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Last active November 26, 2020 16:14
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Insertion sort in Agda
open import Level
open import Data.List
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Binary
module InsertionSort {ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (totalOrder : TotalOrder ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where
open TotalOrder totalOrder renaming (Carrier to A)
open IsTotalOrder isTotalOrder renaming (trans to ≤-trans; total to _≤?_)
insert : A → List A → List A
insert x [] = [ x ]
insert x (y ∷ ys)
with x ≤? y
... | inj₁ x≤y = x ∷ y ∷ ys
... | inj₂ y≤x = y ∷ insert x ys
insertion-sort : List A → List A
insertion-sort [] = []
insertion-sort (x ∷ xs) = insert x (insertion-sort xs)
module Properties where
data _≤*_ (x : A) : List A → Set (suc (ℓ ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
[] : x ≤* []
_∷_ : ∀ {y ys} → x ≤ y → x ≤* ys → x ≤* (y ∷ ys)
≤*-trans : ∀ {ys x y} → x ≤ y → y ≤* ys → x ≤* ys
≤*-trans {[]} _ _ = []
≤*-trans {z ∷ zs} x≤y (y≤z ∷ y≤*zs) = ≤-trans x≤y y≤z ∷ ≤*-trans x≤y y≤*zs
data Sorted : List A → Set (suc (ℓ ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
[] : Sorted []
_∷_ : ∀ {x xs} → x ≤* xs → Sorted xs → Sorted (x ∷ xs)
≤*-insert : ∀ {ys y x} → x ≤ y → x ≤* ys → x ≤* insert y ys
≤*-insert {[]} x≤y _ = x≤y ∷ []
≤*-insert {z ∷ zs} {y} x≤y (x≤z ∷ x≤*zs)
with y ≤? z
... | inj₁ y≤z = x≤y ∷ (x≤z ∷ x≤*zs)
... | inj₂ z≤y = x≤z ∷ ≤*-insert x≤y x≤*zs
insert-preserves-sorted : ∀ x xs → Sorted xs → Sorted (insert x xs)
insert-preserves-sorted _ [] [] = [] ∷ []
insert-preserves-sorted x (y ∷ ys) (y≤*ys ∷ sys)
with x ≤? y
... | inj₁ x≤y = (x≤y ∷ ≤*-trans x≤y y≤*ys) ∷ (y≤*ys ∷ sys)
... | inj₂ y≤x = ≤*-insert y≤x y≤*ys ∷ insert-preserves-sorted x ys sys
insertion-sort-sorts : ∀ xs → Sorted (insertion-sort xs)
insertion-sort-sorts [] = []
insertion-sort-sorts (x ∷ xs) = insert-preserves-sorted x (insertion-sort xs) (insertion-sort-sorts xs)
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