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Created December 20, 2016 10:50
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Variance, Invariance, Nothing et al.
// Finds a R in an T
trait Select[T, R] {
def apply(t: T): R
trait LowPrio {
def apply[T, R](f: T => R): Select[T, R] = new Select[T, R] {
def apply(t: T): R = f(t)
implicit def autoLeft[T, R, O]: Select[(R, O), R] = Select(_._1)
object Select extends LowPrio {
implicit def autoRight[T, R, O]: Select[(O, R), R] = Select(_._2)
object Test {
def select[T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T, R]): R = sel(t)
val x = (12, "hello")
val y: Int = select(x)
val z: String = select(x)
// Finds a R in an T
trait Select[-T, +R] {
def apply(t: T): R
trait LowPrio {
def apply[T, R](f: T => R): Select[T, R] = new Select[T, R] {
def apply(t: T): R = f(t)
implicit def autoLeft[T, R, O]: Select[(R, O), R] = Select(_._1)
object Select extends LowPrio {
implicit def autoRight[T, R, O]: Select[(O, R), R] = Select(_._2)
object Test {
def select[T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T, R]): R = sel(t)
val x = (12, "hello")
val y: Int = select(x)
val z: String = select(x)
< | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
< | | | solving for (R: ?R)
> | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),Int]
> | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
> | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),Int]
< | | | | \-> <error>
< | | | |-- select(x) BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
< | | | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value y in Test)
< | | | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
< | | | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
< | | | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value y in Test)
< | | | | | \-> (Int, String)
< | | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
< | | | | solving for (R: ?R)
< | | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
< | | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
< | | | | solving for (R: ?R)
< | | | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
< | | | | | \-> String
< | | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
< | | | | \-> String
< 0.test-2.scala:20: error: type mismatch;
< found : String
< required: Int
< val y: Int = select(x)
< ^
> | | | | \-> Int
< | | | \-> <error>
> | | | \-> Int
< | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
< | | | solving for (R: ?R)
> | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),String]
> | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
> | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),String]
> |-- (_1: <?>, _2: <?>)(T1, T2) EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: object Test) implicits disabled
> | |-- new (Int, String) EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: object Test) implicits disabled
> | | \-> (Int, String)
> | \-> (_1: Int, _2: String)(Int, String)
> |-- { @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun e... EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | |-- class $anonfun BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
> | | | \-> super.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }])
> | | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | \-> [def apply] (x$1: (R, O))x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
> | | \-> [class $anonfun] scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
> | |-- (new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (... EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... : pt=((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) } EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | | | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | | | | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
> | | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
> | | | | \-> ()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
> | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
> | | \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
> | \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
> |-- { @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun e... EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | |-- class $anonfun BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
> | | | \-> super.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }])
> | | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | \-> [def apply] (x$2: (O, R))x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
> | | \-> [class $anonfun] scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
> | |-- (new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (... EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... : pt=((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) } EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | | | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | | | | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
> | | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
> | | | | \-> ()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
> | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
> | | \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
> | \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
> |-- (v1: T1)R EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anon) implicits disabled
> | \-> (v1: T)R
> |-- ()T1 EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | \-> ()R
> |-- ()T2 EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | \-> ()R
> |-- def LowPrio$$anon$$$outer EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anon) implicits disabled
> | |-- LowPrio.this.type : pt=LowPrio.this.type EXPRmode (site: value LowPrio$$anon$$$outer in $anon) implicits disabled
> | | |-- Select[T,R]{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type} EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value LowPrio$$anon$$$outer in $anon) implicits disabled
> | | | \-> LowPrio.$anon.type (with underlying type Select[T,R]{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type})
> | | \-> this.$outer.type (with underlying type LowPrio)
> | \-> [def LowPrio$$anon$$$outer] ()LowPrio.this.type (with underlying type ()LowPrio.this.type)
> |-- def LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | |-- LowPrio.this.type : pt=LowPrio.this.type EXPRmode (site: value LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | |-- scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSom... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer in $anonfun) implicits disabled
> | | | \-> LowPrio.$anonfun.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type})
> | | \-> this.$outer.type (with underlying type LowPrio)
> | \-> [def LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer] ()LowPrio.this.type (with underlying type ()LowPrio.this.type)
|-- <empty> EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: package <root>)
