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Last active September 4, 2023 09:47
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My preferred gitconfig setup
email =
name = Bardur Sigmundarson
autosetuprebase = always
editor = vim
default = current
autoStash = true
autosquash = true
pf = push --force-with-lease
pushf = push --force-with-lease
rebase-on = !git fetch -p && git rebase --autostash
update = pull --autostash
fixup = commit --fixup
logs = log --oneline
rebase-fix = rebase -i --autostash --autosquash
prune-branches = "!f() { git branch --merged | grep -v '*' | xargs git branch -d; }; f"
up = "!f() { git rebase-on $(git origin); git pf; }; f"
nb = "!f() { git fetch -p; git checkout -b \"$1\" $(git origin); }; f"
new = nb
origin = "!f() { git branch -rl '*/HEAD' | cut -d ' ' -f 5-; }; f"
prune = true
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