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Last active May 21, 2018 08:39
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(wall) Timing with registry that displays exponentially weighted mean and standard deviation of duration per invocation
example usage:
import time
from math import sqrt
def display_out(timer, func, display=print, erase=False):
if erase:
display = lambda message: print(f"\r{message}", end='')
f"[{}|{func.__name__}] {timer.iteration}. "
f"Duration: {timer.duration:.2f} (Started at: {timer.t0}) | "
f"Mean: {timer.stats.mean:.2f} (Stdev: {sqrt(timer.stats.var):.2f})"
class Foo:
@Timers.add_output(display_out, display=logging.debug)
def __init__(self):
self.initialized = True
def foo(self, n):
def bar(self, n):
f = Foo()
# Time hase started!
# [a|foo] 9. Duration: 0.50 (Started at: 2018-05-17 07:40:14.916027) | Mean: 0.67 (Stdev: 0.24)
# [a|foo] 10. Duration: 1.00 (Started at: 2018-05-17 07:40:15.416985) | Mean: 0.83 (Stdev: 0.24)
# [b|bar] 5. Duration: 1.00 (Started at: 2018-05-17 07:40:15.416981) | Mean: 1.00 (Stdev: 0.00)
import pandas as pd
# Timing of <__main__.Foo object at 0x7f48c7bc7c50> started at 2018-05-17 07:40:12.
#>> duration iteration name output stats t0
#.. 0 1.001112 10 a <function Foo.<lambda> at 0x7f48c7bd8620> {'mean': 0.83382476171875, 'var': 0.0556825287... 2018-05-17 07:40:15.416985
#.. 1 1.001310 5 b <function Foo.<lambda> at 0x7f48c7bd8620> {'mean': 1.001174375, 'var': 5.647148437498983... 2018-05-17 07:40:15.416981
import datetime as dt
from functools import partial
def seconds_since(previous):
return (dt.datetime.utcnow() - previous).total_seconds()
def update_stats(stats, new_obs, alpha=0.5):
Based on (adapted) equations in:
if stats.mean is None:
stats.mean = new_obs
diff = new_obs - stats.mean
incr = alpha * diff
stats.mean = stats.mean + incr
stats.var = (1-alpha) * (stats.var + diff * incr)
return stats
class Stats:
def __init__(self):
self.mean = None
self.var = 0
class Timer:
"""An actual instance of a timer"""
alpha = 0.5
def __init__(self, name, output=None):
self.iteration = 0
self.stats = Stats() = name
self.output = output
self.t0 = None
self.duration = None
def start(self, func):
def time(*args, **kwargs):
self.t0 = dt.datetime.utcnow()
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
self.duration = seconds_since(self.t0)
self.stats = update_stats(self.stats, self.duration, self.alpha)
self.iteration += 1
if self.output:
for output in self.output:
output(self, func)
return res
return time
class Timers:
"""The timer registry"""
started_at = None
monitored = None
def get(cls, name):
return cls.timers.get(name)
def register(cls, name=None):
if name not in cls.timers:
output = getattr(cls, 'output', None)
timer = Timer(name, output)
timer = cls.timers[name]
cls.timers.update({name: timer})
return timer.start
def add_output(cls, disp_func, **disp_args):
output_func = partial(disp_func, **disp_args)
if getattr(cls, 'output', None) is None:
cls.output = []
for t in cls.timers.values():
if getattr(t, 'output', None) is None:
t.output = []
return cls.wrapper
def wrapper(cls, init):
cls.monitored = init
def executor(*args, **kwargs):
cls.started_at = dt.datetime.utcnow()
if len(args) > 0:
cls.monitored = args[0]
return init(*args, **kwargs)
return executor
def get_summary(cls):
print(f"Timing of {cls.monitored} started at {cls.started_at:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}.")
return [{k: v if k!='stats' else v.__dict__ for k, v in t.__dict__.items()} for t in cls.timers.values()]
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