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Created September 20, 2016 16:46
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A straightforward translation of "Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects" to Scala
scalaOrganization := "org.typelevel"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Ypartial-unification", "-Yliteral-types", "-feature", "-deprecation", "-language:implicitConversions", "-language:higherKinds")
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" %% "kind-projector" % "0.9.0")
// if your project uses multiple Scala versions, use this for cross building
addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" % "kind-projector" % "0.9.0" cross CrossVersion.binary)
// if your project uses both 2.10 and polymorphic lambdas
libraryDependencies ++= (scalaBinaryVersion.value match {
case "2.10" =>
compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full) :: Nil
case _ =>
object freer {
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B]
object Functor {
def apply[F[_]](implicit f: Functor[F]): Functor[F] = f
implicit class FunctorOps[A, F[_]: Functor](fa: F[A]) {
def map[B](f: A => B): F[B] = Functor[F].map(fa, f)
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def unit[A](value: A): M[A]
def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B]
object Monad {
def apply[M[_]](implicit m: Monad[M]): Monad[M] = m
def unit[A, M[_]: Monad](value: A): M[A] = implicitly[Monad[M]].unit(value)
implicit class MonadOps[A, M[_]: Monad](ma: M[A]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = Monad[M].flatMap(ma, f)
def >>=[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = Monad[M].flatMap(ma, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = Monad[M].flatMap(ma, f andThen Monad[M].unit)
implicit class KleisliOps[A, B, M[_]: Monad](ka: A => M[B]) {
def >>>[C](kb: B => M[C]): A => M[C] = a => ka(a) flatMap kb
import Monad._
// section 2.1
// -----------
// the operational reader monad [1].
object step1 {
// --- Monads ---
sealed trait It[I, A]
case class Pure[I, A](value: A) extends It[I, A]
case class Get[I, A](k: I => It[I, A]) extends It[I, A]
object It {
implicit def monad[I]: Monad[It[I, ?]] = new Monad[It[I, ?]] {
def unit[A](value: A) = Pure(value)
def flatMap[A, B](ma: It[I, A], f: A => It[I, B]) = ma match {
case Pure(v) => f(v)
case Get(k) => Get[I, B](k >>> f)
// --- Programs ---
def ask[I]: It[I, I] = Get(Pure.apply)
def addGet(x: Int): It[Int, Int] = ask[Int] map { i => i + x }
// --- Interpreters ---
def runReader[I, A](i: I): It[I, A] => A = {
case Pure(v) => v
case Get(k) => runReader(i)(k(i))
def feedAll[I, A](l: List[I]): It[I, A] => A = {
case Pure(v) => v
case Get(k) => l match {
case Nil => sys error "end of stream"
case i :: is => feedAll(is)(k(i))
// section 2.2
// -----------
// add Put as monadic action
object step2 {
sealed trait IT[I, O, A]
case class Pure[I, O, A](value: A) extends IT[I, O, A]
case class Get[I, O, A](k: I => IT[I, O, A]) extends IT[I, O, A]
case class Put[I, O, A](out: O, k: () => IT[I, O, A]) extends IT[I, O, A]
// monad instance and interpreters omitted
// section 2.3
// -----------
// pattern functor: replace recursive position by X
// drop Pure, so also drop A
object step3 {
import Functor._
import Monad._
// Standard free monad
sealed trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](value: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Impure[F[_], A](k: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A]
// we can write a generic monad instance for Free[F, ?] if F is a functor
object Free {
implicit def monad[F[_]: Functor]: Monad[Free[F, ?]] = new Monad[Free[F, ?]] {
def unit[A](value: A) = Pure(value)
def flatMap[A, B](ma: Free[F, A], f: A => Free[F, B]) = ma match {
case Pure(v) => f(v)
case Impure(k) => Impure(k map { _ flatMap f })
sealed trait ReaderWriter[I, O, X]
case class Get[I, O, X](k: I => X) extends ReaderWriter[I, O, X]
case class Put[I, O, X](out: O, k: () => X) extends ReaderWriter[I, O, X]
implicit def readerWriterF[I, O]: Functor[ReaderWriter[I, O, ?]] = ???
