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Created July 16, 2021 07:04
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import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { AzButton, AzTabs, AzSection, AzPanel } from 'aztec-ui-react'
function App() {
const marginRight = {marginRight: '1em'};
return <>
<AzSection caption="Buttons & Tabs">
<AzButton className="small right" type="plain" size="extra-small" slot="header" onClick={() => alert(1)}>Collapse</AzButton>
<AzTabs items="[{caption:'Disabled Buttons'}, {caption: 'Normal', icon: 'check'}, {caption: 'Empty Tab', icon: 'bars'}, {icon: 'download', closable: true}]" active-index="1">
<AzButton className="small" icon="close" caption="Cancel" icon-position="left" disabled={true}></AzButton>
<AzPanel id="buttons" direction="horizontal">
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="plain" size="extra-small" caption="Extra Small"></AzButton>
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="primary" size="small" caption="Small" icon="book"></AzButton>
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="success" size="normal" caption="Normal" icon="loading" id="loadingBtn"></AzButton>
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="warning" size="medium" caption="Medium" icon="download" id="downloadBtn" icon-position="right"></AzButton>
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="danger" size="large" caption="Large" icon="close"></AzButton>
<AzButton style={marginRight} type="info" size="extra-large" caption="Extra Large" icon="cog"></AzButton>
<az-checkbox caption="Disable all buttons" id="disableAllButtons"></az-checkbox>
This is a empty panel
Tab with only icon
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app'));
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