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Created August 16, 2020 09:07
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ZSH completion script for dbt
#compdef dbt
# Adds autocompletion to dbt CLI by:
# 1. Finding the root of the repo (identified by dbt_project.yml
# 2. Parsing target/manifest.json file, extracting valid model selectors
# 3. Doing some bash magic to autocomplete selectors for:
# -m
# --model[s]
# --exclude
# NOTE: This script uses the manifest (assumed to be at target/manifest.json)
# to _quickly_ provide a list of existing selectors. As such, a dbt
# resource must be compiled before it will be available for tab completion.
# In the future, this script should use dbt directly to parse the project
# directory and generate possible selectors. Until then, brand new
# models/sources/tags/packages will not be displayed in the tab complete menu
# Leveraging a lot of logic from dbt-completion.bash:
# Inspired by zsh-completions
# and particularly
# Inline a python script so we can deploy this as a single file
# the idea of doing this in bash natively is... daunting
_parse_manifest() {
prog=$(cat <<EOF
# Use a big try/catch so any errors (maybe from a corrupted or
# missing manifest?) are not printed on tab-complete
import fileinput, json, sys
# If a prefix is given as an argument, include it in the
# generated selector list. The bash completion logic below
# will match these generated selectors against partially
# written args when table completed. This helps the script
# match selectors when a user does something like:
# dbt run --models +order<tab>
prefix = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 2 else ""
manifest = json.loads("\n".join([line for line in fileinput.input()]))
models = set(
"{}{}".format(prefix, node['name'])
for node in manifest['nodes'].values()
if node['resource_type'] in ['model', 'seed']
tags = set(
"{}tag:{}".format(prefix, tag)
for node in manifest['nodes'].values()
for tag in node.get('tags', [])
if node['resource_type'] == 'model'
# The + prefix for sources is not sensible, but allowed.
# This script shouldn't be opinionated about these things
sources = set(
"{}source:{}".format(prefix, node['source_name'])
for node in manifest['nodes'].values()
if node['resource_type'] == 'source'
) | set(
"{}source:{}.{}".format(prefix, node['source_name'], node['name'])
for node in manifest['nodes'].values()
if node['resource_type'] == 'source'
# Generate partial Fully Qualified Names with a wildcard
# suffix. This matches things like directories and packag names
fqns = set(
"{}{}.*".format(prefix, ".".join(node['fqn'][:i-1]))
for node in manifest['nodes'].values()
for i in range(len(node.get('fqn', [])))
if node['resource_type'] == 'model'
selectors = [
selector.replace(':', '\:')
for selector in (models | tags | sources | fqns)
if selector != ''
selectorsplus = []
selectorsat = []
# selectorsplus = ['+' + selector for selector in selectors ]
# selectorsat = ['@' + selector for selector in selectors ]
print(" ".join(selectors + selectorsplus + selectorsat))
except Exception as e:
# oops!
cat "$manifest_path" | python -c "$prog" $prefix
# Iterate backwards in the arg list from the index
# and return the first flag that we find (ie. an
# argument that begins with a '-'
_get_last_flag() {
for i in $(seq $arg_index -1 0); do
# arg=$words[$i]
if [[ $words[$i] == -* ]] ; then
echo $first_flag
# Return 0 if the supplied flag accepts a selector as an argument
# or 1 if it does not. Python's argparse supports flag prefixes
# so, this method matches both --model and --models. Probably not
# appropriate to support prefixes of exclude, for instance
_flag_is_selector() {
if [[ $flag == '-m' ]] || \
[[ $flag == --model* ]] || \
[[ $flag == '--exclude' ]] ;
echo 0
echo 1
# Walk up the filesystem until we find a dbt_project.yml file,
# then return the path which contains it (if found)
_get_project_root() {
for (( n=${#slashes}; n>0; --n ))
test -e "$directory/dbt_project.yml" && echo "$directory" && return
# Lists the difference models, extracted from manifest.json
_dbt_list_models() {
# Wanted to look at $words to know when or not to suggest models,
# but the issue is that $words seems to reset after the first argument has been typed
# Option 1 to try to capture if the last flag is for a model (does not work because $words resets)
# if [ $(($words[(I)--model] + $words[(I)-m])) != $words[(I)-*] ] || [ $words[(I)-*] = 0 ]
# then
# return
# fi
# Option 2 to try to capture if the last flag is for a model (does not work because $words resets)
# last_flag=$(_get_last_flag ${#words} $words)
# is_selector=$(_flag_is_selector $last_flag)
# if [[ $is_selector == 0 ]] ; then
# return
# fi
if [ ! -f "$manifest_path" ] ; then
