ed5f2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.743 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie Ray", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/776d30c9e32992712beb3269f8c4b7cbbcd5f1a9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.629 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patience and Prudence", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0a88367c1dc9f9b61f859c08309347ea2c4c944c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.729 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Vincent", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/becb309d764eed2d4fb92c0243247fdddb8c2c8b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.782 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/22c446191707ce98386a84338d9620618a2d00d5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.797 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Lads", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Standing On The Corner", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2d211d60817728302d6d0ebb67e4792b9a465a67", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.755 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Haley and His Comets", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "See You Later Alligator", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1b4755ba5397b4bb3fe9d02dd1c2ef9dd975a039", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.756 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Cherry", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Band Of Gold", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/97a9d893887ef6a3baa1e55de0166b765f8f89a7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.651 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Singing The Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7a1fc460fc3515e73ace0930bfa521c6bb98bf28", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.639 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teresa Brewer", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c818d0283589155d1996a201f9683c464157ed43", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.731 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joe Valino", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Garden of Eden", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/63f2390f9586b9beb6bc0664e721e2e56e18126d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.686 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Al Hibbler", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4b0c930216e5e28771e923effaa43c900ae31bd7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.734 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Diamonds", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2f06fcbd89d8657522a9da2be8dda6d1d5076a52", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.633 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "You'll Never Never Know", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3b06c7166489f89016c7e7d9bcc48853b21cc0d1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.733 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/72655d1746583a9f3530453181b87668dea415c7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.612 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Diamonds", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f8fba2760c6b1e7d307b5cefc01492973d76111e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"Treasure of Love", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.78 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Clyde McPhatter", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Treasure of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/abdb06b9c768f23a79a921e01a74df6f2128272a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Lay Down Your Arms" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.749 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chordettes", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Lay Down Your Arms", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fe0aae97f908ff5019cf3e5fcc9eef7842ba377f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Heartbreak Hotel", | |
"The Poor People Of Paris", | |
"Whatever Will Be Will Be (Que Sera Sera)", | |
"Rock And Roll Waltz", | |
"The Great Pretender", | |
"I Want You, I Need You, I Love You", | |
"Just Walking In The Rain", | |
"Tonight You Belong To Me", | |
"Be-bop-a-lula", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall In Love", | |
"Standing On The Corner", | |
"See You Later Alligator", | |
"Band Of Gold", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Sweet Old Fashioned Girl", | |
"Garden of Eden", | |
"After the Lights Go Down Low", | |
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love", | |
"You'll Never Never Know", | |
"Can You Find It in Your Heart", | |
"The Church Bells May Ring", | |
"Treasure of Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.746 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Morris Stoloff", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Heywood and Hugo Winterhalter", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Canadian Sunset", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Buchanan and Goodman", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Flying Saucer", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "George Cates", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dream Weavers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddy Heywood", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dick Hyman", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Vince Martin and the Tarriers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Otis Williams and the Charms", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Ivory Tower", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rusty Draper", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Are You Satisfied", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jo Stafford", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Rondo", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Two Different Worlds", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jane Powell", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "True Love", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Richard Hayman and Jan August", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Moritat", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eileen Rodgers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Miracle of Love", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lawrence Welk", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tonight You Belong to Me", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Richard Maltby", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Theme From the Man with the Golden Arm", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"The Flying Saucer", | |
"Moonglow And Theme From Picnic", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Soft Summer Breeze", | |
"Moritat (Theme From Threepenny Opera)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Are You Satisfied", | |
"It's Almost Tomorrow", | |
"Two Different Worlds", | |
"True Love", | |
"Moritat", | |
"Miracle of Love", | |
"Tonight You Belong to Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "My Prayer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/521aaf2efd557d072ed2f7326f1cc3833b2f466b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.249 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Lads", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "No, Not Much", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dd696ca66cf74a3698359ec25f5e85b1e00a7867", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.328 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tennessee Ernie Ford", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sixteen Tons", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b3d49a9174a98dccb7ea3c8f6f41e6824a45acf0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.393 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Cathy Carr", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Ivory Tower", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ac0d178c0f949b2d8e5f99b3bd0a96a5c76ccf6f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.347 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'll Be Home", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a75fcd368ca7e7f0ba5c53e725682b8486ebb2d6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.336 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chordettes", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Born To Be With You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/09b2ef54983d62a467d673c7ad6dec27e51ad14e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.288 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "True Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0663e950686ec81dfd868214181599044a3f9b86", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.246 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f5d19f5a219d2c7e193e2068cf2292f9d3cc0ceb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.214 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1b04c44b40703169d4795b0013ff13c4c1cb8dc5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.265 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "George Hamilton Iv", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/209bd8e653e535388a6357a25659c4e842ce3b8e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.32 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Fisher", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5a67b7dc38028a7e8d89df6acb3b68e9668b13e6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.361 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Vale", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You Don't Know Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c5af1436daf108bd8e1b1446b1b54d4801642c51", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.387 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gale Storm", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Ivory Tower", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3c900d2e2cfe8c60384c3ed8ecc3ee9ed40fe0ac", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.359 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mitch Miller", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Song For a Summer Night", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f9041b39fa9c237d9a90ac05b0ed26484414f2d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.34 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gale Storm", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Teen Age Prayer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3e44daf609d34372d8fb2507925829e724f12f01", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.384 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "McGuire Sisters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Picnic", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b3a39810e31462534f232f2375b23abcaadf3ce9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Mama From the Train", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.224 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Mama From the Train", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/922d43fa8623a95477c2dbecde14657297ceb977", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Band of Gold" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.309 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kit Carson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Band of Gold", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2155c780ea074b596e166eaddfe916f72f24f409", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My Prayer", | |
"No, Not Much", | |
"Sixteen Tons", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"I'll Be Home", | |
"Born To Be With You", | |
"True Love", | |
"It Only Hurts For A Little While", | |
"Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)", | |
"A Rose and a Baby Ruth", | |
"Cindy Oh Cindy", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Ivory Tower", | |
"Song For a Summer Night", | |
"Teen Age Prayer", | |
"Picnic", | |
"Mama From the Train" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.343 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nelson Riddle", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Lisbon Antigua", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/835923f88bad46214566655b8fce2b6f48b03fb4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.506 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gogi Grant", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Wayward Wind", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0ac92e597a2857d8431ede74caeddda2a89bf970", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.519 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dean Martin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/550732e1d805a8e732dca114556d8da83fc5bfb6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.53 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Vic Damone", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "On The Street Where You Live", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4988b23cb95b85b761bc0f7a393d4d434a642bd3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.401 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Magic Touch", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5f5a0920e959394e2b152976c1d425320cb5b28b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.492 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "More", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9b49a14b6bcbe9c072c0b2f1e58dd8c72547e4b4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.493 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nervous Norvus", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Transfusion", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a0a89d8f600cda35c9aa9131b7603d4a8c37abe8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.588 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teresa Brewer", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "A Tear Fell", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/446358b96f32f34b64a47469e1700433e575d8a8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.547 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lonnie Donegan", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Rock Island Line", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0acadd2c99a875d7dd19ddd53c92cb9af91bd7e5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.463 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Canadian Sunset", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/542687203c8a3bd092848237cb34e09019f344c6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.491 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crew Cuts", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Angels in the Sky", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e624d47678e9618bd27bd96d03ad860fc2e83641", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.424 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "That's All There Is to That", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/36476d3722e61858a744e10f5cadfd0d9da8b28e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.408 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Cash", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I Walk the Line", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/540c0262ddb121816bb5a98c7d2cae9dcbe03be1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.57 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fontane Sisters", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Eddie My Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fdd1d72986cc71999db418d392b65f42edfb88a0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Night Lights", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.572 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Night Lights", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/85d6455c504b97ba69a873d2e9518597932617ac", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Lullaby of Birdland" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.406 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Blue Stars", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Lullaby of Birdland", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9d308ccc7d221a6d28652cf45ac8b3745fb7b039", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lisbon Antigua", | |
"The Wayward Wind", | |
"Memories Are Made Of This", | |
"On The Street Where You Live", | |
"Magic Touch", | |
"More", | |
"Transfusion", | |
"A Tear Fell", | |
"Rock Island Line", | |
"Canadian Sunset", | |
"Angels in the Sky", | |
"That's All There Is to That", | |
"I Walk the Line", | |
"Eddie My Love", | |
"Night Lights" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.569 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "I Almost Lost My Mind", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a3ffea10ae443edd8ead45bb9058af0cdb6e58ba", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Me Tender", | |
"Allegheny Moon", | |
"Walk Hand in Hand", | |
"Mr Wonderful" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.165 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Love Me Tender", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3ae359d1ccc57e963caa86915c16a690d68d94e9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Almost Lost My Mind", | |
"Allegheny Moon", | |
"Walk Hand in Hand", | |
"Mr Wonderful" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0971 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Allegheny Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/47b6f5df18fe694346e3ed5116ae8548a0f200e5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Almost Lost My Mind", | |
"Love Me Tender", | |
"Walk Hand in Hand", | |
"Mr Wonderful" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.137 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Martin", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Walk Hand in Hand", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b608b9614c15bad8337d5890a64e778c50ca4c14", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Almost Lost My Mind", | |
"Love Me Tender", | |
"Allegheny Moon", | |
"Mr Wonderful" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.192 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Peggy Lee", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Mr Wonderful", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b516ba0bc3af31b4fb4362f63e13aafc6754e23b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Almost Lost My Mind", | |
"Love Me Tender", | |
"Allegheny Moon", | |
"Walk Hand in Hand" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.158 | |
} | |
], | |
"1957": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "All Shook Up", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37d6cf73b8235af5f0ed3bab584f6728edecc49c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.953 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Diamonds", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Little Darlin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1a2465a0b0d7c4668fdd69551533ef5d180a5256", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.829 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Too Much", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/36499d2587b3379a280c44368a381a89208e7a42", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.912 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Bye Bye Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/368d7fd160e6fa3d61d58e17b018f70b19ab7b0b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.901 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/309baac2ad5fc1f8dfb6c83ee24415f23123091e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.929 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Jailhouse Rock", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/29990f669b5328b6c40320596a2b14d8660cdb54", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.916 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7af0b0e4d8adc4df9ca18b597f6f279ea4419f0b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.919 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Coasters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Searchin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5a968830e4ccf06f6d660d8d57f92c49a3f57ccb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.936 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Berry", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "School Day", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1c26ce3e9880501b8127613f275716ec9bc78519", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.963 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Diana", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/552f07cb0f0e4c3b61cab6537048ed181361284a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.959 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmie Rodgers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Honeycomb", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f573449e3c268f90c2109ab0663161219f16e3a1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.925 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Lee Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2d1c138e3b102a940dc718f55f3f844124c0748d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.845 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crickets", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "That'll Be The Day", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/26a2038c313989e9c9b94838825c736148230a51", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.877 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I'm Walkin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/76664ba9ac6aeeba4511ab5571c1e287346b6c51", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.976 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Be-bop Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6a904dbd43ea4fce7a4cf5ba84e1e1982fed6973", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.909 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jim Lowe", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Green Door", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/df3074f1c2985661f35248c341bf07a8c973fcb9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.823 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobbettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mr. Lee", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d807abc46ed16b16bf397d4a5f57a522b0214621", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.872 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blueberry Hill", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/481a3c72d4ec407e30bd8f2a7c75ce611c0928ec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.836 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blue Monday", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/afa75129ebfd8d71339401c69055c938a88c4ced", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.947 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Betty Johnson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Dreamed", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/52e86e25eb6c5650c6c5d631c47e64c69fc24c9b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.918 