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Created January 23, 2013 02:26
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URL, Array, and string-input demonstrations for CS132
@brief Demonstrate getting textual user input and adding it to an array, plus displaying array contents.
void demo_Array(void);
void demo_Array(void)
//An array of "to do" items, which can be altered
NSMutableArray* todoList = nil;
//Pointing todoList at an allocated, initialized Mutable Array instance
todoList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//A string to keep track of a single to-do item
NSString* todoItem = nil;
//A C-style string for storing user input text
char userInput[100];
//Loop five times to get user inputs
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
//Prompt (CS131 style)
printf("Enter todo item %d: ", i);
//Scan input (CS131 style)
scanf("%99s", userInput);
//Convert C-string (array of characters) to NSString (String object)
todoItem = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:userInput
//Mutate the list by adding an item to it
[todoList addObject:todoItem];
//Mutate the list by changing its order
[todoList sortUsingSelector: @selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
//Loop over every item in the list and display it
for(NSString* item in todoList)
NSLog(@"You should do: %@", item);
@brief Demonstrate constructing a URL from strings and fetching HTML at the targeted location.
void demo_URL(void);
void demo_URL(void)
//A string, like you'd type to go to a server
NSString* webserverAddress = @"";
//A URL (Uniform Resource Location) object based on that string
NSURL* webserverURL = [NSURL URLWithString:webserverAddress];
//A string, like you'd type to finish off a web address
NSString* pbkInitiativesAddress = @"~pbk/index.html#Initiatives";
//A URL, based on a relative path and another, base, URL
NSURL* pbkURL = [NSURL URLWithString:pbkInitiativesAddress
//The content you get by loading that URL
NSString* contents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:pbkURL
//Display one particular string version of the URL, as well as the contents it indicated
NSLog(@"Contents of %@: \n\n%@", [pbkURL absoluteString], contents);
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