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Last active July 31, 2016 18:58
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Experiments with type-level foldables
sealed trait Nat
trait Succ[T <: Nat] <: Nat
trait Zero <: Nat
sealed trait Bool { type Not <: Bool }
trait True <: Bool { type Not = False }
trait False <: Bool { type Not = True }
trait Foldable[Base] {
// \forall R
type R <: AnyRef
trait Fun[I <: Base] {
type Out <: R
type ~>[I <: Base, O <: R] = Apply[I] { type Out = O }
type Apply[I <: Base] <: Fun[I]
def Apply[B <: Base](implicit app: Apply[B]): app.type = app
trait FoldNat extends Foldable[Nat] {
type Z <: R
type S[X <: R] <: R
implicit val foldZero: Zero ~> Z
implicit def foldSucc[N <: Nat](implicit app: Apply[N]): Succ[N] ~> S[app.Out]
object IsEven extends FoldNat {
type R = Bool
type Z = True
type S[X <: Bool] = X#Not
class Apply[I <: Nat](_out: => Boolean) extends Fun[I] {
lazy val out = _out
implicit val foldZero: Zero ~> Z = new Apply[Zero](true) { type Out = Z }
implicit def foldSucc[N <: Nat](implicit app: Apply[N]): Succ[N] ~> S[app.Out]
= new Apply[Succ[N]](!app.out) { type Out = S[app.Out] }
implicitly[ S[True] =:= False ]
implicitly[ S[S[True]] =:= True ]
implicitly[ S[S[False]] =:= False ]
val res0 = Apply[Zero]
val res1 = Apply[Succ[Zero]]
val res2 = Apply[Succ[Succ[Zero]]]
val res3 = Apply[Succ[Succ[Succ[Zero]]]]
val res4 = Apply[Succ[Succ[Succ[Succ[Zero]]]]]
implicitly[ res0.Out =:= True ]
implicitly[ res1.Out =:= False ]
implicitly[ res2.Out =:= True ]
implicitly[ res3.Out =:= False ]
implicitly[ res4.Out =:= True ]
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