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Last active May 2, 2022 12:33
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Create Azure Access token for Microsoft Graph
function Get-AccessToken {
Creates an Access token for Microsoft Graph
This function can be used to create an Access Token to query the Microsoft Graph API.
.PARAMETER ApplicationId [string]
Enter the Application ID
.PARAMETER ApplicationSecret [string]
Enter the Application Secret
.PARAMETER TenantId [string]
Enter the tenant id which looks like a guid
This will request the access token on behalf of the current user and create a http header called $aadRequestHeader
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri @aadRequestHeader
This will request the access token for an App Registration and create a http header called $aadRequestHeader
Get-AccessToken -ApplicationId 'MyApplicationId' -ApplicationSecret 'MySecretValue' -TenantId '3efd0d14-d94c-4cd2-8fe9-cef8616e3703'
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri @aadRequestHeader
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
Write-Output "[+] Get-AccessToken : Checking if the Access Token in not expired "
$startDate = (Get-Date).ToLocalTime()
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($endDate))) {
$valid = (New-TimeSpan –Start $startDate –End $endDate).Minutes
if ($valid -le 5) {
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : The access token has been expired"
$invalidToken = $true
} else {
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : Access token is valid until $endDate"
$invalidToken = $false
process {
if ($invalidToken) {
if (-not($ApplicationId)) {
# Get Access Token from current context
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : Get access token from current context"
$graphToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph
$script:endDate = ($graphToken.ExpiresOn).LocalDateTime
$script:aadRequestHeader = @{
"Token" = ($graphToken.Token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
"Authentication" = $graphToken.Type
"Method" = 'GET'
else {
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : Get access token from App Registration"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ApplicationId) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ApplicationSecret) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TenantId)) {
Write-Error "Not all required parameters are provided"
$payload = @{
Grant_Type = "client_credentials"
client_id = "$ApplicationId"
client_secret = "$ApplicationSecret"
if ($SecurityGraph) {
$authUri = ""
$payload.resource = ''
} else {
$authUri = ""
$payload.scope = ''
try {
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : Requesting token from the Azure Active Directory"
$requestHash = @{
"Uri" = $authUri
"Method" = 'POST'
"Body" = $payload
"ErrorVariable" = 'ErrMsg'
$graphToken = Invoke-RestMethod @requestHash #-Uri $authUri -Method POST -Body $payload -ErrorVariable ErrMsg
$script:endDate = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($graphToken.expires_in)
$script:aadRequestHeader = @{
"Token" = ($graphToken.access_token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
"Authentication" = $graphToken.token_type
"Method" = 'GET'
Write-Output "[-] Get-AccessToken : Succesfully created access token"
} catch {
Write-Error ((($ErrMsg.ErrorRecord | ConvertFrom-Json).error_description) -split ("`r"))[0]
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azurekid commented Apr 26, 2022




This Azure function can be used to create a authentication header to use for requests to the Microsoft Graph or Security Graph
When running the script an environment variable aadRequestHeader will be created that can be used in the Invoke-RestMethod call.

Example 1

Request an Access Token for the current PowerShell context


Example 2

Request an Access Token in the current PowerShell context for the Security Graph

Get-AccessToken -SecurityGraph

Example 3

Request an Access Token for an App Registration

Get-AccessToken `
    -ApplicationId "a0a50537-85de-4087-a55b-18018eeac90b"  `
    -ApplicationSecret "M3a8Q~BwDvC4PNRIyAxgK2CzBW2To3DFt6W4Abl7" `
    -TenantId "4c2c8992-c7e1-4bc1-9661-2f33e3409cec"

Output Usage

-The request header containing the access token can be used to query the Microsoft (Security) Graph


Example 4

Invoke-RestMethod -uri '' @aadRequestHeader


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