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Created March 29, 2014 20:39
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  • Save azrafe7/9862505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save azrafe7/9862505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collision tests for FlashPunk (testing new Circle and Polygon classes too)
// see
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.system.System;
import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import net.flashpunk.Entity;
import net.flashpunk.FP;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Circle;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Grid;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Hitbox;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Masklist;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Pixelmask;
import net.flashpunk.masks.Polygon;
import net.flashpunk.utils.Draw;
import net.flashpunk.utils.Input;
import net.flashpunk.utils.Key;
import net.flashpunk.World;
* ...
* @author azrafe7
public class TestWorld extends World
private var SKELETON:Class;
private var eActive:Entity;
private var ePoly:Entity;
private var eCircle:Entity;
private var circle:Circle;
private var polygon:Polygon;
private var text:Text;
private var messages:Vector.<String>;
private static var MAX_MESSAGES:int = 7;
private var hitEntities:Vector.<Entity>;
private var e6:Entity;
private var imgPoly:Image;
private var pixelmask:Pixelmask;
private var hitboxMasklist:Masklist;
public function TestWorld()
override public function begin():void {
// interactive CIRCLE
eCircle = addMask(circle = new Circle(20, 50,20), "circle");
eCircle.x = FP.halfWidth;
eCircle.y = FP.halfHeight + 20;
eCircle.graphic = Image.createCircle(20, 0xFF00FF, .5, false, 1);
eCircle.graphic.x = 50;
eCircle.graphic.y = 20; = eCircle.visible = true;
// interactive POLYGON
var points:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>();
points.push(new Point(0, 0));
points.push(new Point(30, 0));
points.push(new Point(30, 60));
ePoly = addMask(polygon = new Polygon(points), "polygon"); // triangle
ePoly = addMask(polygon = Polygon.createRegular(5, 20), "polygon"); // regular poly
ePoly.x = FP.halfWidth;
ePoly.y = FP.halfHeight;
polygon.angle = 45;
polygon.x = 30;
polygon.y = 10;
polygon.originX = 50;
polygon.originY = 0;
// create an Image from the previously set Polygon
imgPoly = Image.createPolygon(polygon, 0xFFFF00, .7, true);
imgPoly.smooth = true;
ePoly.addGraphic(imgPoly); = ePoly.visible = true;
// other MASKS
// Mask/Entity
var e1:Entity = new Entity(200, 30);
e1.type = "mask";
e1.width = 40;
e1.height = 50;
// Hitbox
var hitbox:Hitbox = new Hitbox(30, 30, 20);
var e2:Entity = addMask(hitbox, "hitbox");
e2.x = 20;
e2.y = 20;
// Circle
var e3:Entity = addMask(new Circle(30, 0, 0), "circle");
e3.x = 250;
e3.y = 110;
// Grid
var gridMask:Grid = new Grid(140, 80, 20, 20);
var gridStr:String =
"1,0,0,1,1,1,0\n" +
"0,0,0,1,0,1,1\n" +
"1,0,0,0,0,0,1\n" +
gridMask.x = -6;
gridMask.y = -10;
var e4:Entity = addMask(gridMask, "grid", 5, 120);
// Polygon
var polyMask:Polygon = Polygon.createRegular(5, 20);
var e5:Entity = addMask(polyMask, "polygon");
e5.x = 130;
e5.y = 40;
// Pixelmask
pixelmask = new Pixelmask(SKELETON);
e6 = addMask(pixelmask, "pixelmask");
e6.x = 260;
e6.y = 20;
//pixelmask.x = 10;
//pixelmask.y = 10;
