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Last active July 31, 2016 19:52
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Simple example of type-level church encoding
object tl_church {
trait Booleans {
type Bool <: { type Not <: Bool }
type True <: Bool
type False <: Bool
trait Nats {
type Nat
type Zero <: Nat
type Succ[N <: Nat] <: Nat
// Example Client
trait Client {
val nats: Nats; import nats._
val x: Succ[Succ[Succ[Zero]]] = ???
val y: Succ[Succ[Zero]] = ???
// Some Implementations
trait IsEven extends Nats {
val booleans: Booleans; import booleans._
type Nat = Bool
type Zero = True
type Succ[B <: Bool] = B#Not
trait IsOdd extends Nats {
val booleans: Booleans; import booleans._
type Nat = Bool
type Zero = False
type Succ[B <: Bool] = B#Not
// Some random implementation for booleans:
// True ~ Int
// False ~ String
// Need dotties real union types here!
object boolImpl extends Booleans {
sealed trait Bool <: {
type Not <: Bool
type Value
def value: Value
case class True(value: Int) extends Bool {
type Not = False;
type Value = Int
case class False(value: String) extends Bool {
type Not = True;
type Value = String
// Putting everything together
object evenClient extends Client { outer =>
object nats extends IsEven {
val booleans = outer.booleans
val booleans = boolImpl
val _x: String = x.value
val _y: Int = y.value
// Tupling of Type Algebras
trait Tuple { type _1; type _2 }
type &&[L, R] = Tuple { type _1 = L; type _2 = R }
trait TupleAlg <: Nats {
val n1: Nats
val n2: Nats
type Nat = Tuple { type _1 <: n1.Nat; type _2 <: n2.Nat }
type Zero = n1.Zero && n2.Zero
type Succ[N <: Nat] = n1.Succ[N#_1] && n2.Succ[N#_2]
object tupleClient extends Client { outer =>
object even extends IsEven {
val booleans = outer.booleans
object odd extends IsOdd {
val booleans = outer.booleans
val booleans = boolImpl
object nats extends TupleAlg {
val n1 = even
val n2 = odd
implicitly[T1#_1#Value =:= String]
implicitly[T1#_2#Value =:= Int]
implicitly[T2#_1#Value =:= Int]
implicitly[T2#_2#Value =:= String]
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