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Buddy Knox", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hula Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4b17c1bb7f629158578d45f2a93d8801de8b42c5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.888 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hilltoppers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Marianne", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ca18d6b1216c83495f8ed0973abc14263b830baf", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.894 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ames Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Melodie D'Amour", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/024de6bd431ede294a9765f0daf5e28302943a44", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.869 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Thurston Harris", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7579821a9f29ff30ccaebfe93e4c367fe565b800", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.902 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Steve Lawrence", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Party Doll", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/625da4a384f716a8427238c34f412331a13360c0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mickey & Sylvia", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Love Is Strange", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e8256da5150b8eab22a6b66f7439b863ed520ceb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.813 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Berry", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rock and Roll Music", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8549d452c079bc3d5e4de818feec5b6af60277f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.877 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Richard", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Jenny Jenny", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/10310bbc5d0023265243420e3a90d52203400e9c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.854 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Richard", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Keep a Knockin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a6d389a9702c607777644e5db2b6ea15a4c3c389", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.967 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Vincent", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lotta Lovin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2158f0b38063b73b474a95802d8644b8ad1c19b8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.96 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ernie Freeman", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Raunchy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/78e97514b09373298a1af7a6f9027d0d68ce2a70", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.862 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rock-a-Billy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/800d050808e2ed418364ef8570c16ed8d204ae42", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jim Dandy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.932 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lavern Baker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Jim Dandy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8b69208b19f65ebb7440c82956f9b9dfbba82035", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Black Slacks" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.918 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Black Slacks", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7fc334405f1fe5e2d16b7ff0f94a101ae048c009", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All Shook Up", | |
"Little Darlin'", | |
"Too Much", | |
"Bye Bye Love", | |
"Teddy Bear / Loving You", | |
"Jailhouse Rock", | |
"Wake Up Little Susie", | |
"Searchin'", | |
"School Day", | |
"Diana", | |
"Honeycomb", | |
"Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On", | |
"That'll Be The Day", | |
"I'm Walkin'", | |
"Be-bop Baby", | |
"The Green Door", | |
"Mr. Lee", | |
"Blueberry Hill", | |
"Blue Monday", | |
"I Dreamed", | |
"Hula Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Melodie D'Amour", | |
"Little Bitty Pretty One", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Love Is Strange", | |
"Rock and Roll Music", | |
"Jenny Jenny", | |
"Keep a Knockin'", | |
"Lotta Lovin'", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Rock-a-Billy", | |
"Jim Dandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.913 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Dorsey", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "So Rare", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/09a4945f7983abe4b7a75c05adca17ad00c9a010", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.707 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Don't Forbid Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bd2eb9f05ace7759a36cb6758cf346fc9840dcd1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.68 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Singing The Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7a1fc460fc3515e73ace0930bfa521c6bb98bf28", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.639 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Round And Round", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f8586c6b9766d4874b8b62827d8ac9c129614c80", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.745 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Buddy Knox", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Party Doll", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a00758d28035267bbe10b64027b75a1706fca277", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.649 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marty Robbins", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c80cd79eb5652dc14be4d115156519e68f79984d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.726 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ferlin Husky", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Gone", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/03203a5e65541357e62844d0a5992f3e7a3f7687", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.628 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Teenager's Romance", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f597b73e1ff609c2f41d453396986712eb55a333", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.669 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Charlie Gracie", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Butterfly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e5012aeefabb201493e002931c40ceb82e910f9a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.787 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Sands", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Teenage Crush", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6a413fac215b9f8413ecb34e313e6b27bfdd4108", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.646 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rays", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Silhouettes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad78a9a843806c9118fcf3979ee93eeb6a6d8006", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.703 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Butterfly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ddbe588e8cf1bd1b716fe0c25a885f05b0e69f16", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.677 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Send For Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6e788a9bdc741a94ea1eedbb6299383b4024d664", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.624 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dell-Vikings", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Whispering Bells", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cc8298428c90e0c607ecac6db8907e045955d331", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.645 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Justis", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Raunchy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f2a39010c8467262c5806375d080e9ef42198adc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.73 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Harry Belafonte", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Jamaica Farewell", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a2b07e8f35e4e5a091f3fd30ac7a4433cb35e64a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.724 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Why Baby Why", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/54e2dc6ba686f189a6d9b8e59b7ef9f527953a23", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.766 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ivory Joe Hunter", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Since I Met You Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/861f7b1a6f0a0c1968113e6ed3c9a22ae390fe70", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.653 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Bennett", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "In the Middle of an Island", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d6854184ebc9720f7a9bb946d703d908a671d026", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.798 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnnie and Joe", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/82d6aa6329bafc70cf44b2de582301d64355a74a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.696 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Coasters", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Young Blood", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/943367f53f6f4967402064858454d55c64e1775e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.67 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7ca6e48a69cda6125ecb632885598396b97503bf", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.724 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Bernardine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b00fe6437b08eeb3d2d66e48d693ba77c73a55d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Start Movin'", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.648 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sal Mineo", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Start Movin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5ebd32f4f3c486a4116efcd8f3d59f41eaf5ba63", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.792 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patience and Prudence", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7e5a0fe08390f64a5bfc0d2488f22cbca9fc53f3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"So Rare", | |
"Don't Forbid Me", | |
"Singing The Blues", | |
"Round And Round", | |
"Party Doll", | |
"A White Sport Coat (And A Pink Carnation)", | |
"Gone", | |
"A Teenager's Romance", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Teenage Crush", | |
"Silhouettes", | |
"Butterfly", | |
"Send For Me", | |
"Whispering Bells", | |
"Raunchy", | |
"Jamaica Farewell", | |
"Why Baby Why", | |
"Since I Met You Baby", | |
"In the Middle of an Island", | |
"Over the Mountain Across the Sea", | |
"Young Blood", | |
"I Like Your Kind of Love", | |
"Bernardine", | |
"Start Movin'" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.676 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Larry Williams", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Short Fat Fanny", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Williams", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jane Morgan and the Troubadours", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Fascination", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Ward and His Dominoes", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Star Dust", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Rondo", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "White Silver Sands", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Margie Rayburn", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I'm Available", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Larry Williams", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Bony Maronie", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Freight Train", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rusty Draper", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Freight Train", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"I'm Sticking with You" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Bowen", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I'm Sticking with You", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Short Fat Fanny", | |
"I'm Gonna Sit Rlght Down And Write Myself A Letter", | |
"Fascination", | |
"Star Dust", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"I'm Available", | |
"Bony Maronie", | |
"Freight Train" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sonny James", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Young Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4a509ff56ad468c2b30b171dfcc604c1e7d76e10", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.386 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Debbie Reynolds", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Tammy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5282af663ac34f3e339d82d9fc0d096533b20bd2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.321 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Terry Gilkyson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Marianne", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c21c2921fea3b381b44d18711aa4e82b98564fb6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.375 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Mathis", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Chances Are", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2c037f113c91f95a3a2f533e61c632dbdbb78456", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.292 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patti Page", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Old Cape Cod", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a38443c4a1e8d3efe6769765180ff373f29ac4d7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.233 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Helms", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "My Special Angel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cd92771595689010018d6b1f17b662d7dbd932aa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.286 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tune Weavers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d2ad666f6eca8a4e4c7065e8aaa542bf9dff124e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.288 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jim Reeves", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Four Walls", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a8768474510b474f8ab075617ecf7856daa6d076", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.229 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marvin Rainwater", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Gonna Find Me a Bluebird", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8a82010dd30a7c388b7de9a628f068d0c23bd35a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Loving You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.384 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Loving You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cbafa3ed8026dac75bd1c0969974e0fe40aa7d49", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Tammy", | |
"Marianne", | |
"Chances Are", | |
"Old Cape Cod", | |
"My Special Angel", | |
"Happy, Happy Birthday Baby", | |
"Four Walls", | |
"Gonna Find Me a Bluebird" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.35 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/63c66ced0c168f620b6fe89aaa59a5ab0649b04d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.527 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tab Hunter", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Young Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e25456cb7c96040e8d3d104737f2c493f731b3f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.454 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Harry Belafonte", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/743dc7ee44897959a68d3bbbe202107931cc4455", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.426 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Dell-vikings", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Come Go With Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/097665ff692266faf177ef5061f186c005bf8d6c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.5 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "You Send Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/663274e9f6673b6e509731dd3aedb9b8163f126b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.46 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tarriers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Banana Boat Song", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6c80e9c9053b61b324ff010fdc2aa9b282906c8e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.468 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gale Storm", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Dark Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e581f3cf1789c85ee362002673123758f20a6845", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.428 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Laine", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Moonlight Gambler", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/af34dd0ceb0a256cd648eb0c2890449a42ba11ef", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.484 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Mathis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e6c5418ec321d6556442212726ebad96386e3f6e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.463 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Russ Hamilton", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Rainbow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9d836843ba4af4f9c15fa9139e19259f4708841f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.571 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Mathis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d73a825f930202595a2eebc024998620ee67e5f3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.581 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Lewis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7903595b5c41a6e39aadbf6ccc549fb1d714b051", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.491 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Lads", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Who Needs You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c3fec7fb8b08f20bd5e8afcb8dc5042dcd7092a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.418 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bonnie Guitar", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Dark Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c44bdc96feb9e42055d9345976b733aef70bc2b5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.422 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Willis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "C.C. Rider", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b1d721b9801e78f6291afd43f6a1b982e7019b65", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.549 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Valley of Tears", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0b6f80bff431ccd2c4d9163682094f30e2da9a7f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.56 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Remember You're Mine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/87b1b903a3d3adda5675d9ab2c79abee2e92a3ef", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.457 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Harry Belafonte", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Mama Look at Bubu", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/13866f6cd2f41aef779291ecd892e1abe90786f5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Shangri-La" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.561 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Coins", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Shangri-La", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cbed5a5bfbf96061ee0ece180ef0dc1410a33c18", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Letters In The Sand", | |
"Young Love", | |
"Banana Boat (Day-O)", | |
"Come Go With Me", | |
"You Send Me", | |
"The Banana Boat Song", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"Moonlight Gambler", | |
"It's Not For Me To Say", | |
"Rainbow", | |
"Wonderful! Wonderful!", | |
"Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody", | |
"Who Needs You", | |
"Dark Moon", | |
"C.C. Rider", | |
"Valley of Tears", | |
"Remember You're Mine", | |
"Mama Look at Bubu" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.458 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Love Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3ae359d1ccc57e963caa86915c16a690d68d94e9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Around the World", | |
"Around the World" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0971 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mantovani", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Around the World", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f4a95d495681b46ce4b64df010707de20278b366", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0913 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Victor Young", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Around the World", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9ee10a2350621610b6182d1c65b9fe32d689517d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Love Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.111 | |
} | |
], | |
