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Forked from stanch/gist:6421641
Last active December 22, 2015 05:08
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/* Basic example */
@workflow[List] val x = List(1, 2) * List(4, 5)
/* Using @context */
@context[Option] object optionExamples {
$(Some(42) + 1) should equal (Some(43))
$(Some(10) + Some(5) * Some(2)) should equal (Some(20))
@context[List] object listExamples {
$(List(1, 2, 3) * 2) should equal (List(2, 4, 6))
$(List("a", "b") + List("x", "y")) should equal (List("ax", "ay", "bx", "by"))
/* Providing workflow instances */
@context(zipList) object zipListExample {
$(List(1, 2, 3, 4) * List(2, 3, 4)) should equal (List(2, 6, 12))
@context(map[String]) object mapExample {
$(Map("foo" → 10, "bar" → 5) * 2) should equal (Map("foo" → 20, "bar" → 10))
@context(function[String]) object functionExample {
val chars = (s: String) ⇒ s.length
val letters = (s: String) ⇒ s.count(_.isLetter)
val nonletters = $(chars - letters)
nonletters("R2-D2") should equal (3)
/* Using more complex expressions */
def divide(x: Double, y: Double) = if (y == 0) None else Some(x / y)
@workflow[Option] val teen = {
val x = divide(1, 2)
val y = divide(4, x)
divide(y, x)
teen should equal (Some(16))
/* Annotating a method */
@context(function[Env] $ option)
def eval: Expr ⇒ Env ⇒ Option[Int] = {
case Var(x) ⇒ fetch(x)
case Val(value) ⇒ $(value)
case Add(x, y) ⇒ $(eval(x) + eval(y))
/* Shorthand annotations */
@frp object frpExample { // same as @context(frp)
val a = $(10)
val b = $(5)
val c = $(a + b * 2)
(c!) should equal (20)
b := 7
(c!) should equal (24)
/* Stack language made easy */
@workflow(stackLang) val program = { put(5); dup; put(7); rot; sub }
execute(program) should equal(Right(List(2, 5)))
/* Point-free notation */
val isLetter: Char ⇒ Boolean = _.isLetter
val isDigit: Char ⇒ Boolean = _.isDigit
val isLetterOrDigit = isLetter || isDigit
val sqr: Double ⇒ Double = x ⇒ x * x
val log: Double ⇒ Double = x ⇒ math.log(x)
val g = log andThen $((sqr - 1) / (sqr + 1)) // (sqr(log(x)) - 1) / (sqr(log(x)) + 1)
/* Purely functional logging */
val Writer(result, logEntries) = {
log("Lets define a variable")
val x = 2
log("And calculate a square of it")
val square = x * x
log("Also a cube and add them together")
val cube = x * x * x
val sum = square + cube
log("This is all so silly")
30 / 5
result should equal (6)
logEntries should equal (Log(List("Lets define a variable",
"And calculate a square of it",
"Also a cube and add them together",
"This is all so silly")))
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