| \-> <empty>.type
|-- class Select[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait Select)
| | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in Select)
| | | \-> R
| | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in Select)
| | | \-> T
| | \-> [def apply] (t: T)R
| \-> [trait Select] Select[T,R]
|-- class LowPrio BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- def $init$ BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | \-> [def $init$] ()Unit
| |-- def apply[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- _root_.scala.Function1[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> T => R
| | |-- _root_.scala.Function1[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | \-> T => R
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- { final class $anon extends Select[T, R] { def <init>() =... : pt=Select[T,R] EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | |-- Select FUNmode-TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | \-> Select
| | | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> T
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in $anon)
| | | | \-> R
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in $anon)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- class $anon BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anon)
| | | | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anon)
| | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> super.type (with underlying type AnyRef)
| | | | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | |-- f(t) : pt=R EXPRmode (site: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | |-- f BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | |-- f.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | | \-> (v1: T)R
| | | | | | | [adapt] T => R adapted to (v1: T1)R
| | | | | | | \-> (v1: T)R
| | | | | | |-- t : pt=T BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | \-> T
| | | | | | \-> R
| | | | | \-> [def apply] (t: T)R
| | | | \-> [class $anon] Select[T,R]
| | | |-- new $anon() : pt=Select[T,R] EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- new $anon BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | |-- new $anon EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | | |-- $anon FUNmode-TYPEmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> ()Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | \-> [def apply] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| |-- def autoLeft[T, R, O] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | |-- Select[scala.Tuple2[R, O], R] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2[R, O] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | |-- O TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | \-> O
| | | | \-> (R, O)
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- (T1, T2) TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> (R, O)
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | |-- Select(((x$1) => x$1._1)) : pt=Select[(R, O),R] EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- LowPrio FUNmode-TYPEmode (site: object Select)
| | | | | \-> LowPrio
| | | | |-- LowPrio TYPEmode (site: object Select)
| | | | | \-> LowPrio
| | | | |-- Select.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | [adapt] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R] adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | [adapt] Select.type adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | |-- ((x$1) => x$1._1) : pt=((R, O)) => R BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- x$1._1 : pt=R EXPRmode (site: value $anonfun in LowPrio)
| | | | | |-- x$1 EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value $anonfun in LowPrio)
| | | | | | \-> x$1.type (with underlying type (R, O))
| | | | | \-> x$1._1.type (with underlying type R)
| | | | \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | \-> [def autoLeft] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R]
| \-> [trait LowPrio] LowPrio
|-- object Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in Select)
| | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in Select)
| | | \-> Select.type
| | \-> Select.type
| |-- def autoRight[T, R, O] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Select)
| | |-- Select[scala.Tuple2[O, R], R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2[O, R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- O TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | \-> O
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | \-> (O, R)
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- (T1, T2) TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | \-> (O, R)
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | |-- Select(((x$2) => x$2._2)) : pt=Select[(O, R),R] EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- Select.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | [adapt] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R] adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | [adapt] Select.type adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | |-- ((x$2) => x$2._2) : pt=((O, R)) => R BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- x$2._2 : pt=R EXPRmode (site: value $anonfun in Select)
| | | | | |-- x$2 EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value $anonfun in Select)
| | | | | | \-> x$2.type (with underlying type (O, R))
| | | | | \-> x$2._2.type (with underlying type R)
| | | | \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | \-> [def autoRight] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R]
| \-> [object Select] Select.type
|-- object Test BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- scala.Tuple2(12, "hello") EXPRmode (site: value x in Test)
| | |-- scala.Tuple2 BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value x in Test)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value x in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2) adapted to [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | | \-> (_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | [adapt] Tuple2.type adapted to [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | \-> (_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | |-- 12 BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | \-> Int(12)
| | |-- "hello" BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | \-> String("hello")
| | solving for (T1: ?T1, T2: ?T2)
| | \-> (Int, String)
| |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | \-> Int
| |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | \-> Int
| |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | \-> String
| |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | \-> String
| |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in Test)
| | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in Test)
| | | \-> Test.type
| | \-> Test.type
| |-- def select[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method select in Test)