"1958": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "David Seville", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Witch Doctor", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ce9b3727e6972edabcc4ccd2e167ff22ad014bfb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.918 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perez Prado", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Patricia", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b9268b54f3129d11416460282d8fb960ad471230", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.928 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Champs", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tequila", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2c88f827c751d5e53c9ce222cf04ce5d40c879b1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.894 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sheb Wooley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Purple People Eater", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5bd7c747d743c520fad8ac2da7ed7d3950c6f56d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.893 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Silhouettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Get A Job", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/722c3f2bebafcbf2f861747c0a42a24d34985c1c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.824 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Danny and The Juniors", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "At The Hop", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ff7fb30ffff3ee7aab8371024ae4f0f802d8502c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.952 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Coasters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Yakety Yak", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/979ed69d82eee4eb979a1d6644becaf9727a1e61", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.974 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "McGuire Sisters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sugartime", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1594020122790f99db4a1786fec98d9bcc7d861d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.882 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Berry", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/861a8301ca0ceec7a5da958b935c71dd42da9f06", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.96 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Royal Teens", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Short Shorts", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a96e85e87e832b031e02ece4746ae496d5cb9ceb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.896 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Lee Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c82700523403782c119f7ccef2a07484d0acb878", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.936 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chordettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lollipop", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e8bab9c6881c5639acfd62a49dcc79f845333fd2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.841 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Splish Splash", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3e71bdb292d7112e3a5f4320f39ab79f35f50e58", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kalin Twins", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "When", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/62c397e0108fdba5b9cdf89a65b1b46f265d2fb1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.944 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Duane Eddy", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rebel-Rouser", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e339cd811df048b9191facc0211ec0c7c85f5b6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.871 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Gibson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5b4ba1c769a12ca6bea1e18fe3ba61c4aa4b8aa1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.949 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Big Bopper", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Chantilly Lace", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6d6217870a7fc2307aab43100e90ae9f98628504", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.939 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mitch Miller", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2744310ae6fa6b3d5302d2feb6927bfd9d0cf798", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.843 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Queen of the Hop", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/80405ece8ea1b0d6fc93f2a8a19fd52f44b25903", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.945 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Will Glahe", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/656ff1a17cdbef542ecb4c6ead465b873d0f4708", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.952 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Got Stung", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c3a3c994bfaf83abfdafc198c5a92104359b13a6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.975 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Got a Feeling", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1dd239ce573e6f15d2e18ce5335e1042bb9e9290", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Otis Show", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b6d793bbd118b09dc868fd2e6aa64ba4d088516b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.883 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crickets", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Oh Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fc35559431626602cbb4fe0171018bb2f2bb6833", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.836 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Berry", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Johnny B Goode", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d32f3b9a09f1b59a4c09de6a6304895221fc91e9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.968 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Cochran", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Summertime Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d5326fc947c21aee1c394e4ee2f27a17f4d38cc0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lou Monte", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lazy Mary", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bd549bcf42d30b047a2148ca0171ea7d9da71b6b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.972 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy McCracklin", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Walk", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6470fa2bf7a271a9923dbb506fb8a7fa5810c0c9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.888 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Kewpie Doll", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ee95968342bd51dcbe06cb0b75b41debadf3e863", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.904 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Dede Dinah", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/29087a08f8c44ff24ce832621e3ad4104c5615b0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.969 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kathy Linden", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Billy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/da9b6451e367d55507f6a024fdec6390ef42b84f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.801 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Cash", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5541e3b0db378ee432dfce0094dbb42460719eb3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.841 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roy Hamilton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Don't Let Go", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/84d6bb455295d64b38e53943b46fe952f516b384", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.9 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hollywood Flames", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e7fa34b2005c50a9c292de30a8a2aab7b809e2c7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Breathless", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Lee Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Breathless", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f97ce2f451844c8cef6d06c889d89cd826782048", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Ginger Bread" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.832 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Ginger Bread", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e1c932cfada14a4702521a5f1893d0a07d1ee48d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Witch Doctor", | |
"Patricia", | |
"Tequila", | |
"The Purple People Eater", | |
"Get A Job", | |
"At The Hop", | |
"Yakety Yak", | |
"Sugartime", | |
"Sweet Little Sixteen", | |
"Short Shorts", | |
"Great Balls Of Fire", | |
"Lollipop", | |
"Splish Splash", | |
"When", | |
"Rebel-Rouser", | |
"Oh Lonesome Me", | |
"Chantilly Lace", | |
"March From the River Kwai and Colonel Bogey March", | |
"Queen of the Hop", | |
"Liechtensteiner Polka", | |
"I Got Stung", | |
"I Got a Feeling", | |
"Willie and the Hand Jive", | |
"Oh Boy", | |
"Johnny B Goode", | |
"Summertime Blues", | |
"Lazy Mary", | |
"The Walk", | |
"Kewpie Doll", | |
"Dede Dinah", | |
"Billy", | |
"Guess Things Happen That Way", | |
"Don't Let Go", | |
"Buzz-Buzz-Buzz", | |
"Breathless" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.973 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Edwards", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "It's All In The Game", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2c08a6c6efa789997feb9bb5cfcf0cef8717c50a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.628 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elegants", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Little Star", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/020ed02ce51dee8a4c6dac2b598c0b4d7c2c494b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.717 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Laurie London", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b8e3ea55e94842eee4e179418589b3e312c184f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.751 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Poor Little Fool", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ded387d45d57e5f948e2e3e7b3bd417b8fd3841f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.79 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Clanton", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Just A Dream", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/262f6083b364a9691ddb9573212d469e2a29a2ba", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.737 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Anthony and The Imperials", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Tears On My Pillow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b52fb61de3b42f76f91b956150dd65b3dc11e404", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.601 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jack Scott", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "My True Love / Leroy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8b4433c277a00bfab8d1d65f9638b77d1f0fac57", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.75 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Diamonds", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Stroll", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9b9dbc7fa710a57805913c1076d4f58ee2f592a1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.669 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Buddy Holly", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Peggy Sue", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9fa9947469b39219c709261dc12587a91dcfa27c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.623 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "One Night", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/92ee142473361aa8b3fe6d89aeff6c593d52eed9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.756 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Robin Luke", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Susie Darlin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6763aed3ad4a4fb5d1c7c4a207c0dd81c3839ba1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.786 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmie Rodgers", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad0713654bbabecb512315ca21b9b3da94d236f1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.68 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Poni Tails", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Born Too Late", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f95c607a5d63120f95315d8bd590d391cbd997a2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.777 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Preps", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Big Man", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bf4a692cd846301291e7569f5544a58b4f054439", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.796 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chuck Willis", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "What Am I Living For", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57e0ba3044bf65702ceb550c2f1cbb727b1338f9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.691 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Cash", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Ballad of a Teenage Queen", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/14fd38b03564e3ff89ebed80cf548adae428c9c2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Poor Boy" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.618 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Royaltones", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Poor Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/08f1bf0260ddb725365c252db3ad05591325f7b0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's All In The Game", | |
"Little Star", | |
"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands", | |
"Poor Little Fool", | |
"Just A Dream", | |
"Tears On My Pillow", | |
"My True Love / Leroy", | |
"The Stroll", | |
"Peggy Sue", | |
"One Night", | |
"Susie Darlin'", | |
"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine", | |
"Born Too Late", | |
"Big Man", | |
"What Am I Living For", | |
"Ballad of a Teenage Queen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.764 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Vaughn", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Perry Como", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Day", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Cozy Cole", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Dorsey Orch. and Warren Covington", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jody Reynolds", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Endles Sleep", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Freeman", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rick Nelson", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Lonesome Town", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Playmates", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Problems", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Jennie Lee", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jan and Arnie", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Jennie Lee", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"The Story of My Life" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marty Robins", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Story of My Life", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"All I Have To Do Is Dream / Claudette", | |
"Don't / I Beg Of You", | |
"Sail Along Silvery Moon / Raunchy", | |
"Catch A Falling Star / Magic Moments", | |
"Bird Dog / Devoted To You", | |
"Stood Up / Waitin' In School", | |
"Wear My Ring Around Your Neck / Doncha' Think It's Time", | |
"Wonderful Time Up There / It's Too Soon To Know", | |
"Rockin Robbin / Over And Over", | |
"Topsy II / Topsy I", | |
"Looking Back / Do I Like It", | |
"Tea For Two Cha Cha", | |
"Endles Sleep", | |
"Do You Want To Dance?", | |
"Hard-Headed Woman / Don't Ask Me Why", | |
"Lonesome Town", | |
"Beep Beep (The Little Nash Rambler)", | |
"Problems", | |
"Jennie Lee" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Domenico Modugno", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a0e2ef35a1613d868ca54ec824696df2300b1451", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.359 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Conway Twitty", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "It's Only Make Believe", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f7cf3dd1e7eb949051e112d6d1a4cfa59b1b0946", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.357 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Twilight Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e8ff79212513791fc186a88f6e63445a793492af", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.355 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmie Rodgers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Secretly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5ecb1d79a49143a832df94a3aaecd4993264e7ac", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.359 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Teddy Bears", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ab4e904957399db7629a61ff84976b5d1b3f5082", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.36 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Preps", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "26 Miles", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/11b8551e53ccc339b2b79eb5f155c067b27c7751", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.368 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Earl Grant", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "The End", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7b19f18289dd7854d7bae772c871e4632757a107", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.323 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Are You Sincere", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b7d8d5a349aaa6b72bcbee139ff0d1cd2f0f32d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.266 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Peggy Lee", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Fever", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5e0b72c42939b9ba41df08162b3bcde490c0319e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.347 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ed Townsend", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "For Your Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/82090abd3761fcf3887ed440c524f9116913a0ed", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.375 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/228206ed675a1a16dfb1a1eddc6df3d3db451dde", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.279 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sugar Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/267adf04cd9fc13d2c12c933c649e0be00c6aaae", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Maybe", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.337 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chantels", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Maybe", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1b994a6812e15e75043b2b01ff51baea511065ef", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"I'll Wait For You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.356 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'll Wait For You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/417a7e62341a6e97c818f2146c3db068e8de5a60", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"It's Only Make Believe", | |
"Twilight Time", | |
"Secretly", | |
"To Know Him Is To Love Him", | |
"26 Miles", | |
"The End", | |
"Are You Sincere", | |
"Fever", | |
"For Your Love", | |
"It's Too Soon to Know", | |
"Sugar Moon", | |
"Maybe" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.38 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kingston Trio", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Tom Dooley", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1fa36d9d3502d32789ce5e4a03a227a0fcbb793b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.532 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Monotones", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Book Of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad50d1835ef05730a118114c6551c0cb685f39c1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.574 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Who's Sorry Now", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/99d3585ebcd233049929ad24b93d51d7115f2253", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.466 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "April Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f6ce1669613de1a480330f0843386aaac6b16862", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.409 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crescendos", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Oh Julie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/15c0f0a98acfd9e4ac4305f0038418594fb676c4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.519 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roger Williams", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Near You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ed6f02d5bd471ecae2dc6908e639edd3019cd766", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.585 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "You Are My Destiny", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/290e58181ebfe14449ba378bfa062e48a499f1a1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.575 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Art and Dotty Todd", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3d6e3866a36cf216c1ba1e90cecc1b39035ff913", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.472 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "George Hamilton Iv", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Why Don't They Understand", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e580fb7dcd098b6823051e109c7b43b1e8ecfd47", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Devoted to You", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.449 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Devoted to You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/68f55fa8bc4512adac1ca3f9c442c50246fc375a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Western Movies" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.516 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Olympics", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Western Movies", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cbfff83f9a1c5f3e9d43b9507c5947e37eed1673", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tom Dooley", | |
"Book Of Love", | |
"Who's Sorry Now", | |
"April Love", | |
"Oh Julie", | |
"Near You", | |
"You Are My Destiny", | |
"Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)", | |
"Why Don't They Understand", | |
"Devoted to You" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.533 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dean Martin", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Return To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8c596bd16f0d39c78fad05ff4bcf3579a2ac884a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"All the Way" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.185 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frank Sinatra", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "All the Way", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d49d07de661d7ef9dedf3b05f39814abc004d9c7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Return To Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.189 | |
} | |
], | |
