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Last active June 17, 2023 15:37
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UNITY 3D => Unity Key Codes to Characters (for MOST keys that display a character when pressed)
//NOTE: This is only a DICTIONARY with MOST character to keycode bindings... it is NOT a working cs file
//ITS USEFUL: when you are reading in your control scheme from a file
//NOTE: some characters SHOULD map to multiple keycodes (but this is impossible)
//since this is a dictionary, only 1 character is bound to 1 keycode
//EX: * from the keyboard will be read the same as * from the keypad... because they produce the same character in a text file
Dictionary<char, KeyCode> chartoKeycode = new Dictionary<char, KeyCode>()
//-------------------------LOGICAL mappings-------------------------
//Lower Case Letters
{'a', KeyCode.A},
{'b', KeyCode.B},
{'c', KeyCode.C},
{'d', KeyCode.D},
{'e', KeyCode.E},
{'f', KeyCode.F},
{'g', KeyCode.G},
{'h', KeyCode.H},
{'i', KeyCode.I},
{'j', KeyCode.J},
{'k', KeyCode.K},
{'l', KeyCode.L},
{'m', KeyCode.M},
{'n', KeyCode.N},
{'o', KeyCode.O},
{'p', KeyCode.P},
{'q', KeyCode.Q},
{'r', KeyCode.R},
{'s', KeyCode.S},
{'t', KeyCode.T},
{'u', KeyCode.U},
{'v', KeyCode.V},
{'w', KeyCode.W},
{'x', KeyCode.X},
{'y', KeyCode.Y},
{'z', KeyCode.Z}
//KeyPad Numbers
{'1', KeyCode.Keypad1},
{'2', KeyCode.Keypad2},
{'3', KeyCode.Keypad3},
{'4', KeyCode.Keypad4},
{'5', KeyCode.Keypad5},
{'6', KeyCode.Keypad6},
{'7', KeyCode.Keypad7},
{'8', KeyCode.Keypad8},
{'9', KeyCode.Keypad9},
{'0', KeyCode.Keypad0},
//Other Symbols
{'!', KeyCode.Exclaim}, //1
{'"', KeyCode.DoubleQuote},
{'#', KeyCode.Hash}, //3
{'$', KeyCode.Dollar}, //4
{'&', KeyCode.Ampersand}, //7
{'\'', KeyCode.Quote}, //remember the special forward slash rule... this isnt wrong
{'(', KeyCode.LeftParen}, //9
{')', KeyCode.RightParen}, //0
{'*', KeyCode.Asterisk}, //8
{'+', KeyCode.Plus},
{',', KeyCode.Comma},
{'-', KeyCode.Minus},
{'.', KeyCode.Period},
{'/', KeyCode.Slash},
{':', KeyCode.Colon},
{';', KeyCode.Semicolon},
{'<', KeyCode.Less},
{'=', KeyCode.Equals},
{'>', KeyCode.Greater},
{'?', KeyCode.Question},
{'@', KeyCode.At}, //2
{'[', KeyCode.LeftBracket},
{'\\', KeyCode.Backslash}, //remember the special forward slash rule... this isnt wrong
{']', KeyCode.RightBracket},
{'^', KeyCode.Caret}, //6
{'_', KeyCode.Underscore},
{'`', KeyCode.BackQuote},
//-------------------------NON-LOGICAL mappings-------------------------
//NOTE: all of these can easily be remapped to something that perhaps you find more useful
//---Mappings where the logical keycode was taken up by its counter part in either (the regular keybaord) or the (keypad)
//Alpha Numbers
//NOTE: we are using the UPPER CASE LETTERS Q -> P because they are nearest to the Alpha Numbers
{'Q', KeyCode.Alpha1},
{'W', KeyCode.Alpha2},
{'E', KeyCode.Alpha3},
{'R', KeyCode.Alpha4},
{'T', KeyCode.Alpha5},
{'Y', KeyCode.Alpha6},
{'U', KeyCode.Alpha7},
{'I', KeyCode.Alpha8},
{'O', KeyCode.Alpha9},
{'P', KeyCode.Alpha0},
//INACTIVE since I am using these characters else where
{'A', KeyCode.KeypadPeriod},
{'B', KeyCode.KeypadDivide},
{'C', KeyCode.KeypadMultiply},
{'D', KeyCode.KeypadMinus},
{'F', KeyCode.KeypadPlus},
{'G', KeyCode.KeypadEquals},
//-------------------------CHARACTER KEYS with NO KEYCODE-------------------------
//NOTE: you can map these to any of the OPEN KEYCODES below
//Upper Case Letters (16)
{'H', -},
{'J', -},
{'K', -},
{'L', -},
{'M', -},
{'N', -},
{'S', -},
{'V', -},
{'X', -},
{'Z', -}
//-------------------------KEYCODES with NO CHARACER KEY-------------------------
//-----KeyCodes without Logical Mappings
//-Anything above "KeyCode.Space" in Unity's Documentation (9 KeyCodes)
//-Anything between "KeyCode.UpArrow" and "KeyCode.F15" in Unity's Documentation (24 KeyCodes)
//-Anything Below "KeyCode.Numlock" in Unity's Documentation [(28 KeyCodes) + (9 * 20 = 180 JoyStickCodes) = 208 KeyCodes]
//-----KeyCodes that are inaccesible for some reason
//{'~', KeyCode.tilde},
//{'{', KeyCode.LeftCurlyBrace},
//{'}', KeyCode.RightCurlyBrace},
//{'|', KeyCode.Line},
//{'%', KeyCode.percent},
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@b-itmap or @idk

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