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c("!Y2KBUG", "1980 Portable", "256 Bytes", "6809chargen", "Abberancy",
"Adobe Courier", "Adobe Helvetica", "Adobe New Century Schoolbook",
"Adobe Symbol", "Adobe Times", "Adobe Utopia", "Adriator", "Airmole",
"Airmole Antique", "Airmole Shaded", "Airmole Stripe", "Almonte",
"Almonte Snow", "Almonte Woodgrain", "Anglepoise Lampshade",
"Anklepants", "Arabic Newspaper", "Arnprior", "Astron Boy", "Astron Boy Video",
"Astron Boy Wonder", "Axaxax", "B&H Lucida", "B&H LucidaBright",
"B&H LucidaTypewriter", "Baby Jeepers", "BaileysCar", "Balker",
"Baltar", "Barbatrick", "Baveuse", "Baveuse 3D", "Beat My Guest",
"Berylium", "Betsy Flanagan", "Biting My Nails", "Biting My Nails Outline",
"Bitstream Charter", "Bitstream Terminal", "Blue Highway", "Blue Highway Condensed",
"Blue Highway D Type", "Blue Highway Linocut", "Borg9", "Boron",
"Brill", "Budmo Jiggler", "Bullpen", "Bullpen 3D", "Burnstown Dam",
"Butterbelly", "Cantarell", "Carbon Block", "Carbon Phyber",
"Century Schoolbook L", "Charles in Charge", "Chinese Rocks",
"Classic Console", "cmex10", "cmmi10", "cmr10", "cmsy10", "Colourbars",
"Comic Neue", "Comic Neue Angular", "Contour Generator", "Coolvetica",
"Counterscraps", "Courier", "Courier 10 Pitch", "Courier-converted",
"CrackMan", "Cranberry Gin", "Credit River", "Credit Valley",
"Cretino", "Crystal Radio Kit", "Cuomotype", "Cursor", "cursor.pcf",
"Daewoo Gothic Wide", "Daewoo Mincho Wide", "DEC Terminal", "deccurs.pcf",
"decsess.pcf", "Deftone Stylus", "Degrassi", "DejaVu Math TeX Gyre",
"DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "DejaVu Serif", "Delta Hey Max Nine",
"Dendritic Voltage", "Die Nasty", "Dignity Of Labour", "Dingbats",
"DirtyBakersDozen", "Dream Orphans", "Droid", "Droid Arabic Kufi",
"Droid Arabic Naskh", "Droid Naskh Shift Alt", "Droid Sans",
"Droid Sans Armenian", "Droid Sans Devanagari", "Droid Sans Ethiopic",
"Droid Sans Fallback", "Droid Sans Georgian", "Droid Sans Hebrew",
"Droid Sans Japanese", "Droid Sans Mono", "Droid Sans Tamil",
"Droid Sans Thai", "Droid Serif", "Duality", "Dustismo", "Dustismo Roman",
"Dyspepsia", "Earwig Factory", "East Syriac Adiabene", "East Syriac Ctesiphon",
"Echelon", "Echelon Condensed", "Eden Mills", "Edmunds", "Edmunds Distressed",
"Effloresce", "Effloresce Antique", "Efont Biwidth", "Efont Fixed",
"Efont Fixed Wide", "El Abogado Loco", "Electorate Blue", "Electorate Boogaloo",
"Electorate Boogie", "Electroharmonix", "Engebrechtre", "Engebrechtre Expanded",
"Ennobled Pet", "Estrangelo Antioch", "Estrangelo Edessa", "Estrangelo Midyat",
"Estrangelo Nisibin", "Estrangelo Nisibin Outline", "Estrangelo Quenneshrin",
"Estrangelo Talada", "Estrangelo TurAbdin", "Ethnocentric", "ETL Fixed",
"Euphorigenic", "Fabian", "Fadgod", "Failed Attempt", "Fake Receipt",
"Fira Code", "flatline", "Fluoride Beings", "Foo", "Forgotten Futurist",
"Forgotten Futurist Shadow", "Fragile Bombers", "Frozen Dog Treats",
"Futura Std", "gallant12x22", "Ghostmeat", "Goha-Tibeb Zemen",
"Golden Girdle", "Good Times", "Goodfish", "Got No Heart", "Graffiti Treat",
"Green Fuz", "GroovyGhosties", "Guanine", "Gunplay", "Gunplay 3D",
"Gyparody", "Heart Sweet Heart", "Heavy Heap", "Hello Larry",
"Helvetica-converted", "Hemi Head 426", "Highway to Heck", "Home Sweet Home",
"Home Sweet Home Outline", "Hots", "Hurry Up", "Husky Stash",
"HydrogenWhiskey", "Inflammable Age", "Interplanetary Crap",
"Iomanoid", "Iosevka", "Isabella", "ISAS Fangsong ti Wide", "ISAS Song ti Wide",
"It wasn't me", "JetBrains Mono", "JIS Fixed Wide", "Joystix",
"Junegull", "Junkyard", "Kenyan Coffee", "Kicking Limos", "Kimberley",
"Kimberley Alternate", "King Richard", "Kirsty", "Kirsty Ink",
"Kleptocracy", "Kredit", "Lady Starlight", "Larabiefont", "Latin Modern Mono",