| | | \-> R
| | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in Test)
| | | \-> T
| | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- sel(t) : pt=R EXPRmode (site: method select in Test)
| | | |-- sel BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | |-- sel.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | | \-> (t: T)R
| | | | [adapt] Select[T,R] adapted to (t: T)R
| | | | \-> (t: T)R
| | | |-- t : pt=T BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | \-> T
| | | \-> R
| | \-> [def select] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| |-- (Int, String) BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | \-> [val x ] (Int, String)
| |-- def x BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- (Int, String) : pt=(Int, String) EXPRmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> (Int, String)
| | \-> [def x] => (Int, String)
| |-- Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | \-> Int
| | |-- select(x) : pt=Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value y in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> (Int, String)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),Int]
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),Int]
| | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R : pt=Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> Int
| | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R based on pt Int
| | | \-> Int
| | \-> [val y ] Int
| |-- def y BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- Int : pt=Int EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> Int
| | \-> [def y] => Int
| |-- String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | | \-> String
| | |-- select(x) : pt=String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value z in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> (Int, String)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),String]
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),String]
| | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R : pt=String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> String
| | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R based on pt String
| | | \-> String
| | \-> [val z ] String
| |-- def z BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- String : pt=String EXPRmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> String
| | \-> [def z] => String
| \-> [object Test] Test.type
|-- (_1: <?>, _2: <?>)(T1, T2) EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: object Test) implicits disabled
| |-- new (Int, String) EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: object Test) implicits disabled
| | \-> (Int, String)
| \-> (_1: Int, _2: String)(Int, String)
|-- { @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun e... EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| |-- class $anonfun BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
| | | \-> super.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }])
| | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | \-> [def apply] (x$1: (R, O))x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
| | \-> [class $anonfun] scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
| |-- (new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (... EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... : pt=((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) } EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| | | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| | | | |-- new <$anon: ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio) implicits disabled
| | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
| | | | \-> ()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
| | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable
| | \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
| \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
|-- { @SerialVersionUID(0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun e... EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| |-- class $anonfun BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
| | | \-> super.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }])
| | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | \-> [def apply] (x$2: (O, R))x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
| | \-> [class $anonfun] scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
| |-- (new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (... EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... : pt=((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) } EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| | | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| | | | |-- new <$anon: ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method autoRight in Select) implicits disabled
| | | | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
| | | | \-> ()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
| | | \-> scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(O, R),x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }] with Serializable
| | \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
| \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
|-- (v1: T1)R EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anon) implicits disabled
| \-> (v1: T)R
|-- ()T1 EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| \-> ()R
|-- ()T2 EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode-TAPPmode (site: method apply in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| \-> ()R
|-- def LowPrio$$anon$$$outer EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anon) implicits disabled
| |-- LowPrio.this.type : pt=LowPrio.this.type EXPRmode (site: value LowPrio$$anon$$$outer in $anon) implicits disabled
| | |-- Select[T,R]{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type} EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value LowPrio$$anon$$$outer in $anon) implicits disabled
| | | \-> LowPrio.$anon.type (with underlying type Select[T,R]{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type})
| | \-> this.$outer.type (with underlying type LowPrio)
| \-> [def LowPrio$$anon$$$outer] ()LowPrio.this.type (with underlying type ()LowPrio.this.type)
|-- def LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anonfun) implicits disabled
| |-- LowPrio.this.type : pt=LowPrio.this.type EXPRmode (site: value LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | |-- scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSom... EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer in $anonfun) implicits disabled
| | | \-> LowPrio.$anonfun.type (with underlying type scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[(R, O),x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }] with Serializable{val $outer(): LowPrio.this.type})
| | \-> this.$outer.type (with underlying type LowPrio)
