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Last active June 4, 2021 13:28
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function CreateAutoSizedFont(width, height, str, fontName, baseSize, mode)
mode = "fast"
local k = 1.5
local fontCache = {}
local font = graphics.newFont(fontName, baseSize)
fontCache[baseSize] = font
local incops = 1
local decops = 0
local textHeight = font:getHeight()
local wrappedWidth, wrappedtext = font:getWrap(str, width)
local textWidth = font:getWidth(str)
local needIncrease = #wrappedtext == 1 and (textHeight < height / 1.5 or textWidth < width / 1.5)
local needDecrease = textHeight > height or #wrappedtext > 1
while needIncrease and not needDecrease do
baseSize = mode == "fast" and baseSize * k or baseSize + 1
baseSize = math.floor(baseSize)
if fontCache[baseSize] == nil then
font = graphics.newFont(fontName, baseSize)
incops = incops + 1
fontCache[baseSize] = font
font = fontCache[baseSize]
textHeight = font:getHeight()
textWidth = font:getWidth(str)
wrappedWidth, wrappedtext = font:getWrap(str, width)
needIncrease = #wrappedtext == 1 and (textHeight < height / 1.5 or textWidth < width / 1.5)
needDecrease = textWidth > width or textHeight > height or #wrappedtext > 1
print("needIncrease", needIncrease, baseSize, wrappedWidth, textWidth, width, textHeight, height, #wrappedtext,
while needDecrease do
baseSize = mode == "fast" and baseSize / k or baseSize - 1
baseSize = math.ceil(baseSize)
if fontCache[baseSize] == nil then
font = graphics.newFont(fontName, baseSize)
decops = decops + 1
fontCache[baseSize] = font
font = fontCache[baseSize]
textHeight = font:getHeight()
textWidth = font:getWidth(str)
wrappedWidth, wrappedtext = font:getWrap(str, width)
needDecrease = textWidth > width or textHeight > height or #wrappedtext > 1
print("needDecrease", needDecrease, baseSize, wrappedWidth, textWidth, width, textHeight, height, #wrappedtext,
print("incops:", incops, "decops:", decops)
return font
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