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Created October 2, 2017 17:12
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fixed getAE function for the Bioc ArrayExpress that allows the usage of https
# We have to change to https in `getAE`
# to https as EBI services have switched the protocol on Oct 1st
# see:
# The package XML does not support https though, so we need RCurl::getURL:
https_getAE <- function (accession, path = getwd(), type = "full", extract = TRUE,
local = FALSE, sourcedir = path)
if (!local) {
baseURL = ""
xmlURL = getURL(paste(baseURL, accession, sep = "/"))
xml = xmlTreeParse(xmlURL, useInternalNodes = TRUE, isURL=FALSE)
sdrfURL = xpathSApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='sdrf' and extension='txt']/url",
sdrfFile = xpathSApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='sdrf' and extension='txt']/name",
idfURL = xpathSApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='idf' and extension='txt']/url",
idfFile = xpathSApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='idf' and extension='txt']/name",
adfURL = xpathApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='adf' and extension='txt']/url",
adfFiles = xpathApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='adf' and extension='txt']/name",
rawArchiveURL = xpathApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='raw' and extension='zip']/url",
procArchiveURL = xpathApply(xml, "/files/experiment/file[kind='processed' and extension='zip']/url",
else {
allfiles = list.files(sourcedir)
sdrfFile = allfiles[grep(paste(accession, ".sdrf.txt$",
sep = ""), allfiles)]
if (length(sdrfFile) == 0)
stop("SDRF file not found in directory ", sourcedir)
sdrfURL = paste("file:/", sourcedir, sdrfFile, sep = "/")
idfFile = allfiles[grep(paste(accession, ".idf.txt$",
sep = ""), allfiles)]
if (length(idfFile) == 0)
warning("IDF file not found in directory ", sourcedir)
idfURL = paste("file:/", sourcedir, idfFile, sep = "/")
ph = try(read.AnnotatedDataFrame(sdrfFile, path = sourcedir,
row.names = NULL, blank.lines.skip = TRUE, fill = TRUE,
varMetadata.char = "$"))
if (inherits(ph, "try-error")) {
warning("Unable to retrieve ADF reference from SDRF. Reading any ADF in directory.")
adfFiles = allfiles[grep(".adf.txt$", allfiles)]
else {
adr = unique(pData(ph)[, getSDRFcolumn("ArrayDesignREF",
adfFiles = paste(adr, ".adf.txt", sep = "")
if (all(file.exists(file.path(sourcedir, adfFiles)))) {
adfURL = paste("file:/", sourcedir, adfFiles, sep = "/")
downloadADF = FALSE
else {
filesURL = ""
adfURL = paste(filesURL, adr, adfFiles, sep = "/")
downloadADF = TRUE
rawArchiveURL = NULL
procArchiveURL = NULL
rawArchive = allfiles[grep(paste(accession, ".raw.[0-9]{1,}.zip",
sep = ""), allfiles)]
if (length(rawArchive) != 0)
rawArchiveURL = paste("file:/", sourcedir, rawArchive,
sep = "/")
else warning("No raw files found in directory ", sourcedir)
processedArchive = allfiles[grep(paste(accession, ".processed.[0-9]{1,}.zip",
sep = ""), allfiles)]
if (length(processedArchive) != 0)
procArchiveURL = paste("file:/", sourcedir, processedArchive,
sep = "/")
else warning("No processed data files found in directory ",
if (length(sdrfURL) > 1) {
warning("Found two SDRF files: \n", paste(sdrfURL, "\n"))
hybSDRF = grep("hyb.sdrf", sdrfURL)
if (length(hybSDRF) > 0) {
message("Choosing ", sdrfURL[hybSDRF])
sdrfURL = sdrfURL[hybSDRF]
sdrfFile = sdrfFile[hybSDRF]
else {
warning("Unable to choose SDRF file. Please report experiment to")
if (!local || path != sourcedir || downloadADF) {
adfFiles <- lapply(adfURL, function(url) {
filedest = paste(path, basename(url), sep = "/")
dnld = try(download.file(url, filedest, mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(dnld, "try-error") ||$size ==
0) {
warning(paste(url, " does not exist or is empty. \n"),
sep = "")
adffile = NULL
else {
adffile = basename(filedest)
if (!is.null(adfFiles))
adfFiles = unlist(adfFiles)
if (!local || path != sourcedir) {
sdrfFileDest = paste(path, sdrfFile, sep = "/")
dnld = try(download.file(sdrfURL, sdrfFileDest, mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(dnld, "try-error") ||$size ==
0) {
warning(paste(sdrfFile, " does not exist or is empty. The object will not have featureData or phenoData. \n"),
sep = "")
sdrfFile = NULL
adffile = NULL
idfFileDest = paste(path, idfFile, sep = "/")
dnld = try(download.file(idfURL, idfFileDest, mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(dnld, "try-error") ||$size ==
0) {
warning(paste(idfFile, " does not exist or is empty. \n"),
sep = "")
idfFile = NULL
rawArchive = NULL
processedArchive = NULL
if (type != "mageFilesOnly" && !is.null(rawArchiveURL) &&
(type == "full" || type == "raw")) {
message("Copying raw data files\n")
rawArchive <- lapply(rawArchiveURL, function(url) {
filedest = paste(path, basename(url), sep = "/")
dnld = try(download.file(url, filedest, mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(dnld, "try-error") ||$size ==
0) {
warning(paste(url, " does not exist or is empty. \n"),
sep = "")
else {
if (!is.null(rawArchive)) {
rawArchive = unlist(rawArchive)
rawArchive = basename(rawArchive)
if ((type != "mageFilesOnly" && type == "full" || type ==
"processed") && !is.null(procArchiveURL)) {
message("Copying processed data files\n")
processedArchive <- lapply(procArchiveURL, function(url) {
filedest = paste(path, basename(url), sep = "/")
dnld = try(download.file(url, filedest, mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(dnld, "try-error") ||$size ==
0) {
warning(paste(url, " does not exist or is empty. \n"),
sep = "")
else {
if (!is.null(processedArchive)) {
processedArchive = unlist(processedArchive)
processedArchive = basename(processedArchive)
rawFiles = NULL
processedFiles = NULL
if (extract) {
message("Unpacking data files")
if (!is.null(rawArchive))
rawFiles <- lapply(rawArchive, function(zipfile) {
rawfiles = = paste(path, zipfile,
sep = "/"))
if (!is.null(processedArchive))
processedFiles <- lapply(processedArchive, function(zipfile) {
procfiles = = paste(path, zipfile,
sep = "/"))
if (!is.null(rawFiles))
rawFiles = unlist(rawFiles)
if (!is.null(processedFiles))
processedFiles = unlist(processedFiles)
res = list(path = path, rawFiles = rawFiles, rawArchive = rawArchive,
processedFiles = processedFiles, processedArchive = processedArchive,
sdrf = sdrfFile, idf = idfFile, adf = adfFiles)
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