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Created April 10, 2012 08:52
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Fade effect (extending initial Effect)
package punk.transition.effects
import net.flashpunk.FP;
* Fade effect class.
* @author azrafe7
public class Fade extends Effect
protected var _fadeImg:Image;
protected var _fadeIn:Boolean; // "direction" of effect
* Fade effect constructor.
* @param fadeIn If true the stripes will fade in. Defaults to false.
* @param options An object containing key/value pairs of the following optional parameters:
* duration Optional number indicating the time (in seconds) the effect will last (approximately). Defaults to 2.
* ease Optional easer function. Defaults to linear.
* color Optional color of stripes. Defaults to FP.screen.color.
* Example: new Fade(true, { ease:Ease.bounceIn, duration:1.5, color:0xFF3366});
public function Fade(fadeIn:Boolean=false, options:Object=null)
_fadeIn = fadeIn;
extendProps(this.options, options);
if (options) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty("color")) options.color = FP.screen.color;
_fadeImg = Image.createRect(FP.width, FP.height, options.color);
_fadeImg.alpha = _fadeIn ? 1 : 0;
_fadeImg.scrollX = _fadeImg.scrollY = 0;
// add effect tween
var finalAlpha:Number = _fadeIn ? 0 : 1;
var tweenOptions:Object = { ease:ease, complete:onComplete, type:PERSIST };
addTween(FP.tween(_fadeImg, { alpha:finalAlpha }, duration, tweenOptions));
override public function to(percent:Number, forceRun:Boolean=true):Effect
_fadeImg.alpha = _fadeIn ? 1 - percent : percent;
return, forceRun);
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