"Latin Modern Mono Caps", "Latin Modern Mono Light", "Latin Modern Mono Light Cond",
"Latin Modern Mono Prop", "Latin Modern Mono Prop Light", "Latin Modern Mono Slanted",
"Latin Modern Roman", "Latin Modern Roman Caps", "Latin Modern Roman Demi",
"Latin Modern Roman Dunhill", "Latin Modern Roman Slanted", "Latin Modern Roman Unslanted",
"Latin Modern Sans", "Latin Modern Sans Demi Cond", "Latin Modern Sans Quotation",
"Let's Eat", "Letter Set A", "Letter Set B", "Letter Set C",
"Lewinsky", "Liberation Mono", "Liberation Sans", "Liberation Serif",
"Lilliput Steps", "Living by Numbers", "Lockergnome", "LuckyApe",
"Lunasol", "Luxi Mono", "Luxi Sans", "Luxi Serif", "Mail Ray Stuff",
"Malache Crunch", "Map Of You", "Marked Fool", "Marquee Moon",
"Metal Lord", "Mexcellent", "Mexcellent 3D", "micro.pcf", "Minisystem",
"Minya Nouvelle", "Misc Fixed", "Misc Fixed Wide", "Misirlou",
"Misirlou Day", "Mob Concrete", "Model Worker", "Monofonto",
"Motorcade", "msam10", "msbm10", "Mufferaw", "MUTT ClearlyU Alternate Glyphs Wide",
"MUTT ClearlyU Arabic Extra", "MUTT ClearlyU PUA", "MUTT ClearlyU Wide",
"NAFTAlene", "Nasalization", "Neurochrome", "Neuropol", "Neuropolitical",
"New Brilliant", "Nimbus Mono L", "Nimbus Roman No9 L", "Nimbus Sans L",
"Noto Sans", "Numberpile", "OCR A Std", "Octoville", "Oil Crisis A",
"Oil Crisis B", "Oliver's Barney", "Open Sans", "Open Sans Condensed",
"Orange Kid", "Pakenham", "Pants Patrol", "Penguin Attack", "Planet Benson 2",
"Plasmatic", "Plastic Bag", "Po Beef", "Poke", "Pop Up Fontio",
"Poppins", "PresidentGas", "Pricedown", "Prime Minister of Canada",
"Primer Apples", "Primer Print", "Pupcat", "Quadaptor", "Quixotic",
"Radios in Motion", "Radios in Motion Hard", "Rafika", "Razor Keen",
"Relish Gargler", "Rina", "Roboto", "Roboto Condensed", "Rustproof Body",
"Sandoval", "Sappy Mugs", "Saved By Zero", "Schumacher Clean",
"Schumacher Clean Wide", "Screengem", "Serto Batnan", "Serto Jerusalem",
"Serto Jerusalem Outline", "Serto Kharput", "Serto Malankara",
"Serto Mardin", "Serto Urhoy", "Sexsmith", "Shifty Chica", "Shlop",
"Should've Known", "Should've Known Shaded", "Skeletor Stance",
"Sloe Gin Rickey", "Sofachrome", "Sony Fixed", "Source Code Pro",
"Source Sans 3", "Source Sans Pro", "Source Serif Pro", "Special Elite",
"Spongy", "Squealer", "Squealer Embossed", "Standard Symbols L",
"Steelfish", "Steelfish Outline", "Stereofidelic", "Still Time",
"STIXGeneral", "STOMP_Zeroes", "Street Cred", "Strenuous", "Strenuous 3D",
"Styrofoam Feelings", "Subpear", "Sudbury Basin", "Sudbury Basin 3D",
"Sui Generis", "Superglue", "Swift", "Sybil Green", "Teen", "Teen Light",
"Terylene Top", "Thiamine", "Tinsnips", "Tork", "TrapperJohn",
"TriacSeventyone", "Troll Bait", "Typodermic", "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu Condensed",
"Ubuntu Mono", "Union City Blue", "Unispace", "Unistra A", "Unistra B",
"Unistra C", "Unistra D", "Unistra Symbol", "Univox", "Unsteady Oversteer",
"Urkelian Television Dynasty", "URW Bookman L", "URW Chancery L",
"URW Gothic L", "URW Palladio L", "Utopia", "Vademecum", "Vahika",
"Vanilla Whale", "VDub", "Vectroid", "Velvenda Cooler", "Velvenda Megablack",
"Venus Rising", "Vibrocentric", "Vinque", "Vipnagorgialla", "Wake & Bake",
"Walshes", "Wargames", "wasy10", "Welfare Brat", "Wild Sewerage",
"Winks", "Wintermute", "World of Water", "Xolto", "YonderRecoil",
"You're Gone", "Yytrium Dioxide", "Zekton", "Zekton Dots", "Zero Threes",
"Zero Twos", "ZeroHour", "Zodillin", "Zorque", "Zrnic")
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] htmlwidgets_1.5.4 compiler_4.2.0 fastmap_1.1.0 cli_3.2.0
[5] later_1.3.0 tools_4.2.0 htmltools_0.5.2 reactable_0.2.3
[9] Rcpp_1.0.8 httpgd_1.3.0 digest_0.6.29 systemfonts_1.0.4
[13] rlang_1.0.2 tcltk_4.2.0
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