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Created September 23, 2011 05:28
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@brief Gets the user to pick a number
@sideeffect Prompts the user to enter a number
@returns The number the user entered
This function scans the user's input into a local variable,
and then returns the value stored in that variable to the calling code.
@brief The answer that the trick always comes up with
For not-very-mysterious algebraic reasons, this trick will always come up
with the same answer. Rather than have '2' randomly show up in our code as
a 'magic number', we give it a name here.
@brief Pause until the user is ready to continue
@sideeffect Prompts the user to press enter
After printing a prompt, this function calls the getchar function
which will scan for the next letter in the stream. If the user presses
enter, a newline will be the next character, getchar will finish, and
the rest of the program will continue.
@brief Walk the user through the arithmetic in the trick
@param theUsersNumber Whatever number the user picked
@sideeffect Displays the computations for each step of the trick.
@returns the result of going through the arithmetic of the trick
Displays values of 2^k for the various k, and
Walks through subtracting 2^0, multiplying by 2^2, adding 2^3, dividing by 2^1,
and then subtracting twice the original number.
@brief Walk the user through the steps of the trick
@sideeffect Displays the instructions for each step of the trick, pausing between steps.
Instructions are:
Subtract 2^0, multiply by 2^2, add 2^3, divide by 2^1,
then subtract twice the original number.
@brief Double a number
@param n The number to double
@sideeffect None
@returns Twice n
Very simple function, should just return 2*n or n+n
int twoToThe(int exponent)
int theResult;
printf("-> Calling twoToThe(%d)\n",exponent);
if(exponent<0) theResult=1/twoToThe(-exponent);
else if(exponent==0) theResult=1;
else theResult=twice(twoToThe(exponent-1));
printf("<- twoToThe(%d) returns %d\n",exponent, theResult);
return theResult;
@brief Compute a power of 2
@param exponent The exponent: how many times to multiply 2 by itself.
@sideeffect None
@returns 2^n
This works by using the fact that 2^n is twice 2^(n-1), and 2^0 is 1
So, if the user gives 0 for n, this just returns n
Otherwise, it returns twice the value of twoToThe(n-1)
[We'll talk about this 'recursion' trick later in the class. It's very useful.]
int twoToThe(int exponent);
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