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Last active December 14, 2015 22:59
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Sample install.ps1 for a NuGet package that patches the umbracoSettings config file
param($rootPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
if ($project) {
$projectDestinationPath = Split-Path $project.FullName -Parent
### Change single element value or attribute ###
$umbracoConfigFile = Join-Path $projectDestinationPath "Config\umbracoSettings.config"
$umbracoConfig = [XML](Get-Content $umbracoConfigFile)
# Set domain prefixes to true
$umbracoConfig.settings.requestHandler.useDomainPrefixes = $true
### Insert chunck of XML ###
$dashboardConfigFile = Join-Path $projectDestinationPath "Config\Dashboard.config"
$dashboardConfig = [XML](Get-Content $dashboardConfigFile)
# Add new section to dashboard
$mySection = [xml]@'
<section alias="liveLogger">
<tab caption="Live Logger">
$mySection.PreserveWhitespace = $true
$n = $dashboardConfig.ImportNode($mySection.DocumentElement, $true)
### Change element with specific attribute value ###
$webConfigFile = Join-Path $projectDestinationPath "Web.config"
$webConfig = [XML](Get-Content $webConfigFile)
# Change connection string
$connectionStringElement = $webConfig.connectionStrings.add | Where { $ -eq "umbracoDbDSN" }
$connectionStringElement.connectionString = "Datasource=|DataDirectory|Umbraco.sdf"
$connectionStringElement.providerName = "System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0"
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