// recover as free monad
type IT[I, O, A] = Free[ReaderWriter[I, O, ?], A]
def ask[I]: IT[I, Nothing, I] = Impure(Get(i => Pure(i)))
def addGet(x: Int): IT[Int, Nothing, Int] = ask[Int] map { i => i + x }
// section 2.4
// -----------
// move continuation into type of free
object step4 {
sealed trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](value: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Impure[F[_], A, X](value: F[X], k: X => Free[F, A]) extends Free[F, A]
object Free {
// no functor constraint is needed anymore!
implicit def monad[F[_]]: Monad[Free[F, ?]] = new Monad[Free[F, ?]] {
def unit[A](value: A) = Pure(value)
def flatMap[A, B](ma: Free[F, A], f: A => Free[F, B]) = ma match {
case Pure(v) => f(v)
// just aggregate the continuation, leave fx unchanged.
case Impure(fx, k) => Impure(fx, k >>> f)
// Now X is only a phantom type (GADT) anymore.
sealed trait ReaderWriter[I, O, X]
case class Get[I, O]() extends ReaderWriter[I, O, I]
case class Put[I, O](out: O) extends ReaderWriter[I, O, Unit]
type IT[I, O, A] = Free[ReaderWriter[I, O, ?], A]
object typelevel {
// type level list of typeconstructors
sealed trait TList {
type Apply[V]
sealed class TNil extends TList {
type Apply[V] = Unit
sealed class TCons[F[_], R <: TList] extends TList {
type Apply[V] = Either[F[V], R#Apply[V]]
object TList {
type ::[F[_], R <: TList] = TCons[F, R]
import TList._
case class Union[R <: TList, V](value: R#Apply[V])
trait Member[F[_], R <: TList] {
def inj[V](value: F[V]): Union[R, V]
def prj[V](u: Union[R, V]): Option[F[V]]
object Member {
type <<[F[_], R <: TList] = Member[F, R]
def inj[F[_], R <: TList, V](value: F[V])(implicit m: F << R): Union[R, V] =
def prj[F[_], R <: TList, V](u: Union[R, V])(implicit m: F << R): Option[F[V]] =
def decomp[F[_], R <: TList, V](u: Union[F :: R, V]): Either[F[V], Union[R, V]] = u match {
case Union(Left(v)) => Left(v)
case Union(Right(u)) => Right(Union(u))
import Member._
implicit def memberHead[F[_], R <: TList]: F << (F :: R) = new (F << (F :: R)) {
def inj[V](value: F[V]) = Union[F :: R, V](Left(value))
def prj[V](u: Union[F :: R, V]) = u match {
case Union(Left(fv)) => Some(fv)
case _ => None
implicit def memberTail[F[_], G[_], R <: TList](implicit ev: F << R): F << (G :: R) =
new (F << (G :: R)) {
def inj[V](fv: F[V]) = Union[G :: R, V](Right(ev.inj(fv).value))
def prj[V](u: Union[G :: R, V]) = u match {
case Union(Left(_)) => None
case Union(Right(r)) => ev.prj(Union(r))
// --- Some membership tests ---
case class Foo[A](value: A)
case class Bar[A](value: A)
case class Baz[A](value: A)
case class Boo[A](value: List[A])
type T = Foo :: Baz :: Boo :: TNil
implicitly[Foo << T]
implicitly[Baz << T]
implicitly[Boo << T]
val b = Baz(42)
val u: Union[T, Int] = implicitly[Member[Baz, T]].inj(b)
val u2: Union[T, Int] = inj(b)
// section 2.5
// -----------
// use type level open unions.
object step5 {
import typelevel._
import Member._
import TList._
sealed trait Free[R <: TList, A]
case class Pure[R <: TList, A](value: A) extends Free[R, A]
case class Impure[R <: TList, A, X](u: Union[R, X], k: X => Free[R, A]) extends Free[R, A]
implicit def freeMonad[R <: TList]: Monad[Free[R, ?]] = ???
sealed trait Reader[I, X]
case class Get[I]() extends Reader[I, I]
sealed trait Writer[O, X]
case class Put[O](o: O) extends Writer[O, Unit]
// sadly the type annotations in the implementation are necessary
def ask[I, R <: TList : (Reader[I, ?] << ?)]: Free[R, I] =
Impure(inj[Reader[I, ?], R, I](Get()), unit[I, Free[R, ?]])