"1959": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Horton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d96e37c04389f84979393efdad7cd11e97d9ad6b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.922 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lloyd Price", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Personality", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8274f7b172cf7a7b858f0c0e7db4b4312b5e5755", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.882 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lonely Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0136f7f3e074e477c73f2a17a869eeed9a5d771c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.823 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Wilbert Harrison", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Kansas City", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/93938a281874e43250b8d7c2799c5fb54a3621b1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.903 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dodie Stevens", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Pink Shoelaces", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e79374b85933b627377c8a0c42c1b677b3cf3cde", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.884 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Coasters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Charlie Brown", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9282c5a7122ec3dfe3acc9b9f1f049b9a1330726", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.88 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Carl Dobkins Jr.", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/74ea3059fc94ead6d7b17df4ed775e2e30d3325f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.821 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dave Baby Cortez", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Happy Organ", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/019d04dcf9e308eab4c38ce3bca1727d9bcaf56c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.971 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1b84f134e646eb5dab37bc3df58bbc82d6168638", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.919 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Drifters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "There Goes My Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5e2988e556991299474b3e86c334750cc46b8d7b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.878 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Stonewall Jackson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Waterloo", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5d34e5577091d0bad28a6fd9fe46d65867b39de0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Virtues", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/28c9388bc1b1cb8e991bc27331327bf794bfd1a6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.956 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fabian", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tiger", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5944a26511153f08087dcca2b0fed5e6f96419d0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.881 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a8832f8ffd271f45d636ac41551b3f5db825cd91", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Parsons", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The All American Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f10fb776ab273ef5cc6079581d5bb08d6b0ecb37", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.97 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sarah Vaughan", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/951980fc20fbab138eb5bfc47e255543da41c929", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.83 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Grammer", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Gotta Travel On", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/81e23baca85b1e42d74f4630c12f6a68997d33fa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.883 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Coasters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Poison Ivy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f1b56404401a8250613b3eb03e9b7da182273b7d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.957 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jackie Wilson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lonely Teardrops", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/542f104f37b855b572e37995d467cc73b7cdf1b5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.899 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Duane Eddy", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad6dbe2e49d61d651255e7e276d2ce7a16b46707", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a6099b64c57f3ff17d3c95302151d6ee6334d326", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.955 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Bell Notes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I've Had It", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e688e6a8d6f4b0e528910fcd92cfec8e54de6603", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.933 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Anthony", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5cc54526a9a6b183f243d3ca1f54fea310dc4eb4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.895 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Clyde Mcphatter", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "A Lover's Question", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c9bc0f8e1f84936478039acf2a3adcdb5e68ea1b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.95 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "It's Late", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/792931182693907e1c9027997f5f921dc9abf4f7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.881 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Annette", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tall Paul", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ae978c853fc3e60027779998c8cd20cc50eb6a6f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Just A Little Too Much", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b0e565e9d5efd0e73321ef74dba740b4427afad3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.968 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Coasters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Along Came Jones", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ad4660c8d299b564944017532ef33acd492ea984", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.824 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Skip and Flip", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "It Was I", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f0c4fdb973a5f5e5845a89222ff67acef7822938", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.96 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Heartaches By The Number", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/94b715e80ebd3f0581f6f071d7c878397d7993a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.859 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Ford", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sea Cruise", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c74b2ba1e9ed621ff074f6567573ec2bea527160", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Kissin' Time", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.954 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Kissin' Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/50b365661eaee94bb23991369fa48760b6388427", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"In The Mood" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.931 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ernie Fields Orchestra", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "In The Mood", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0c1326f525c43b921bb79e8fb59cfacdf84c9638", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Battle Of New Orleans", | |
"Personality", | |
"Lonely Boy", | |
"Kansas City", | |
"Pink Shoelaces", | |
"Charlie Brown", | |
"My Heart Is An Open Book", | |
"The Happy Organ", | |
"Lipstick On Your Collar", | |
"There Goes My Baby", | |
"Waterloo", | |
"Guitar Boogie Shuffle", | |
"Tiger", | |
"I Need Your Love Tonight", | |
"The All American Boy", | |
"Broken-hearted Melody", | |
"Gotta Travel On", | |
"Poison Ivy", | |
"Lonely Teardrops", | |
"Forty Miles Of Bad Road", | |
"Just Ask Your Heart", | |
"I've Had It", | |
"Peter Gunn Theme", | |
"A Lover's Question", | |
"It's Late", | |
"Tall Paul", | |
"Just A Little Too Much", | |
"Along Came Jones", | |
"It Was I", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Sea Cruise", | |
"Kissin' Time" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.974 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Venus", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/76ac60b0df1ddbd08ed65718e8a90a093d822128", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.714 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Dream Lover", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f2cfbea96801e0fe3ecc810fd674214a7d8b1ce4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.71 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fleetwoods", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Come Softly To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8526001b3ee3d8dbc0b72f59be751cfa7f3f0b03", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.685 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lloyd Price", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Stagger Lee", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/520dde220fd097424b1f23bd365902ac67ff3d1f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.778 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Martin Denny", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Quiet Village", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8b26767fdb43e19a43bf503471341ab8493735ec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.762 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c1719c80d7145e735caba90b0d2a1a77ea8827b2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.685 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lloyd Price", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a257a5969ee070069a15e3121328d2c708ed9a64", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.676 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Impalas", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/48ac2818f529f2e3b99c068f43f9b8455ab3bcc6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.785 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion and The Belmonts", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Teenager In Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d88b79266941d5c732807322664705a4e127829a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.694 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crests", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "16 Candles", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bde5ded3e4da181a698dee2c2926584e6fef7b08", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.602 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8b8d8150498bd703a1f0c65e34946fcc811462de", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.799 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny and The Hurricanes", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Red River Rock", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bf91414018e4bf930d8a6aae2cc4e299eb3563dd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.773 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/df6e589ac8d6ddf0c7c5f7cf09b22cd176903823", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.71 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sandy Nelson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Teen Beat", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5e3f240dd3900e3932f0b7561dced2d96aee693f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.6 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3a2b0e1d4d1d61c1b0135649c6245974ce75ee7b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.676 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "What'd I Say", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f1ba866a9dae60ca159fec52aac4ad36bce32d57", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.785 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fabian", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Turn Me Loose", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bf19592f437155d7b682a3dae837984669b030a7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.732 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Frankie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/47ec512334b3cc44780c364579a6e96474421b99", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.698 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Skyliners", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Since I Don't Have You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/38f75a4387f6c754ff1805ee82ddce7e52f3e60f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.643 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/65d898668da69c0d003342a1f9384c03159f32f2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.795 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kingston Trio", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Tijuana Jail", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/827c56bf42490d9c74850d63a59b0b988f2a35a1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.623 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jack Scott", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Goodbye Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/55e25e6c9d226407b0d83091a7ce90044b8a4863", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.773 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Endlessly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fe483fa8b8b2f75a0ec07a587f6f56dc2b3d3b57", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"You're So Fine", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.784 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Falcons", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "You're So Fine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/11eb9926d28224a50dce989cfaf9e277ce72f7b4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"Morgen" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.678 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ivo Robic", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Morgen", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1c689a08854e869044524d6a5cf2aae03a38d1af", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Venus", | |
"Dream Lover", | |
"Come Softly To Me", | |
"Stagger Lee", | |
"Quiet Village", | |
"(Til) I Kissed You", | |
"I'm Gonna Get Married", | |
"Sorry (I Ran All The Way Home)", | |
"A Teenager In Love", | |
"16 Candles", | |
"A Big Hunk O' Love", | |
"Red River Rock", | |
"(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I", | |
"Teen Beat", | |
"Never Be Anyone Else But You", | |
"What'd I Say", | |
"Turn Me Loose", | |
"Frankie", | |
"Since I Don't Have You", | |
"I Want To Walk You Home", | |
"The Tijuana Jail", | |
"Goodbye Baby", | |
"Endlessly", | |
"You're So Fine" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.684 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sammy Turner", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Edward Burns and Connie Stevens", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Freddie Cannon", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Talahassee Lassie", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "David Seville and The Chipmunks", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Travis and Bob", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tell Him No", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "David Seville and The Chipmunks", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Chipmunk Song", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Dee and Carol Kay", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Three Stars", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kathy Linden", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Reg Owens Orch.", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jackie Wilson", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "That's Why", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"Take A Message To Mary", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Take A Message To Mary", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Evans and The Curls", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "(Seven Little Girls) Sitting In The Back Seat", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)", | |
"Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)", | |
"Talahassee Lassie", | |
"Alvin's Harmonica", | |
"Tell Him No", | |
"The Chipmunk Song", | |
"Three Stars", | |
"Goodbye, Jimmy, Goodbye", | |
"Manhattan Spiritual", | |
"That's Why", | |
"Take A Message To Mary" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Browns", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "The Three Bells", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2e340a66358a313413012559f87e2f6e11b092eb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.327 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fleetwoods", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Mr. Blue", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c5b0e056b84e34dd0a48ee14717c98eb69a05c74", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.211 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ritchie Valens", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Donna", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d16e11119beac31135932d455dfcbf554ac6b8ae", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.389 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2b2b8a18f16a65da7a10cf972cfa0f6289cc5ee6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.235 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Phil Phillips and The Twilights", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sea Of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6c55198b3b9f19d2c43aebc4786799c422cf0586", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.29 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "My Happiness", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/aa2c3a8f13bae97a0eee6a73276fab58963b5e26", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.317 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Della Reese", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Don't You Know", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3ef5dd8759dc8a0b28b3f0e5b01cfbd262a44519", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.348 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jerry Wallace", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Primrose Lane", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dc92e20f2d25f52c6fcabe06d4bae6511c2ee055", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.35 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Lonely Street", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/63a7210ec31dae5db67b1090f8e619f0f81e14e4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.247 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Franck Pourcel", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Only You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b8f164e1ff2fa6bb9adad99938a1af094215da3c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.284 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Enchanted", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6c4abec2c3540c582f4aed7560d0ef2cb96befe8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.256 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fiestas", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "So Fine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d4254a30a31a3ed190e52e2ccfc3d96e6c7baafb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.366 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Flamingos", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9eb472806b40eef9a7230633ecd51a45c28cda12", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.311 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6a5692fe4849bd0f0665d9e167d63fe64d5aa4ad", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.353 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Sweeter Than You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/25f5896211ad5193bcd9f58e329259cb42944ab2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"My Wish Came True", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.288 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "My Wish Came True", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/747febfc652652b1d417a78fb60cbdb327cef83e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"Battle Hymn Of The Republic" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.243 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mormon Tabernacle Choir", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Battle Hymn Of The Republic", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/11ec84d039e1aa761e3e7b68f3967699fe7a2a40", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Three Bells", | |
"Mr. Blue", | |
"Donna", | |
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes", | |
"Sea Of Love", | |
"My Happiness", | |
"Don't You Know", | |
"Primrose Lane", | |
"Lonely Street", | |
"Only You", | |
"Enchanted", | |
"So Fine", | |
"I Only Have Eyes For You", | |
"A Boy Without A Girl", | |
"Sweeter Than You", | |
"My Wish Came True" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.237 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Mack The Knife", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e8b0f9dfca9fd213711a72271025bcb8014e4a13", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.451 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Santo and Johnny", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Sleep Walk", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f818a000cf899ab75844679aaa0946c875dca8bc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.459 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e53f4c7323a033e23cc05dd67211c165c0258c8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.48 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/51e10a293e73c9651d51afe8bd2f416159cd32e6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.434 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lavern Baker", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I Cried A Tear", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/50a9e25f25566ef8a70d54fc9599d17ed8850de2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.561 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a2c0892d7978a0aec2fba42bf67df52d654f481e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.569 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Wink Martindale", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Deck Of Cards", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/194016b81db58d5520ce5b7cc742f67c02fa7df9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.508 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chris Barber's Jazz Band", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Petite Fleur", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/463ece7f0b79e44e6cbc0ac02a98965c975a2287", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Baby Talk", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.478 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jan and Dean", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Baby Talk", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6671d874aa75dfb94769405a7166ce73fc8cd697", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Bongo Rock" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.505 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Preston Epps", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Bongo Rock", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/eea62a038f58c6a3e60a1acb8b3ea5d04ab56af6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mack The Knife", | |
