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Created March 28, 2012 20:42
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Save azrafe7/2230358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Initial Effect Class (still working on it)
package punk.transition.effects
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import net.flashpunk.Entity;
import net.flashpunk.FP;
import net.flashpunk.Tween;
public class Effect extends Entity
protected static var _autoStart:Boolean = false;
protected var _startTime:int;
// callback functions
protected var _onStart:Function;
protected var _onComplete:Function;
protected var _elapsed:Number = 0;
protected var _paused:Boolean;
protected var _running:Boolean;
protected var _tweens:Vector.<Tween> = new Vector.<Tween>;
protected var _tweensToComplete:Number;
// default options
public var options:Object = {
ease:null, // ease function (null => linear)
delay:0, // delay before starting the effect
duration:1, // duration of the effect
target:FP.buffer // object on which the effect will be applied
* Set properties of obj assigning defaultObj properties first
* @param obj Object on which properties will be set
* @param defaultObj Object containing the default properties to assign first
* @return the modified object
public static function extendProps(obj:Object, defaultObj:Object):Object {
var prop:*;
for (prop in defaultObj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
obj[prop] = defaultObj[prop];
return obj;
public static function createDelegate(handler:Function, ...args):Function
return function(...innerArgs):*
return handler.apply( this, innerArgs.concat(args));
* Constructor.
public function Effect()
layer = -1;
// pause until transition manager tells it to get moving
paused = _autoStart;;
* Use this to add at least one tween to the new effect (preferably in the ctor) before any call to start() is made.
* Remember to set the type of the tween to PERSIST if you want to use to() and reset() later.
* @param t The tween to add (the first added tween will be considered as the main one).
* @param start Whether the tween should start right away (overridden by the value of autoStart).
* @return the added tween.
override public function addTween(t:Tween, start:Boolean=false):Tween
if ( { = _autoStart; // already added via FP.tween()
} else {
t = super.addTween(t, _autoStart); // add the tween
_tweens.push(t); // store it in the _tweens vector
return t;
* Start the effect. Or restart it if it's already running.
* @return this effect for chaining.
public function start():Effect
if (_tweens.length < 1 && !(this is NewCombo)) throw new Error("You must add at least one tween to the effect using addTween()!");
for each (var t:Tween in _tweens) t.start();
paused = false;
_running = true;
_elapsed = 0;
_startTime = getTimer();
trace(this, "started");
if (_onStart != null) _onStart();
return this;
/** Reset the effect's tweens.
* @return this effect for chaining.
public function reset():Effect
_elapsed = 0;
return this;
/** Update logic. */
override public function update():void
if (!_running || _tweens.length < 1) return;
if (_running) {
_elapsed += FP.elapsed;
_tweensToComplete = _tweens.length;
for each (var t:Tween in _tweens)
if (t.percent == 1) _tweensToComplete--;
if (_tweensToComplete == 0) finish();
trace(" ", this, "Running:" + _running, "Elapsed:" + _elapsed.toFixed(2), "Paused:" + paused, "Percent:" + percent.toFixed(2), "RemainingTweens:" + _tweensToComplete);
* Instantly bring the effect percentage completion to the value of percent (the range is [0, 1]).
* It simply sets the percentage of all the tweens to percent. Override this function if you want it to behave differently.
* @param forceRun Wheter the effect should be forced to run after it gets brought to percent (defaults to true).
* @return this effect for chaining.
public function to(percent:Number, forceRun:Boolean=true):Effect
for each (var t:Tween in _tweens)
t.percent = percent;
trace("To(" + percent.toFixed(2) + ")");
// force update even if not running?
return (forceRun ? forceUpdate() : this);
* Force update even if the effect is not running or is paused (effect must have been already started).
* @return this effect for chaining.
public function forceUpdate():Effect
paused = false;
_running = true;
return this;
/** Paused state of the effect. */
public function get paused():Boolean { return _paused; }
public function set paused(value:Boolean):void
_paused = value;
for each (var t:Tween in _tweens)
{ = !_paused;
if (_tweensToComplete > 0) _running = !paused;
trace("paused:", paused);
* Pause/unpause the effect.
* @param mustPause Whether the effect must be paused.
* @return this effect for chaining.
public function pause(mustPause:Boolean=true):Effect
paused = mustPause;
return this;
/** Called when the effect completes. */
protected function finish():void {
var sinceStart:Number = (getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000;
trace(this, "completed in", this.elapsed.toFixed(2), "/", duration.toFixed(2), "(" + sinceStart.toFixed(2) + " since last start() call)");
_running = false;
if (_onComplete != null) _onComplete();
/** Returns the time (in getTimer() format) when start() was last called. */
public function get startTime():Number { return _startTime; }
/** Effect's elapsed time (in secs). */
public function get elapsed():Number { return _elapsed; }
/** Return true if the effect is currently running. */
public function get isRunning():Boolean { return _running; }
/** Percentage of completion of the effect (based on the main tween completion). Is in the range [0, 1]. */
public function get percent():Number { return _tweens[0].percent; }
/** Callback function called when the effect is started. */
public function get onStart():Function { return _onStart; }
public function set onStart(value:Function):void { _onStart = value; }
/** Callback function called when the effect has completed. */
public function get onComplete():Function { return _onComplete; }
public function set onComplete(value:Function):void { _onComplete = value; }
/** Effect's ease function. */
public function get ease():Function { return options.ease; }
public function set ease(func:Function):void { options.ease = func; }
/** Effect's delay time (in secs). */
public function get delay():Number { return options.delay; }
public function set delay(time:Number):void { options.delay = time; }
/** Effect's duration (in secs). */
public function get duration():Number { return options.duration; }
public function set duration(time:Number):void { options.duration = time; }
/** Target object on which the effect will be applied (defaults to FP.buffer). */
public function get target():Object { return; }
public function set target(object:Object):void { = object; }
/** True if the effect should start as soon as it's created. */
public static function get autoStart():Boolean { return _autoStart; }
public static function set autoStart(value:Boolean):void { _autoStart = value; }
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azrafe7 commented Mar 28, 2012

Many things to put back in place... (Already have some simple Delay and Fade subclasses)
Working on Combo and Sequence ATM...

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