// hey, but this one does not need any annotations! (not even the result type)
def addGet[R <: TList : (Reader[Int, ?] << ?)](x: Int): Free[R, Int] =
ask map { i => i + x }
// type aligned continuation queue:
object typealigned {
sealed trait TAView[M[_], A, B]
case class Last[M[_], A, B](k: A => M[B]) extends TAView[M, A, B]
case class <|[M[_], A, B, X](k: A => M[X], q: TAQueue[M, X, B]) extends TAView[M, A, B]
trait TAQueue[M[_], A, B] {
def :+[C](k: B => M[C]): TAQueue[M, A, C] = this ++ TAQueue(k)
def ++[C](other: TAQueue[M, B, C]): TAQueue[M, A, C] = Node(this, other)
def dequeue: TAView[M, A, B]
object TAQueue {
def apply[M[_], A, B](k: A => M[B]): TAQueue[M, A, B] = Leaf(k)
case class Leaf[M[_], A, B](k: A => M[B]) extends TAQueue[M, A, B] {
def dequeue = Last(k)
case class Node[M[_], A, B, X](q1: TAQueue[M, A, X], q2: TAQueue[M, X, B]) extends TAQueue[M, A, B] {
def dequeue: TAView[M, A, B] = q1.dequeue match {
case Last(k) => <|(k, q2)
case k <| q3 => <|(k, Node(q3, q2))
// section 3.1
// -----------
// Use a type aligned continuation queue
object step6 {
import typelevel._
import Member._
import TList._
import typealigned._
sealed trait Eff[R <: TList, A]
case class Pure[R <: TList, A](a: A) extends Eff[R, A]
case class Impure[R <: TList, A, X](u: Union[R, X], k: Arrs[R, X, A]) extends Eff[R, A]
// an arrow in the kleisli category of effects
type Arr[R <: TList, A, B] = A => Eff[R, B]
type Arrs[R <: TList, A, B] = TAQueue[Eff[R, ?], A, B]
implicit def monad[R <: TList]: Monad[Eff[R, ?]] = new Monad[Eff[R, ?]] {
def unit[A](value: A) = Pure(value)
def flatMap[A, B](ma: Eff[R, A], f: A => Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, B] = ma match {
case Pure(a) => f(a)
case Impure(fa, k) => Impure(fa, k :+ f)
def singleK[R <: TList, A, B]: Arr[R, A, B] => Arrs[R, A, B] =
// applies x to the queue q and prefixes the new effects (if any)
def qApp[R <: TList, B, W]: Arrs[R, B, W] => B => Eff[R, W] = q => x =>
q.dequeue match {
case Last(k) => k(x)
case k <| q => k(x) match {
case Pure(y) => qApp(q)(y)
case Impure(u, k) => Impure(u, k ++ q)
def qComp[R <: TList, R2 <: TList, A, B, C]:
Arrs[R, A, B] => (Eff[R, B] => Eff[R2, C]) => Arr[R2, A, C] = g => h =>
h compose qApp(g)
implicit def send[F[_], A, R <: TList : (F << ?)](fa: F[A]): Eff[R, A] =
Impure[R, A, A](inj(fa), TAQueue[Eff[R, ?], A, A](unit[A, Eff[R, ?]]))
sealed trait Reader[I, X]
case class Get[I]() extends Reader[I, I]
sealed trait Writer[O, X]
case class Put[O](o: O) extends Writer[O, Unit]
// Even after resolving SI 2712 this cannot be inferred.
def ask[I, R <: TList : (Reader[I, ?] << ?)]: Eff[R, I] =
send[Reader[I, ?], I, R](Get())
def addGet[R <: TList : (Reader[Int, ?] << ?)](x: Int): Eff[R, Int] =
ask map { i => i + x }
/// --- interpreters ---
// peel of first effect, if it is reader.
def runReader[I, R <: TList, A](i: I): Eff[Reader[I, ?] :: R, A] => Eff[R, A] = {
case Pure(x) => Pure(x)
// this is unchecked, but necessary for the left branch
case im: Impure[_, _, I] =>
decomp(im.u) match {
case Left(Get()) => runReader[I, R, A](i).apply(qApp(im.k)(i))
case Right(u) => Impure(u, Leaf(qComp(im.k)(runReader(i))))
def run[A]: Eff[TNil, A] => A = {
case Pure(x) => x
// scala type checker cannot figure out that this case can never happen.
case Impure(_,_) => sys error "cannot happen"
def prog[R <: TList : (Reader[Int, ?] << ?)]: Eff[R, Int] =
addGet[R](2) >>= addGet[R] >>= addGet[R] >>= addGet[R]
// should yield (2 + 42 * 4) = 170
println(run(runReader[Int, TNil, Int](42).apply(prog)))
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