"Sleep Walk", | |
"Put Your Head On My Shoulder", | |
"It's Just A Matter Of Time", | |
"I Cried A Tear", | |
"Bobby Sox To Stockings", | |
"Deck Of Cards", | |
"Petite Fleur", | |
"Baby Talk" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.45 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Thomas Wayne", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Tragedy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ca720c15e09a856170034d0c7528dd376e47e303", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What A Diff'rence A Day Makes", | |
"Hawaiian Wedding Song" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.181 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dinah Washington", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "What A Diff'rence A Day Makes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b65df9f5d3e34997b84b3b3ba425570d9e1218db", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tragedy", | |
"Hawaiian Wedding Song" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.171 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Hawaiian Wedding Song", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/673c41529604f38d4c80430ef136d3666c486600", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tragedy", | |
"What A Diff'rence A Day Makes" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.166 | |
} | |
], | |
"1960": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Percy Faith", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8312667a50c3908c5aea84554eefb2812159d2fb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.864 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Cathy's Clown", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69c63a844f61f0073d8c37052cef53ce028e151d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.866 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Preston", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Running Bear", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2f892626e1b7c60a4f3e5b87dab893262d987651", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.834 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Jones", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Handy Man", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0fa56de7b5c982d35a8c87b243dbfcc052cae3f0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.946 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Stuck On You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d1aaf7d0ff8c3096f6745b3c0ff9fe808c949356", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.954 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Twist", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b075b715d84528dee3dc5365e17784113a2fc752", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.955 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/659174907d9d19566ff8db6ae979086e1fd25b99", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.806 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wild One", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c1155cebb32729d617793876e4d8d81d098926b7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.897 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hollywood Argyles", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Alley-oop", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/433a0ebaa2ab90711a381fc92cd46ea524619fdb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.885 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sweet Nothin's", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b64f93b189be09018020622224f7b5a0855d368f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roy Orbison", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Only The Lonely", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/426751548e95cd2e36881448ec82d5ef1c3c39bc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.928 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ventures", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Walk, Dont Run", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/86fed2f0a5ee929e2bab8664da0db5977c7215e8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.953 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Drifters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/155cf0b2ea496dce0fe52b0657f209e042aae7f8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.887 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Horton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sink The Bismark", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/91df37ffd0919b8de31ac921edd739aa53ca1a76", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.963 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Chain Gang", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1a3b08a36cabdf1f2ed20a2552aa0abb5def33ea", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.816 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Jones", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Good Timin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6c149e7a9ff50729e989c5dfc7e1acdde78fc4d7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.953 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Clanton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Go Jimmy Go", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/63ee30b0d7d390a7e2f12b81d512231bb19333db", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.941 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Duane Eddy", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Because They're Young", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e9cd1b729c3d2484219f95e478868bf228c41512", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.941 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Steve Lawrence", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5880eaab2c163b9e5509ea5d5478d656f7181686", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.907 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Freddie Cannon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f16298c2ecef38934f5b22306c725067a2396e60", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.814 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Preston", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Cradle Of Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c98a128b249d2df5300c2c34045b3c62743bea34", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.866 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marv Johnson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "You've Got What It Takes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ce589935e53ab6977ce7b0d59778ce5beb3bfca4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hank Ballard and The Midnighters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a30ed6f231cd983386201d426d45f0001ca58d16", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.905 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Bland", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6da69789203ea4247fd0651c328c194b8068a13b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bill Black's Combo", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "White Silver Sands", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2020048348ea33d107defd63aff4e5e27c29ff04", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Preps", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Down By The Station", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0ee94dd24087a8843045903cdfed158cccbad551", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.972 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Donnie Brooks", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mission Bell", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0423b07cea30662c90f590a86829aa39721ce24f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.847 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marv Johnson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Love The Way You Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1e9e2808a712a5dd87935420ce73a3218e35f458", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.852 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Steve Lawrence", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Footsteps", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/15124db4f147bfa32aa933cadc115b1b9656081b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.95 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/153984f4c1ac043e2c72d16bfe8e0edbd776383f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.957 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Walking To New Orleans", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/481a3c72d4ec407e30bd8f2a7c75ce611c0928ec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.836 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Swingin' School", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e1448584abea6a6f059a95185d9e508445fd2b6b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dinah Washington and Brook Benton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57c0eafb03a0b12e475a7525b716d8f9c518fcd8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.958 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Neil Sedaka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Stairway To Heaven", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/681ecb3d30f6362cf1cd138b60cc40d682dda602", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.902 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "My Home Town", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/252c020d01ddfc14ff6eb55a6fcc6fe7ea182f20", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wonderful World", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8aaf03977a5caa7ab2995e71e07b735a77c9a8de", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.872 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crests", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Step By Step", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1edde4700d98eb64949d3ab46eed30e52a988044", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.94 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Evans", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/81181cc4a71aa8266d9d76b89822db2645f2536d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Tillotson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Poetry In Motion", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a1cd1cbd6893f0e35b2626704bdea06c35ed0b86", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.856 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny and The Hurricanes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Beatnik Fly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e002f6f1290bd42399456ef4c35cf390935a2f67", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.929 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bob Luman", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3a12455d32ec99d0769f69b73bfeb4be2bd7a8b2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Heartaches By The Number", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.951 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Guy Mitchell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Heartaches By The Number", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/94b715e80ebd3f0581f6f071d7c878397d7993a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Little Bitty Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.859 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Little Bitty Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e023f285792827a39e4b062e30aa191b6ad7a562", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From A Summer Place", | |
"Cathy's Clown", | |
"Running Bear", | |
"Handy Man", | |
"Stuck On You", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Everybody's Somebody's Fool", | |
"Wild One", | |
"Alley-oop", | |
"Sweet Nothin's", | |
"Only The Lonely", | |
"Walk, Dont Run", | |
"Save The Last Dance For Me", | |
"Sink The Bismark", | |
"Chain Gang", | |
"Good Timin'", | |
"Go Jimmy Go", | |
"Because They're Young", | |
"Pretty Blue Eyes", | |
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans", | |
"Cradle Of Love", | |
"You've Got What It Takes", | |
"Finger Poppin' Time", | |
"Let The Little Girl Dance", | |
"White Silver Sands", | |
"Down By The Station", | |
"Mission Bell", | |
"I Love The Way You Love", | |
"Footsteps", | |
"That's All You Gotta Do", | |
"Walking To New Orleans", | |
"Swingin' School", | |
"A Rockin' Good Way", | |
"Stairway To Heaven", | |
"My Home Town", | |
"Wonderful World", | |
"Step By Step", | |
"Happy-Go-Lucky Me", | |
"Poetry In Motion", | |
"Beatnik Fly", | |
"Let's Think About Livin'", | |
"Heartaches By The Number" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.819 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "It's Now Or Never", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d58680d1825633ca41a9e78edf8a4bc585632e32", | |
"songs": [ | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.6 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marty Robbins", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "El Paso", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0bde321c4359f861ff60b39354607e4a97f2acd1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.697 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/668b46f560b17ebb1bf00a2150ede08bc0dfd8c7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.658 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Stevens", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sixteen Reasons", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b32acf8e638b1a9a14ac3e469d4624797d89fef3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.629 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Conway Twitty", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fa84f474515cb96db939ba5d68d337ca74ccdd8f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.639 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fendermen", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/02b367b199145aafc9ce918239c3394a98a1e510", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.669 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Vee", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Devil Or Angel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f166a99e6b42fe8b9aa2bcec1667a11230bd64c8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.647 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Kiddio", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ee82064fa78526cdfa82faa664eae331837f1864", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.716 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lloyd Price", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Lady Luck", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e0fbebea2c263b0153a33fc826b1d7c4ef241c51", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.794 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Burnette", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Dreamin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/15253f769ee92e46a00bad3814ba426c5e9bc5b5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"You Talk Too Much", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.775 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joe Jones", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "You Talk Too Much", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/83d1d802b579462d05e55b07b120b3f5759a1887", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.721 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Maurice Williams", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Stay", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/94ac7ba7c6037b4b380cd078a105bb66495d1a08", | |
"songs": [ | |
"It's Now Or Never", | |
"El Paso", | |
"My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own", | |
"Sixteen Reasons", | |
"Lonely Blue Boy", | |
"Mule Skinner Blues", | |
"Devil Or Angel", | |
"Kiddio", | |
"Lady Luck", | |
"Dreamin'", | |
"You Talk Too Much" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.744 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brian Hyland", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton and Dinah Washington", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Anita Bryant", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Paper Roses", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Safaris and The Phantom's Band", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Image Of A Girl", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Spencer Ross", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tracy's Theme", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Money", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Barret Strong", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Money", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Sandy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Larry Hall", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Sandy", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini", | |
"Baby (You Got What It Takes)", | |
"Paper Roses", | |
"Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)", | |
"Image Of A Girl", | |
"Tracy's Theme", | |
"Money" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jim Reeves", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "He'll Have To Go", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c0a9bc3dfd30c45748f7acc2e6f19290f0402abd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mark Dinning", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Teen Angel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a0b1a49748d50a8ffcdeb8c87bb630c37bfbf733", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.353 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I'm Sorry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1cdaaa7cc22d90889c6951c49d54117048e2b244", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.315 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brothers Four", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Greenfields", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/185d85efd37a81131d091f63cfbc46e7bd95c4b9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.347 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Let It Be Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/299345ce2925a654f4a850f4ebb32a1b8fa01d82", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.303 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jackie Wilson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Night", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/398e270e0974304ad2b94ae396231852325e1033", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.238 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jack Scott", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Burning Bridges", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/452e68f33ea09ce7df863138a13fa72dc99a8fec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.23 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Toni Fisher", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "The Big Hurt", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c0e3047ef7b53984dc1821f6c0bf240bc78b9b08", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.305 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Platters", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Harbor Lights", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3632e8889c269ae47d05927dfce390917a5ce20d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.288 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bedd69fb512e9ba7004dc2a7d009481570bf9dab", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.227 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Dippers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Forever", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/022667fdd24c8b4e8d76ae484fdb820532f3f304", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.362 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Peterson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c786f892d65c90286d796b2ebe506c096f86baa5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.287 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "So Sad", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/98e944517858f1b08d6fbf8d6b42e021d80c91c9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"Georgia On My Mind", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.397 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Georgia On My Mind", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5834ec699740470c2cea4cbdcf806209b625087f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Young Emotions" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.239 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Young Emotions", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/153b7edd6bf7f861d4c2e78378f766138dc3840b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"He'll Have To Go", | |
"Teen Angel", | |
"I'm Sorry", | |
"Greenfields", | |
"Let It Be Me", | |
"Night", | |
"Burning Bridges", | |
"The Big Hurt", | |
"Harbor Lights", | |
"The Village Of St. Bernadette", | |
"Forever", | |
"Tell Laura I Love Her", | |
"So Sad", | |
