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Last active December 19, 2015 10:38
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Save azundo/5941503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of the Fox in a Hole from

#The Fox Puzzle


##Puzzle Description

Consider five holes in a line. One of them is occupied by a fox. Each night, the fox moves to a neighboring hole, either to the left or to the right. Each morning, you get to inspect a hole of your choice. What strategy would ensure that the fox is eventually caught?

##Instructions Click on a hole to select it for inspection. The fox plays optimally by keeping track of all possible states he could be in based on your selections so far. You win if he has no where left to hide. If you give up, click the button and one possible path the fox could have taken to avoid your inspections will be shown


Fox designed by Sebastian Blei from The Noun Project

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<!doctype html>
<title>The Fox Puzzle</title>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
.fox-hole.selected {
fill: white;
stroke: black;
#fox {
overflow: auto;
min-height: 300px;
width: 600px;
<div id="fox">
<script type="text/javascript">
foxHoleR = 45,
xOffset = foxHoleR*2 + 15,
yOffset = foxHoleR/4 + 40,
container ='#fox'),
* State machine functions
* In this example, a state is the set of possible holes that the fox could
* be in on a given day after accounting for the farmer's strategy up to that
* point.
* For example on the first day, after the farmer inspects a hole, it is
* possible that the fox is in any of the other holes, so the state for the
* first day would have four entries.
* We could represent our state space as a 5-bit bit vector, where a bit is
* on if the fox could be in that hole, and off if the fox couldn't be in
* that hole. I think this representation (an array of possible values) is a
* bit easier to follow and less accessible bit manipulation.
// hole 0 is next to hole 1
// hole 1 is next to hole 0 and hole 2
[0, 2],
// etc.
[1, 3],
[2, 4],
function nextState(pastState, guess) {
* Calculates our next state based on the past state and the next hole to be inspected.
var next = [], i, j, possiblePastHole, possibleNextHoles, possibleNextHole;
for (i = 0; i < pastState.length; i++) {
// any value in our pastState represents a hole that the fox was possibly in yesterday
possiblePastHole = pastState[i];
// look up holes next to the possiblePastHole in our ADJACENCY_LIST
possibleNextHoles = ADJACENCY_LIST[possiblePastHole];
for (j = 0; j < possibleNextHoles.length; j++) {
// any holes that are ajacent to a possible hole from the pastState
// are valid holes for the fox in the next state, provided that hole wasn't inspected.
// Note that the fox cannot stay in the same hole, it has to move to an adjacent hole.
possibleNextHole = possibleNextHoles[j]
// don't add holes that are already in the next state array since our
// state is the set of possible holes
if (possibleNextHole !== guess && next.indexOf(possibleNextHole) === -1) {
return next;
function getPossibleSequence() {
// only depends on our stateHistory
var i, finalState, stateToDetermine, possibleHoles, possibleHole, seq = [];
if (stateHistory.length === 0) {
return seq;
finalState = stateHistory.pop();
// pick whatever hole happens to be listed first in the final state to end our sequence.
// work backwards through the state history, picking a valid state from each
// entry and unshifting it onto the front of the sequence
while (stateHistory.length > 0) {
stateToDetermine = stateHistory.pop();
// find a hole beside the hole at the front of our sequence
// since our 'graph' is not directed, we can safely use
// the same adjacency values to move backwards through
// the state list
possibleHoles = ADJACENCY_LIST[seq[0]];
for (i = 0; i < possibleHoles.length; i++) {
possibleHole = possibleHoles[i];
// if the possible hole is in our stateToDetermine, use it.
if (stateToDetermine.indexOf(possibleHole) !== -1){
return seq;
* End of State Machine Functions
function selectHole(selection) {
// update state information
state = nextState(state, selection);
// if there are no possible holes for the fox to be in, we caught him!
if (state.length === 0) {
} else {
function foxCaught(selection) {
alert("You got him!");
// remove the selector
// our last state was where we caught the fox, so remove the empty state
// and push on a state containing the selection that caught the fox.
// draw the current selection
drawHoles(currentDay, currentDay, selection);
// draw all foxes in
// reset the button
.text('Try Again')
.on('click', init);
function advanceOneDay(selection) {
// increase size of container div and/or svg canvas
// move the selector down
// draw in row with our selection
drawHoles(currentDay, currentDay, selection);
// fill in 'missed' label
labelMissed(currentDay, selection);
// increase our day counter
currentDay += 1;
function init() {
state = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
stateHistory = [];
svg = container.append('svg')
.attr('width', 600)
.attr('height', 2*yOffset);
currentDay = 0;
button = container.append('button')
.text('I give up. Show me the fox!')
.on('click', giveUp);
selector = drawHoles('selector', 0);
.on('mouseover', function() {'selected', true);
.on('mouseout', function() {'selected', false);
.on('click', function() {
// pull the hole number from the id. XXX pretty hacky
var selection = parseInt('id').split('-').pop());
function giveUp() {
// case where the user didn't make any guesses, put the fox in the first hole
if (stateHistory.length === 0) {
drawHoles(currentDay, currentDay);
drawFox(currentDay, 0);
else {
.text('Try Again')
.on('click', init);
* D3 Drawing functions
function drawHoles(idSuffix, row, selected) {
var i, hole, holes = svg.append('g')
.attr('id', 'fox-holes-' + idSuffix)
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + ((row+1) * yOffset) + ')');
.text('Day ' + (row + 1))
.attr('y', yOffset / 4);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
hole = holes.append('ellipse')
.attr('id', 'fox-hole-' + idSuffix + '-' + i)
.attr('rx', foxHoleR)
.attr('ry', foxHoleR / 4)
.attr('cx', i * xOffset + xOffset)
.attr('cy', foxHoleR / 4 )
.classed('fox-hole', true);
if (i === selected) {
hole.classed('selected', true)
return holes;
function drawFoxes() {
var seq = getPossibleSequence(), i;
for (i=0; i < seq.length; i++) {
drawFox(i, seq[i]);
function drawFox(row, hole) {"#fox-holes-" + row)
.attr('xlink:href', 'fox_white.svg')
.attr('width', foxHoleR)
.attr('height', foxHoleR)
.attr('x', (hole+1) * xOffset - foxHoleR / 2 )
.attr('y', -1 * foxHoleR / 2 );
function updateCanvasSizes() {
// increase size of svg canvas if need be
if (svg.attr('height') < (currentDay + 3) * yOffset) {
svg.attr('height', (currentDay + 3) * yOffset);
// add to container's height if it's too small
// to facilitate scrolling
var containerHeight = parseInt('min-height'));
if (containerHeight < (currentDay + 3) * yOffset) {'min-height', (containerHeight + yOffset*5) + 'px');
function moveSelector() {
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (currentDay+2) * yOffset + ')');'text')
.text('Day ' + (currentDay+2));
// mouseout doesn't fire when using transform to move the selector until the mouse
// is moved again, so manually de-select the hole'.fox-hole.selected')
.classed('selected', false);
function labelMissed(row, selection) {"#fox-holes-" + row)
.attr('x', (selection+1) * xOffset - foxHoleR / 2 )
.attr('y', foxHoleR / 3);
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