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Created August 2, 2016 16:13
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Nanolibrary for a stateful pimp-my-library pattern.
package object stateful {
import scala.collection.mutable
trait Stateful {
private val cache = mutable.HashMap.empty[Int, Any]
// TODO use some reasonable HashMap implementation here
// TODO how slow is the reflection here, perform microbenchmarks?
protected[stateful] def getStateOrElseUpdate(d: Decorate[_])(s: => d.State): d.State =
cache.getOrElseUpdate(System.identityHashCode(d.getClass), s).asInstanceOf[d.State]
// For the companion object
trait Decorate[T <: Stateful] {
protected val self: T
// TODO think about a reasonable name
protected[stateful] type State
protected def newState: State
protected val state: State = self.getStateOrElseUpdate(this)(newState)
object client {
import stateful._
class Foo(n: Int) extends Stateful {
def bar = n
implicit class FooOps(protected val self: Foo) extends Decorate[Foo] {
// can hide this neither inside pckg stateful, nor make it protected.
// are we forced to leak the statetype???
type State = FooState
protected def newState = new FooState(
def inc = { state.x += 1; self }
def get = state.x
class FooState(var x: Int)
val f = new Foo(13)
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