"Georgia On My Mind" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.382 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jack Scott", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/72f1d13dbeb0986b173d4432f66d68f0d058d08a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.485 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion and The Belmonts", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Where Or When", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/de7374df3cdfd263255948eee3d5b0e9eba6cb5d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.401 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Puppy Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37de5f76136ec88d838234e82716951b74e4b4bb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.57 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Frankie Avalon", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Why", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/67736cba6b7299417ba5eb56c82e072cc41f50b9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.59 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Beyond The Sea", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/265a0fffe03b363973ddf23f0c8f4e55a3d0b45a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.574 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7e1e02aaf5b3b8ed0f6130921909c663e1af9ccb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.476 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Hank Locklin", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8270bf43f00ebddeafd02fd2957e0022ed7e5191", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.562 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ron Holden", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Love You So", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4f6e089dc5527d2c6bc64fca9364282ace323203", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.59 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jeanne Black", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "He'll Have To Stay", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/01dac4e49caa9f004dfd95d0cc38ad7a30226b29", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.41 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Charles", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "A Million To One", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9e44be30ca758e304769f1a51d6c2c7d4c4eb280", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.428 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Browns", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Old Lamplighter", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d02d7ba2eff74d38d548c0c1f533baf1c9f2bb60", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.538 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "It's Time To Cry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7444a40f08c78cf829abcbab68302a0dffc86e15", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.553 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Among My Souvenirs", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7266216d22f2216ad1ce442d50ee478027fdc027", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.472 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Skip and Flip", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Cherry Pie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2d8b173cd1f515247e6f2b66d51b3494aa33fe0d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.509 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Annette", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "O Dio Mio", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/eab9c0e0efc4a7f42f98c0cddd3d9a9a3068598a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.429 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "When Will I Be Loved", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e623c3d52cdbeda94be0bc573eb848dd09d92108", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.575 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Anita Bryant", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3275a706262296afa357ae543a0cee656f993a03", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"Doggin' Around", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.419 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jackie Wilson", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Doggin' Around", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9fd11c4f661227995e9032ca8678307bfeb5b6bd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Lonely Weekends" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.458 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Charlie Rich", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Lonely Weekends", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2fac574157455d3f33604d4f12c1dd43483c7155", | |
"songs": [ | |
"What In The World's Come Over You", | |
"Where Or When", | |
"Puppy Love", | |
"Why", | |
"Beyond The Sea", | |
"I Want To Be Wanted", | |
"Please Help Me, I'm Falling", | |
"Love You So", | |
"He'll Have To Stay", | |
"A Million To One", | |
"The Old Lamplighter", | |
"It's Time To Cry", | |
"Among My Souvenirs", | |
"Cherry Pie", | |
"O Dio Mio", | |
"When Will I Be Loved", | |
"In My Little Corner Of The World", | |
"Doggin' Around" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.453 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Larry Verne", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Mr. Custer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/259c58b91228939f77b1464535454068e3b2e97e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From The Apartment", | |
"Mama" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.0609 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ferrante and Teicher", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Theme From The Apartment", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6cb3fd4fef3501425364dcc3dbbfa84050283eeb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Custer", | |
"Mama" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.109 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Mama", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90c1b1ba541120accdb07fdfbfa1c7dbab9f89b4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mr. Custer", | |
"Theme From The Apartment" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.125 | |
} | |
], | |
"1961": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d340a8b24bc643759f7ef677c9bf570e6626464c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Del Shannon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Runaway", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d8a09da2ab6c31b347cdb3ed66474614ab01d470", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.85 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Pony Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f12f65d2ee3eefe7e88f0a3f6de2226d03394690", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.913 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "String-a-longs", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wheels", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b7b5ef0549a4de7ab73ad8e8bfe1927d418b707e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.874 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lawrence Welk", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Calcutta", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57a328a200f9ec137daaad25c93501f636dd373d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.96 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mar-keys", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Last Night", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a5c78a01bf9f0065b7b246a7072e1556b966f6d1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.864 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hit The Road Jack", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a82465cf67352a5925b5d6688560c921a931f25d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.956 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dovells", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Bristol Stomp", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/80a90c24702ced938ed8325bd4a394b2285afca3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.915 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Travelin' Man", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cf9162102cdf3ac329aba9136a3f4379b0da5f6c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.87 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Miracles", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Shop Around", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/aba788606916d99aaaf40746a29bb0fa1010af58", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.886 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/783a51dcb8af9e36b4d89681c35fd44375e2fa19", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.906 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dick and Deedee", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Mountain's High", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d5ca87ed5cb201d8a1669b9080b5c5b0a200bc1f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.82 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Floyd Cramer", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "On The Rebound", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b6ac710cdcab94bae6102b96c39a1affa819861b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.963 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Barry Mann", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e3f76d2b8d12b3de6f71512ee94251ead44b5418", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.84 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Neil Sedaka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Calendar Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7660ad12a17ff63ebf785c1f09e3708e4b564640", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.884 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Little Sister", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/eb6e5ef484f98691d9a68eda1a14c4b64329fc5e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.942 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marcels", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blue Moon", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/97784ce87579aa416c55070a3fb2bd1d3f9f8374", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.94 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kokomo", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Asia Minor", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bcd3f948004e4cec5bb704e1f44d08bdadb0c9a9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.935 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ricky Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hello Mary Lou", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/976ea5481894c94f7a1db05dea83b0f6bc0aba71", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Surrender", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2505540be7059e463b97ddc9d8279b63c218c04f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.886 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lee Dorsey", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Ya Ya", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d4de8444eca4790c07b3ca94cac7c7d07bb81b72", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.894 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bob Moore", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mexico", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3d399cd472db0131d0763fd0840713571ceb8125", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.972 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Walk Right Back", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fd549a63a1828b8be4eec6c7882eeaa3e46cef99", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.873 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ike and Tina Turner", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57f02ada75ba0bcaebdf845eb1f9a8eba23102b7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.935 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Buzz Clifford", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f10b141358d8a680838895c4670b6e0e1870a3b7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.9 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Fly", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7efc5755418d49104d97271ca7e3ebb8bdb83963", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.963 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a26398c1fab71f923251e6d7fc981fcb428b2f74", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.89 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "One Track Mind", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c689e1d72cc13b48b146950666f5d30d0b79eb76", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.957 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Curtis Lee", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8cfce7144d3006e4145ed2a75f50d01196e9ee20", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.961 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shirelles", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mama Said", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2c2d32e6071f3a9e33ae6b8032fae07ff283ac7e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.932 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Fats Domino", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a106a1264e2d22d681bf7d2e03e8ea49804dea14", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.963 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d6db025f49eb806f3c30449c2542559ddbc57721", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.89 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Good Time Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7d5071fc02f04bf30287842bea63a8438c1613fc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.814 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Floyd Cramer", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "San Antonio Rose", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c74069edab3c2a83bb2d904af6d25669131a99da", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.969 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Vee", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Rubber Ball", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a9b23449fa9c39518cc53f9f5361307fd1d984b6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.841 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Hodges", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8adff0cd5d7a7fec39c74112e51aff37c1aea442", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"Let's Twist Again", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.992 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Let's Twist Again", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/83371b8583fd624cebcbf04ee7ced97cf3945653", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.907 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7fb655ce698fe676fc36dc30e892690c17a30d39", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Tossin' And Turnin'", | |
"Runaway", | |
"Pony Time", | |
"Wheels", | |
"Calcutta", | |
"Last Night", | |
"Hit The Road Jack", | |
"Bristol Stomp", | |
"Travelin' Man", | |
"Shop Around", | |
"The Boll Weevil Song", | |
"The Mountain's High", | |
"On The Rebound", | |
"Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)", | |
"Calendar Girl", | |
"Little Sister", | |
"Blue Moon", | |
"Asia Minor", | |
"Hello Mary Lou", | |
"Surrender", | |
"Ya Ya", | |
"Mexico", | |
"Walk Right Back", | |
"It's Gonna Work Out Fine", | |
"Baby Sittin' Boogie", | |
"The Fly", | |
"(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame", | |
"One Track Mind", | |
"Pretty Little Angel Eyes", | |
"Mama Said", | |
"Let The Four Winds Blow", | |
"Tonight My Love, Tonight", | |
"Good Time Baby", | |
"San Antonio Rose", | |
"Rubber Ball", | |
"I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door", | |
"Let's Twist Again" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.972 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patsy Cline", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Fall To Pieces", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fc50d4f88163f615a26eaeca5048df2707d648aa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.607 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jive Five", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "My True Story", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d6726dd2f57f3941127946042209aa040fd98d37", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.628 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dee Clark", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Raindrops", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a4e2fcde223ffefea6df603956e08a573a77aee0", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.792 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Vee", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/283fb7a2483d94458ed039cf5124bb44788e29d4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.612 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ernie K-Doe", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Mother-In-Law", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/27f3d6dc024b9cb6edf56f2281012203e833d721", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.754 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Mcdaniels", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e11f68d55e19981fa3a4d1a267b761ac80667e1", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.757 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chris Kenner", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "I Like It Like That", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7ca020903fe80440e049acb471c87c4cfdca7410", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.771 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Tillotson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Without You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/19a6c5b838fce2167cc772333d09a6bd44b2fccd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.712 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ferlin Husky", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Wings Of A Dove", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6aea2f76dca57eb2276004892f7dac0473b4c298", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.621 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Faron Young", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Hello Walls", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a47b0dd1fe0b0e75aeb84545327df37325cd300f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.676 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Arthur Lyman", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Yellow Bird", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bd97d8bd52e09b03e60d21e270583c763e68ec53", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.707 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Capris", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0366a9dc5f80cac7429248dbcc54065317f97bf3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.61 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Moody River", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/31d7136a9ba2cf09c1c0290e90e84da04304b79a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.69 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "One Mint Julep", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ff3e592b9306a120cebff5542e47f6d898dbc0e5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.786 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ben E. King", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Stand By Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cdc0401bbc4a03b855d9dd820fdf680917865dba", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.607 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ben E. King", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Spanish Harlem", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c2dc18d7a6f9439fc23fb274cd4c53cf06c0f3ed", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.782 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Echoes", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Baby Blue", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/116ae18dbbe51fb5d783e1a893c899dfa6de8fe2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.793 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Del Shannon", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Hats Off To Larry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/77ac77ec04233a1db5dd91765be37d0ad1d26313", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.654 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Caesar and The Romans", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b6ea7199e0b6bf6a0c87b829ca6d5c87f39ea023", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.721 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tony Orlando", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Bless You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e032b42f14b3f1bc511d8e8261c387e913670aa2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.749 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Adam Wade", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "The Writing On The Wall", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/14332989a4682733e5a39d2506ec584b3b23d7db", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.638 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dave Brubeck", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Take Five", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7582281fdf2ef5ba3daa6640336666b9d5f1ccbb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.617 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don Gibson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sea Of Heartbreak", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/65deb379f1841cbe89b64cc8663048dbfcafbe8d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Please Stay" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.737 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Drifters", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Please Stay", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/151d303fd62b4449726b1f3e92a189f40b2094b9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Fall To Pieces", | |
"My True Story", | |
"Raindrops", | |
"Take Good Care Of My Baby", | |
"Mother-In-Law", | |
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay", | |
"I Like It Like That", | |
"Without You", | |
"Wings Of A Dove", | |
"Hello Walls", | |
"Yellow Bird", | |
"There's A Moon Out Tonight", | |
"Moody River", | |
"One Mint Julep", | |
"Stand By Me", | |
"Spanish Harlem", | |
"Baby Blue", | |
"Hats Off To Larry", | |
"Those Oldies But Goodies", | |
"Bless You", | |
"The Writing On The Wall", | |
"Take Five", | |
"Sea Of Heartbreak" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.699 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Highwaymen", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Michael", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roy Orbison", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Cryin'", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joe Dowell", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Steve Lawrence", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Portrait Op My Love", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Quarter To Three", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Linda Scott", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Clarence Frog Man Henry", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "School Is Out", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ral Donner", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bert Kaempfert and His Orch.", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Wonderland By Night", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Linda Scott", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lonnie Donegan", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"My Kind Of Girl" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Matt Monroe", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "My Kind Of Girl", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Michael", | |
"Cryin'", | |
"Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn)", | |
"Portrait Op My Love", | |
"Quarter To Three", | |
"Don't Bet Money Honey", | |
"I Don't Know Why But I Do", | |
"School Is Out", | |
"You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)", | |
"Wonderland By Night", | |
"I've Told Every Little Star", | |
"Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor (On The Bedpost Overnight)" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roy Orbison", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Running Scared", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5a0fdb0a9b0ccfb9dc50e1facae54217f7b5188b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.372 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Where The Boys Are", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/90907f9f19923b8f9104974cb9b55d07d0ed2269", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.376 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jørgen Ingmann", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Apache", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4ed252623e67d3bc37f6e20bd6e3d13b8ebd7e72", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.255 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Troy Shondell", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "This Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6db06f72c42f9ecf84daf44e5199e1c170973521", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.354 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Timi Yuro", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Hurt", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1e9cf219aaf3c5cf56ee40c8825a4d6f918a6bcb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.219 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Carla Thomas", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a2b59238b5bf598e2c7f07f26652b05927985242", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.348 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brook Benton", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Think Twice", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5bb6b4861b731820cfb4e069b93dcc0f7ca43767", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.313 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Peterson", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Missing You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d7762dc775c192cf5352063c9753d41d9f3f70c3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Dum Dum", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.379 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Dum Dum", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f9386288a319091355b2e4fdc19a8fb2a0190adf", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"You Can Depend On Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.357 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You Can Depend On Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2db99078b35ab230c3a2f92655d43dba538461bc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Running Scared", | |
"Where The Boys Are", | |
"Apache", | |
"This Time", | |
"Hurt", | |
"Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)", | |
"Think Twice", | |
"Missing You", | |
"Dum Dum" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.331 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Shirelles", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4d76a6daf3f8f39d0ea2e32e9727ca9e4cba4f75", | |
"songs": [ | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.54 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shirelles", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7fc3e8bea7cb5b45d61a79b1bb88f20f0cfdf7cf", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.521 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sue Thompson", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e7d445eeafb0d63d51aa3fc4f2d4f827139ee9b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.585 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marty Robbins", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Don't Worry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8a30f2fe64e4e42042c736cfc4c628d1c24f9afc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.454 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shep and The Limelites", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Daddy's Home", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/58a10a3216ed3d9bc20472b9e8d45f7de09ba71a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.408 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Runaround Sue", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c54a25a3ea4746a3b71894a3e8db530f1585c9dd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.582 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paris Sisters", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I Love How You Love Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/191418aa26d93582d6cc4e595ca1a65d71ec6612", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.474 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Adam Wade", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/04a537b22e5142b6af5664d56973079f1a5b9469", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.435 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rosie and The Originals", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Angel Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3f9a5aa5b94cc5ac41852928fff88fcc4240ce90", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Big Bad John", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.43 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Dean", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Big Bad John", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0edbcd40953dd523808d94734087f03d233c540f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"More Money For You And Me Medley" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.469 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Preps", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "More Money For You And Me Medley", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d5c7628672d16ce2e7ced3d17eff2d2b893e1322", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Dedicated To The One I Love", | |
"(Will You Love Me) Tomorrow", | |
"Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)", | |
"Don't Worry", | |
"Daddy's Home", | |
"Runaround Sue", | |
"I Love How You Love Me", | |
"Take Good Care Of Her", | |
"Angel Baby", | |
"Big Bad John" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.449 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ferrante and Teicher", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Exodus", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5f287a6b765d379004fbe64377265b74063fa6f3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Way You Look Tonight", | |
"Breakin' In A Brand New Broken Heart", | |
"Are You Lonesome Tonight" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.123 | |
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{ | |
"artist": "Lettermen", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "The Way You Look Tonight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/543df8d6d2ec3b1e50cb79ea2c125fba5965e2aa", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Exodus", | |
"Breakin' In A Brand New Broken Heart", | |
"Are You Lonesome Tonight" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.145 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Breakin' In A Brand New Broken Heart", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/70fdba2c378bf02e7d0016be00333d719713434e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Exodus", | |
"The Way You Look Tonight", | |
"Are You Lonesome Tonight" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.175 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Are You Lonesome Tonight", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/97ebe5aaca81ad0d6a610257212fe1c89279c761", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Exodus", | |
"The Way You Look Tonight", | |
"Breakin' In A Brand New Broken Heart" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.195 | |
} | |
], | |
"1962": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dee Dee Sharp", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mashed Potato Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4772064bd399f870698c99caef6cdf03a03f5820", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.848 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Eva", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Loco-Motion", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d311f37f607b49adf349c404012cf8bcafc616ae", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.89 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Twist", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b075b715d84528dee3dc5365e17784113a2fc752", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.955 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Freddy Cannon", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Palisades Park", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2d0ec4ee9217d2a71ca270ac427b058c9e7b4ed5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.867 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Neil Sedaka", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5b8280ef369e6560a61badd7713b9f26356effb2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.967 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Claude King", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wolverton Mountain", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9557413a3dfb32dd041fe8471b5173747dd8bb9a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.826 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chubby Checker", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Slow Twistin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/98cc9de023b5aa53e4f6a845746e603d6ecaab60", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.928 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mary Wells", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d77d71bed0c4c3d4ee1724a0f5eb906e8cc323a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.899 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kenny Ball", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Midnight In Moscow", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f348146abc84c8e4297d64d17f6be7b03d58ae01", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.808 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d6bd2ca7181fb28dea5bfc2c2d1517fb48d61d94", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.922 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Orlons", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Wah-Watusi", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e04476220b44efb56adcf4262d3a947cf373aa2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.882 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joey Dee and The Starlighters", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Peppermint Twist", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/11fb6793a118945889723069742296e6873fc577", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.969 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marvelettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Playboy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bc2689a0306603fc9b36cc09d6371c14ebe01d11", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.939 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary U.S. Bonds", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Dear Lady Twist", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e17e5afaf3a964f7fe662c579672ac6b9016d305", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.944 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sue Thompson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Norman", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7d577ace574594a0d92e3bcbd491b0290cbfea1a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "The Isley Brothers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Twist And Shout", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8f992fa34b1ccdc277b8253750db8cffc2db414e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Clyde Mcphatter", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Lover, Please", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6f9b64065612969a1ffaca320126d8f6dcc3d5a2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.949 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Barbara George", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Know", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/97902846c78878ad1383ea9403f9cf0dbe00d77c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.956 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Pat Boone", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Speedy Gonzales", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f62115223853415fba3d7da0fb8d647053a34902", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.896 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Burl Ives", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3dc6ecf145ed6800c8310d57bc1ffe0960fbb519", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.852 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ernie Maresca", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/418373a0142b3643a16cd7174b3f3d7515ed646e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.967 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Booker T and The MG's", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Green Onions", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4d7beeddb7d7c46981e6e8b40cfd7c04385ca42e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.894 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Stevens", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Ahab The Arab", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5c838ffe084cb68bc26f147214d9ad9187220f16", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.807 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Darin", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Things", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/efa7fe6146dec98ad7783438cf1ef719caf1671e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.826 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Pitney", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c0e01f6af4104d64f8784f1e240c18442b4f5f2c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.833 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Roy Orbison", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Dream Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/063ccd8ef5b96ac1869137ed40a51eb33bb97eb6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.855 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chris Montez", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Let's Dance", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3fb5ab9ae06faf4d8e4f753110232e446d45a193", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.934 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mary Wells", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cc7841a2641fe76ac895d9f5568da0decf776a8f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "James Darren", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Her Royal Majesty", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fe2a7be15883cc2a443cc66b2038901cd68928db", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.906 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Dean", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "P.T. 109", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/656376faeba114561b8dfea9e79fd9f3b8ed225b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"I'm Blue", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.83 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ikettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I'm Blue", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3a2f05d6bbc1ca82b194f2679b89c6fd5547b862", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"Surfin' Safari" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.898 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Beach Boys", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Surfin' Safari", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5b90aa4abb29baa700bf179a8ec93cc204f8d345", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Mashed Potato Time", | |
"The Loco-Motion", | |
"The Twist", | |
"Palisades Park", | |
"Breaking Up Is Hard To Do", | |
"Wolverton Mountain", | |
"Slow Twistin'", | |
"The One Who Really Loves You", | |
"Midnight In Moscow", | |
"Twistin' The Night Away", | |
"Wah-Watusi", | |
"Peppermint Twist", | |
"Playboy", | |
"Dear Lady Twist", | |
"Norman", | |
"Twist And Shout", | |
"Lover, Please", | |
"I Know", | |
"Speedy Gonzales", | |
"A Little Bitty Tear", | |
"Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)", | |
"Green Onions", | |
"Ahab The Arab", | |
"Things", | |
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", | |
"Dream Baby", | |
"Let's Dance", | |
"You Beat Me To The Punch", | |
"Her Royal Majesty", | |
"P.T. 109", | |
"I'm Blue" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shelley Fabares", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Johnny Angel", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fbe6406d8a24c5c319160bb5e489be121be4cfdb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.73 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shirelles", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Soldier Boy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7631f5242d9820c22f45ff6830258a8fea61ad21", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.602 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bruce Channel", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Hey! Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c12537296145538922da56213c06c7ddb26928e7", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.65 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Good Luck Charm", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e37def19d18c24ee61538ea80419f5706098c6d2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.798 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Claudine Clark", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Party Lights", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3e093aa470e13c9e668ecb3b8cc4d62c4f0bca6b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.706 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Highwaymen", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Cotton Fields", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/28a03a66421c14fa2c8172cf5649f19b4421b9a5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.612 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bent Fabric", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Alley Cat", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/879a571c021571d3dcec6ebf2178a87ca31757eb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.659 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ace Cannon", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Tuff", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0de835474a6aad286f68d83479ea4231ddfeaa74", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.781 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shirelles", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Baby It's You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/81e79afd8a0bceaabc5f56ca58334c5aa943bca4", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.725 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Don and Juan", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "What's Your Name", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8acd43d8b1f3c42657524bcc34e20f501fae5b53", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.794 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Corsairs", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Smoky Places", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/43af3341d4470f4358177a9fa8f529363329246c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.676 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Having A Party", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a1aa7dfd8481b24a8a000fdd925c10dc7d6bad58", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.702 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Seasons", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Sherry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9bbe2ebe63a8c55dc506662f9f95313bc373ddb9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.703 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joey Dee", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Shout", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d12adc369e80e071393f6f4a1a0e3ff4f977527e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.712 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dave Baby Cortez", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Rinky Dink", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/639b351d273175f718a1125a36675b17e646226f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.643 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joe Henderson", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Snap Your Fingers", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fa6a94ca627362407ed67c319271b8f5854d80ab", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.616 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Lovers Who Wander", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8e5aefb3c374f181b1eb23ea935fe696dbd5074d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.72 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Crawford", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Cindy's Birthday", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/57889fe9a6c974620f8cb1fa06381ca8676d0002", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.726 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Barbara Lynn", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dd3393fa015e7222b7c7cf880c2015fa544f12bb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.628 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Crystals", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Uptown", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d5c0fe05d8b0d2d19d9137442b6d9b5819fa3c4c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.789 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Clanton", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1633b15b6f54bc9720dfc569e1c0aa07356758ae", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.659 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Paul Anka", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/acfd185c2be596f25c7c145aeb5ed74e9dca1d65", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.783 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Larry Finnegan", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Dear One", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/84bda7a98997b81198a06061fcdbda724cb7bd49", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.738 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Walter Brennan", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Old Rivers", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9a50654e4f3f36f12c1baa0255f6c199eb93ca65", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.678 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Burl Ives", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c5ef1e6a93425589fe5f3fffe514d582af51723a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.682 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Vaughn", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "A Swingin' Safari", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/101f3290589b984b56d16477df1b7db5d6ccb152", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.709 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Billy Joe and The Checkmates", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Percolator (Twist)", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e01445c9c41d3b3f342ca3a7d3e269e0cca88445", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.688 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gary U.S. Bonds", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a558fa106fc4abf647d00e316ad4b8ba343ce6ca", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.742 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Soul", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Twistin' Matilda", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3b88b2226b2fd4cf551e53a55a24a9a1a4cada8b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.793 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "King Curtis", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Soul Twist", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8f807643a047e24cdd797da81b2e8a7bd83e82ce", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.625 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Kingston Trio", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d6b17cdccbe14538ccbf11f7fd559c12894709b8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Town Without Pity" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.611 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Pitney", | |