local first_letter
if [ "$first_letter" = "+" ] || [ "$first_letter" = "@" ]; then
local models_list=( $(_parse_manifest "$manifest_path" "$first_letter") )
local models_list=( $(_parse_manifest "$manifest_path" "") _files )
_values -s ' ' 'models' $models_list
# Provides sub-commands and arguments for dbt docs
_dbt_docs() {
_describe -t action 'action' action
_arguments -C -s -S -n \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}"[show this help message and exit]" \
--profile"[which profile to load]:profile:_files" \
--profiles-dir"[which directory to look in for the profiles.yml file]:profile:_files" \
'(-t --target)'{-t,--target}"[which target to load for the given profile]" \
--vars"[supply variables to the project - eg. '{my_variable: my_value}']:()" \
--bypass-cache"[if set, bypass the adapter-level cache of database state]" \
--project-dir"[Which directory to look in for the dbt_project.yml file]:dir:_files"
# Provides arguments for dbt test
_dbt_test() {
_arguments -C -s -S -n \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}"[show this help message and exit]" \
'(-m --model)'{-m,--model}"[specify the models to include]:models:_dbt_list_models" \
'(--exclude)'--exclude"[specify models to exclude]:models:_dbt_list_models" \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}"[debug mode]" \
--profile"[which profile to load]:profile:_files" \
--profiles-dir"[which directory to look in for the profiles.yml file]:profile:_files" \
'(-t --target)'{-t,--target}"[which target to load for the given profile]" \
--vars"[supply variables to the project - eg. '{my_variable: my_value}']:()" \
--bypass-cache"[if set, bypass the adapter-level cache of database state]" \
--threads"[specify number of threads to use while executing models]:threads:=THREADS" \
--project-dir"[Which directory to look in for the dbt_project.yml file]:dir:_files" \
--data"[run data tests defined in 'tests' directory]" \
--schema:"[run constraint validations from schema.yml files]" \
'*:: :_dbt_list_models'
# Provides arguments for dbt run
_dbt_run() {
_arguments -C -s -S -n \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}"[show this help message and exit]" \
'(-m --model)'{-m,--model}"[specify the models to include]:models:_dbt_list_models" \
'(--exclude)'--exclude"[specify models to exclude]:models:_dbt_list_models" \
--full-refresh"[perform full-refresh]" \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}"[debug mode]" \
--profile"[which profile to load]:profile:_files" \
--profiles-dir"[which directory to look in for the profiles.yml file]:profile:_files" \
'(-t --target)'{-t,--target}"[which target to load for the given profile]" \
--vars"[supply variables to the project - eg. '{my_variable: my_value}']:()" \
--bypass-cache"[if set, bypass the adapter-level cache of database state]" \
--threads"[specify number of threads to use while executing models]:threads:=THREADS" \
--project-dir"[Which directory to look in for the dbt_project.yml file]:dir:_files" \
'*:: :_dbt_list_models'
# Main function
# Contains the global actions and flags
_dbt() {
local -a state commands
"run:run SQL transformation"
"test:runs tests on data in deployed model"
"seed:load csv seeds"
"docs:generate and serve docs"
"compile:generates executable sql - written to the target/ directory"
"clean:delete all folders in the clean-targets list"
"debug:show some helpful information about dbt for debugging"
"list (ls):list the resources in your project"
"snapshot:execute snapshots defined in your project"
"rpc:start a json-rpc server"
"run-operation:run the named macro with any supplied arguments"
"deps:pull the most recent version of the dependencies listed in packages.yml"
_arguments -C -s -S -n \
'(- 1 *)'--version"[Show version information]: :->full" \
'(- 1 *)'{-h,--help}'[show this help message and exit]: :->full' \
'(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}"[display debug logging during dbt execution]" \
'(--log-format)'--log-format"[specify the log forma]:log format:(text json default)" \
'(-S --strict)'{-S,--strict}'[run schema validations at runtime]: :->full' \
--warn-error'[display usage information]: :->full' \
--partial-parse'[allow for partial parsing by looking for and writing to a pickle file in the target directory]: :->full' \
'1:cmd:->cmds' \
'*:: :->args' && ret=0
case "$state" in
_describe -t commands 'commands' commands
local cmd
case "$cmd" in
_dbt_run && ret=0
_dbt_test && ret=0
_dbt_docs && ret=0
_default && ret=0
return ret
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