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Last active December 19, 2023 05:45
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Proof of Concept: draggable placeholder over PDF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Demo drag & drop over PDF</title>
<script src=""></script>
<main style="margin:auto;padding:1rem;min-width:600px;max-width:1000px;background:grey">
<h1>test pdf pdf</h1>
<form onChange="updateStyle()">
font size: <input type="number" id="font_size" value=14 />
font color: <input type="color" id="font_color" value="#000">
<div style="position:relative;width:100%;height:80vh">
<div style="position:absolute;width:100%;z-index:0;height:100%">
<object data="./sampel.pdf#zoom=75" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="1024">
<div style="position:absolute;z-index:10;padding:100px;width:100%;height:100%">
<div id="placeholder" class="draggable" style="background:gray;padding:3px;width:100px">contoh</div>
function updateStyle() {
var font_size = document.getElementById('font_size').value;
var font_color = document.getElementById('font_color').value;
var placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder') = `${font_size}px` = font_color
// target elements with the "draggable" class
// enable inertial throwing
// inertia: true,
// keep the element within the area of it's parent
modifiers: [
restriction: 'parent',
// endOnly: true
// enable autoScroll
// autoScroll: true,
listeners: {
// call this function on every dragmove event
move: dragMoveListener,
// call this function on every dragend event
end (event) {
console.log(`coordinates: (${event.pageX}, ${event.pageY})`)
var textEl ='p')
textEl && (textEl.textContent =
'moved a distance of ' +
(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(event.pageX - event.x0, 2) +
Math.pow(event.pageY - event.y0, 2) | 0))
.toFixed(2) + 'px')
function dragMoveListener (event) {
var target =
// keep the dragged position in the data-x/data-y attributes
var x = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0) + event.dx
var y = (parseFloat(target.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0) + event.dy
// translate the element = 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)'
// update the posiion attributes
target.setAttribute('data-x', x)
target.setAttribute('data-y', y)
// = `translate(${event.dx}px, ${event.dy}px)`
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