"category": "happy", | |
"name": "Town Without Pity", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/428012b4d6e544d0e769b0a91ddaf8692ec62c33", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Johnny Angel", | |
"Soldier Boy", | |
"Hey! Baby", | |
"Good Luck Charm", | |
"Party Lights", | |
"Cotton Fields", | |
"Alley Cat", | |
"Tuff", | |
"Baby It's You", | |
"What's Your Name", | |
"Smoky Places", | |
"Having A Party", | |
"Sherry", | |
"Shout", | |
"Rinky Dink", | |
"Snap Your Fingers", | |
"Lovers Who Wander", | |
"Cindy's Birthday", | |
"You'll Lose A Good Thing", | |
"Uptown", | |
"Venus In Blue Jeans", | |
"Love Me Warm And Tender", | |
"Dear One", | |
"Old Rivers", | |
"Funny Way Of Laughin'", | |
"A Swingin' Safari", | |
"Percolator (Twist)", | |
"Twist, Twist Senora", | |
"Twistin' Matilda", | |
"Soul Twist", | |
"Where Have All The Flowers Gone" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.659 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "The Wanderer", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"Young World", | |
"Al Di La'", | |
"Teen Age Idol", | |
"Tell Me", | |
"Gravy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rick Nelson", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Young World", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wanderer", | |
"Al Di La'", | |
"Teen Age Idol", | |
"Tell Me", | |
"Gravy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Emillo Pericoli", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Al Di La'", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wanderer", | |
"Young World", | |
"Teen Age Idol", | |
"Tell Me", | |
"Gravy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rick Nelson", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Teen Age Idol", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wanderer", | |
"Young World", | |
"Al Di La'", | |
"Tell Me", | |
"Gravy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dick and Deedee", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Tell Me", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wanderer", | |
"Young World", | |
"Al Di La'", | |
"Teen Age Idol", | |
"Gravy" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dee Dee Sharp", | |
"category": "unknown", | |
"name": "Gravy", | |
"preview": null, | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Wanderer", | |
"Young World", | |
"Al Di La'", | |
"Teen Age Idol", | |
"Tell Me" | |
], | |
"valence": 2 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Mr. Acker Bilk", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Stranger On The Shore", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/4653c12f04a9367058ca0d48530746bb34b265dc", | |
"songs": [ | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.21 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9e2836ebf09e8245a06bcd47858d0bca31207fec", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.359 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Ramblin' Rose", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f336778f8e3d2dd9eff2c8b93a8152614e9d0ad6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.332 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ketty Lester", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Love Letters", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5bb90a9deb77cc2c736991305bde2604f339dd5f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.354 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ray Charles", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You Don't Know Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0fe7b494218d3cf0ed06b693ab650e7569534d7e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.286 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/26e409b39a2da6dc18fab61020c90be2938dc0e9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.376 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Duprees", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "You Belong To Me", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/cfb50c6cfbf1b2809f956f403ee5a6bd65f45682", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.352 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dion", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "Little Diane", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/978947ee8e3d7e2f6ae7a71785a6f810245ce5d3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.362 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Peter, Paul and Mary", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "If I Had A Hammer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6a6137ddead6719d7f3b741ea5bcf72b135e3aba", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"I Wish That We Were Married" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.372 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ronnie and The Hi-lites", | |
"category": "sad", | |
"name": "I Wish That We Were Married", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/dc5389f16cad4a097f1de22e003d8f7e5ec80218", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Stranger On The Shore", | |
"I Can't Stop Loving You", | |
"Ramblin' Rose", | |
"Love Letters", | |
"You Don't Know Me", | |
"Can't Help Falling In Love", | |
"You Belong To Me", | |
"Little Diane", | |
"If I Had A Hammer" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.282 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Vinton", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Roses Are Red", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7c82dd5fb82f0d18d54b0120c450ab1c6bd169f2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.53 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "David Rose", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "The Stripper", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3adf89cd7b98aea67b440cb5582858249a4c702c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.545 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sensations", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Let Me In", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ec443483a50a444215a7af223e1db23339e608d9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.498 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Gene Chandler", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Duke Of Earl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/017933827cdd35bbcd23ac94663fbbc14651d23a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.462 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Johnny Tillotson", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0736f7e5f11d9a4ac3fdbd10a64cb4edd61f3844", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.542 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Roe", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Sheila", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2d0b322ae792f55f3ec16be3ca7b8cfef853c84f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.5 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Break It To Me Gently", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3216eca337a15bff0f5ac7b7df0d57ef3c29aa25", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.532 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brian Hyland", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/37f359f88ec118bfc69c7d53927814ebbbbe30a3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.572 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jay and The Americans", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "She Cried", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8cd85a244258455e9b120d5f8231b80b9fb68c8b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.562 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Everly Brothers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Crying In The Rain", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/682a3494763365dcc40920be5ff87cc16f041f0e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.488 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Joanie Sommers", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Johnny Get Angry", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b40cf37c9577738c6a0e8732fa3092e4060bd7f5", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.545 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Brenda Lee", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/aeddc30e0024199548825e25625760e9de28e60c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.541 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dickie Lee", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Patches", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/51309a2bdc2564d3ae5baba0037d7481132eff2a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.51 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Patsy Cline", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "She's Got You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1ed42d355a265bf49cdca2b411431be022e254fb", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.537 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Smith", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ecac008dc6b9d8bbed4f62acd9bc9d39d031bc7f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.533 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Bobby Rydell", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "I'll Never Dance Again", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69768e3ee80193128d53d585aec2ed08fef8b012", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.533 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eddie Hodges", | |
"category": "neutral", | |
"name": "(Girls, Girls, Girls) Were Made To Love", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e3b399cfe9689c0390be762333d59ffc28650c8b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Roses Are Red", | |
"The Stripper", | |
"Let Me In", | |
"Duke Of Earl", | |
"It Keeps Right On A-hurtin'", | |
"Sheila", | |
"Break It To Me Gently", | |
"Sealed With A Kiss", | |
"She Cried", | |
"Crying In The Rain", | |
"Johnny Get Angry", | |
"Everybody Loves Me But You", | |
"Patches", | |
"She's Got You", | |
"Walk On The Wild Side", | |
"I'll Never Dance Again" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.506 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Connie Francis", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Don't Break The Heart That Loves You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/eafc396d3d8760ff1c83821e071c96b0fc9e304d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Theme From Dr. Kildare", | |
"Moon River" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.178 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Richard Chamberlain", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Theme From Dr. Kildare", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/1420b2236ebef920f75ef8dcf9f9c542fa28884c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Break The Heart That Loves You", | |
"Moon River" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.172 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Henry Mancini", | |
"category": "saddest", | |
"name": "Moon River", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a90cf74968bac430e124f74ae1951f9a4744b43e", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Don't Break The Heart That Loves You", | |
"Theme From Dr. Kildare" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.151 | |
} | |
], | |
"1963": [ | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Gilmer and The Fireballs", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Sugar Shack", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d0ec9157c8228a225d37aac18e502f9e23585e83", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.865 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Beach Boys", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5a8fe0d7b177c82a1ee23e396062d931902a0e23", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Chiffons", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "He's So Fine", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/19b3dbf4e5924d39a7c536b118177ba62c48a17f", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.842 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Andy Williams", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b897231261179cecce24d839266daccdde01f95c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.804 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Angels", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9714e76cfa972c6cd17f76e5a16e520d9874d580", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.965 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Four Seasons", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Walk Like A Man", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/91c8c5a597426bab6e5530024868e31185e289ff", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Inez Foxx", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mockingbird", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bcfc5967eef0771ea08572e3bbccc091fe784495", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.814 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Little Peggy March", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Will Follow Him", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e22b2a8945c007c2cfb07454d12a8007aa41d0df", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.899 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jan and Dean", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Surf City", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/98ba2c0c8f1e3cb72ddef6b62cdb0c062f93100b", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.964 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lesley Gore", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "It's My Party", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ef52b0cb52c2ff50b42f9e69d1144fadba01ce22", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.93 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Eydie Gorme", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/5d6864db3cf848100121636489e284ae4df7c33c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.954 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Dovells", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "You Can't Sit Down", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/30dfbe072c2fd22325d94bd41d03144eb95cfbb8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.968 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Randy and The Rainbows", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Denise", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0a5b9285dc9d83c725c42a2a65dc2fc40d500ae6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.895 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rooftop Singers", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Walk Right In", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/765feade1c8335be2dd9d9584dff14e1622f91e8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.966 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jimmy Soul", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bbf8dbf17546f27593b89697f771927b7a11a920", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.838 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Trini Lopez", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "If I Had A Hammer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/62d5526135ea1440698b73172a20daf511d3d0ea", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.867 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Tommy Roe", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Everybody", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8c003ab93ca00b4a4487292fb0d1bb4b4ba3e8d9", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.879 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Essex", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Easier Said Than Done", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d94887ddb7c99adaa4609c0b9d375dd456265b72", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.913 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Skeeter Davis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/f4eeb405878bbb9e69e2290aa4dc6a7c348904a8", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.9 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Barbara Lewis", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Hello, Stranger", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ece95c35bff8d06938a0b46e9dd43f93918bbbf6", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.819 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ronettes", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Be My Baby", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/938a439ad02b496d0a32198c517e0a3afba91cd2", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.814 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Orlons", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "South Street", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d0f8fb416bb0362c5d724008a13e78139a0300da", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.834 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Major Lance", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "The Monkey Time", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/893ebd22253cf5758c70f418a2e868cf3496ebbd", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.939 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lou Christie", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Two Faces Have I", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2e2ec7ef88d9319879100ba077a48f11ab9ab22d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.962 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Shirelles", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Foolish Little Girl", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/30c9167d2f54d04098220e0cd218d731da65952c", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.925 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Lonnie Mack", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Memphis", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a07a7a327a4b856d1fc10f67aab2e52e141b4caf", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.97 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Rick Nelson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Fools Rush In", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/b4a74675a23f6699dcb2f636d1898d7a90c8e4fe", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.907 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Sam Cooke", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Little Red Rooster", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/8c2d8d41d50139f171a64952ae163650bd178c68", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.825 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Elvis Presley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/161c6a70877238f9f897f04efbbe0d09e497fb51", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.884 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Nat King Cole", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/960f843d65d3d29159273c5b724103c53dfa236a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.902 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jackie Wilson", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Baby Workout", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/de13b44ecbd78045ab80512d56db0735f83bcf9a", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.898 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Marvin Gaye", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Pride And Joy", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/040146bfc89947615f9e3ed0a9d387ee2c78123d", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"From A Jack To A King", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.879 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Ned Miller", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "From A Jack To A King", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2cacce4c30d854ea5e5f5495dede34241ada62b3", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
"Everybody", | |
"Easier Said Than Done", | |
"I Can't Stay Mad At You", | |
"Hello, Stranger", | |
"Be My Baby", | |
"South Street", | |
"The Monkey Time", | |
"Two Faces Have I", | |
"Foolish Little Girl", | |
"Memphis", | |
"Fools Rush In", | |
"Little Red Rooster", | |
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise", | |
"Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer", | |
"Baby Workout", | |
"Pride And Joy", | |
"Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"The Night Has A Thousand Eyes", | |
"Don't Say Nothin' Bad About My Baby", | |
"Just One Look", | |
"Judy's Turn To Cry", | |
"Donna, The Prima Donna", | |
"Another Saturday Night", | |
"Come And Get These Memories", | |
"Bossa Nova Baby", | |
"Do The Bird", | |
"Shut Down", | |
"Little Town Flirt" | |
], | |
"valence": 0.902 | |
}, | |
{ | |
"artist": "Jan Bradley", | |
"category": "happiest", | |
"name": "Mama Didn't Lie", | |
"preview": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d99c2be4422505ee87f5537b5d8994791001c3ac", | |
"songs": [ | |
"Sugar Shack", | |
"Surfin' U.S.A.", | |
"He's So Fine", | |
"Can't Get Used To Losing You", | |
"My Boyfriend's Back", | |
"Walk Like A Man", | |
"Mockingbird", | |
"I Will Follow Him", | |
"Surf City", | |
"It's My Party", | |
"Blame It On The Bossa Nova", | |
"You Can't Sit Down", | |
"Denise", | |
"Walk Right In", | |
"If You Wanna Be Happy", | |
"If I Had A Hammer", | |
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)