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Created May 24, 2014 23:43
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Testing Nullable (Abstract over Int)
import flash.system.System;
import haxe.PosInfos;
class Main {
static function main() {
var test:TestSuite = new TestSuite(); // haxe.unit.* was overlapping traces in Flash so...
trace("[ALL TESTS PASSED]");
class TestSuite {
var c1:Color;
var c2:Color;
var i:Int;
var u:UInt;
public function new() {
c1 = 0xffffffff;
c2 = 0xfffffff0;
i = c1-1;
u = c2;
trace('c1: ${StringTools.hex(c1)} ($c1)');
trace('c2: ${StringTools.hex(c2)} ($c2)');
trace('i : ${StringTools.hex(i)} ($i)');
trace('u : ${StringTools.hex(u)} ($u)');
public static function quit() {
#if (flash || js)
public static function assertTrue(b:Bool, ?str:String, ?pos:PosInfos):Void
var msg = (!b ? '[FAIL]' : ' [OK]') + ' @${pos.fileName}:${pos.lineNumber}: expected TRUE ' + (str != null ? str : '');
if (!b) {
} else {
public static function assertFalse(b:Bool, ?str:String, ?pos:PosInfos):Void
var msg = (b ? '[FAIL]' : ' [OK]') + ' @${pos.fileName}:${pos.lineNumber}: expected FALSE ' + (str != null ? str : '');
if (b) {
} else {
public function testNull() {
trace("-- testNull");
var defaultColor = 0x0000DEFA;
function nullable(?color:Color):Color {
trace(" in nullable() color: " + color + " isNull: " + (color == null));
if (null != color) {
return color;
} else {
return defaultColor;
var c3:Null<Color> = null;
assertTrue(c3 == null);
assertTrue(nullable() == defaultColor);
assertTrue(nullable(0xFFFF0000) == 0xFFFF0000);
// NOTE: Uncomment the following lines to make it also work with CPP
//#if !cpp
abstract Color(Int) from Int to Int from UInt to UInt {
//abstract Color(Null<Int>) from Int to Int from UInt to UInt {
public function new(value:Int) this = toColor(value);
// Int
@:op(C < I)
inline static function lt_i(c:Color, i:Int):Bool return c < toColor(i);
@:op(I < C)
inline static function lt_i2(i:Int, c:Color):Bool return toColor(i) < c;
@:op(C > I)
inline static function gt_i(c:Color, i:Int):Bool return c > toColor(i);
@:op(I > C)
inline static function gt_i2(i:Int, c:Color):Bool return toColor(i) > c;
@:op(C <= I)
inline static function lte_i(c:Color, i:Int):Bool return c <= toColor(i);
@:op(I <= C)
inline static function lte_i2(i:Int, c:Color):Bool return toColor(i) <= c;
@:op(C >= I)
inline static function gte_i(c:Color, i:Int):Bool return c >= toColor(i);
@:op(I >= C)
inline static function gte_i2(i:Int, c:Color):Bool return toColor(i) >= c;
// UInt
@:op(C == U)
inline static function eq_ui(c:Color, ui:Null<UInt>):Bool return c == toColor(ui);
@:op(C != U)
inline static function neq_ui(c:Color, ui:Null<UInt>):Bool return !eq_ui(c, ui);
inline static function toColor(i:Null<Int>):Color return /*cast*/ i;
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