var pixelmask2:Pixelmask = new Pixelmask(SKELETON);
var p2:Entity = addMask(pixelmask2, "pixelmask");
p2.x = 160;
p2.y = 190;
pixelmask2.x = 10;
pixelmask2.y = 10;
var masklist:Masklist = new Masklist(new Hitbox(30, 30, 20), new Hitbox(30, 40, 30, 40));
addMask(masklist, "masklist", 330, 200);
var flat:Vector.<Number> = new <Number>[0, 0, 30, 0, 30, 30];
var poly1:Polygon = Polygon.createFromFlatVector(flat);
var poly2:Polygon = Polygon.createFromFlatVector(flat);
poly1.y = 30;
poly2.x = 40;
poly2.y = 20;
var polylist:Masklist = new Masklist(poly1, poly2);
var e7:Entity = addMask(polylist, "polylist", 50, 200);
text = new Text("puppa!");
var textEntity:Entity = new Entity(5, 55, text);
text.blend = BlendMode.OVERLAY;
text.scrollX = 0;
text.scrollY = 0;
text.scale = .5;
text.setTextProperty("multiline", true);
messages = new Vector.<String>();
messages.push("Enable the console...");
messages.push("hit the play button on top...");
messages.push("then use keys described below");
text.text = messages.join("\n");
FP.log("~: Console | SHIFT+ARROWS: Circle | ARROWS: Polygon | SPACE: rotate polygon");
hitEntities = new Vector.<Entity>();
eActive = e6;
FP.console.paused = true;
FP.engine.paused = false;
override public function update():void
// ESC to exit
if (Input.pressed(Key.ESCAPE)) {
if (Input.pressed(Key.SPACE)) {
rotate(polygon, imgPoly, polygon.angle + (Input.check(Key.SHIFT) ? -1 : 1) * 15);
if (Input.check(Key.CONTROL)) {
e6.x += Input.check(Key.LEFT) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;
e6.y += Input.check(Key.UP) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.DOWN) ? 1 : 0;
eActive = e6;
} else if (!Input.check(Key.SHIFT)) {
ePoly.x += Input.check(Key.LEFT) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;
ePoly.y += Input.check(Key.UP) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.DOWN) ? 1 : 0;
eActive = ePoly;
} else if (Input.check(Key.SHIFT)) {
eCircle.x += Input.check(Key.LEFT) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.RIGHT) ? 1 : 0;
eCircle.y += Input.check(Key.UP) ? -1 : Input.check(Key.DOWN) ? 1 : 0;
eActive = eCircle;
hitEntities.length = 0;
eActive.collideTypesInto(["hitbox", "mask", "circle", "grid", "polygon", "pixelmask", "masklist", "polylist"], eActive.x, eActive.y, hitEntities);
for (var i:int = 0; i < hitEntities.length; i++) {
var hitEntity:Entity = Entity(hitEntities[i]);
trace("hit " + hitEntity.type);
messages.push("hit " + hitEntity.type);
if (messages.length > MAX_MESSAGES) messages.splice(0, 1);
text.text = messages.join("\n");
FP.alarm(.2, function ():void
messages.splice(0, 1);
text.text = messages.join("\n");
override public function render():void
// x,y
Draw.rect(ePoly.x + imgPoly.x, ePoly.y + imgPoly.y, 5, 5, 0x00FF00, 1);
Draw.rect(ePoly.x + polygon.x, ePoly.y + polygon.y, 4, 4, 0xFF0000, 1);
// origin
Draw.rect(ePoly.x + imgPoly.originX, ePoly.y + imgPoly.originY, 3, 3, 0x0000FF, 1);
Draw.rect(ePoly.x + polygon.x + polygon.originX, ePoly.y + polygon.y + polygon.originY, 2, 2, 0xFFFFFF, 1);
public function rotate(poly:Polygon, image:Image, angle:Number):void
poly.angle = angle;
image.angle = angle;
trace(poly.x, poly.y, poly.originX, poly.originY, poly.minX, poly.minY);
trace(imgPoly.x, imgPoly.y, imgPoly.originX, imgPoly.originY);
trace(poly.width, poly.height, imgPoly.width, imgPoly.height);
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