| \-> [def LowPrio$$anonfun$$$outer] ()LowPrio.this.type (with underlying type ()LowPrio.this.type)
|-- <empty> EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: package <root>)
| \-> <empty>.type
|-- class Select[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait Select)
| | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in Select)
| | | \-> R
| | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in Select)
| | | \-> T
| | \-> [def apply] (t: T)R
| \-> [trait Select] Select[T,R]
|-- class LowPrio BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- def $init$ BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | \-> [def $init$] ()Unit
| |-- def apply[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- _root_.scala.Function1[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> T => R
| | |-- _root_.scala.Function1[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value f in LowPrio)
| | | \-> T => R
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- { final class $anon extends Select[T, R] { def <init>() =... : pt=Select[T,R] EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | |-- Select FUNmode-TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | \-> Select
| | | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> T
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method apply in $anon)
| | | | \-> R
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in $anon)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- class $anon BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in $anon)
| | | | | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in $anon)
| | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> super.type (with underlying type AnyRef)
| | | | |-- def apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: anonymous class $anon)
| | | | | |-- f(t) : pt=R EXPRmode (site: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | |-- f BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | |-- f.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | | \-> (v1: T)R
| | | | | | | [adapt] T => R adapted to (v1: T1)R
| | | | | | | \-> (v1: T)R
| | | | | | |-- t : pt=T BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: method apply in $anon)
| | | | | | | \-> T
| | | | | | \-> R
| | | | | \-> [def apply] (t: T)R
| | | | \-> [class $anon] Select[T,R]
| | | |-- new $anon() : pt=Select[T,R] EXPRmode (site: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- new $anon BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | |-- new $anon EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | | |-- $anon FUNmode-TYPEmode (silent: method apply in LowPrio)
| | | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> ()Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | \-> [def apply] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| |-- def autoLeft[T, R, O] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: trait LowPrio)
| | |-- Select[scala.Tuple2[R, O], R] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2[R, O] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | |-- O TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | \-> O
| | | | \-> (R, O)
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- (T1, T2) TYPEmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | \-> (R, O)
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | |-- Select(((x$1) => x$1._1)) : pt=Select[(R, O),R] EXPRmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | |-- Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- LowPrio FUNmode-TYPEmode (site: object Select)
| | | | | \-> LowPrio
| | | | |-- LowPrio TYPEmode (site: object Select)
| | | | | \-> LowPrio
| | | | |-- Select.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | | [adapt] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R] adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | [adapt] Select.type adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | |-- ((x$1) => x$1._1) : pt=((R, O)) => R BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: method autoLeft in LowPrio)
| | | | |-- x$1._1 : pt=R EXPRmode (site: value $anonfun in LowPrio)
| | | | | |-- x$1 EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value $anonfun in LowPrio)
| | | | | | \-> x$1.type (with underlying type (R, O))
| | | | | \-> x$1._1.type (with underlying type R)
| | | | \-> ((R, O)) => x$1._1.type forSome { val x$1: (R, O) }
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | \-> Select[(R, O),R]
| | \-> [def autoLeft] [T, R, O]=> Select[(R, O),R]
| \-> [trait LowPrio] LowPrio
|-- object Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in Select)
| | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in Select)
| | | \-> Select.type
| | \-> Select.type
| |-- def autoRight[T, R, O] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Select)
| | |-- Select[scala.Tuple2[O, R], R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2[O, R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- O TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | \-> O
| | | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | \-> R
| | | | \-> (O, R)
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- (T1, T2) TYPEmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | \-> (O, R)
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | |-- Select(((x$2) => x$2._2)) : pt=Select[(O, R),R] EXPRmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | |-- Select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- Select.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | | [adapt] [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R] adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | [adapt] Select.type adapted to [T, R](f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | | \-> (f: T => R)Select[T,R]
| | | |-- ((x$2) => x$2._2) : pt=((O, R)) => R BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: method autoRight in Select)
| | | | |-- x$2._2 : pt=R EXPRmode (site: value $anonfun in Select)
| | | | | |-- x$2 EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value $anonfun in Select)
| | | | | | \-> x$2.type (with underlying type (O, R))
| | | | | \-> x$2._2.type (with underlying type R)
| | | | \-> ((O, R)) => x$2._2.type forSome { val x$2: (O, R) }
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | \-> Select[(O, R),R]
| | \-> [def autoRight] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R]
| \-> [object Select] Select.type
|-- object Test BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: package <empty>)
| |-- scala.Tuple2(12, "hello") EXPRmode (site: value x in Test)
| | |-- scala.Tuple2 BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value x in Test)
| | | |-- scala.Tuple2.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value x in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2) adapted to [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | | \-> (_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | [adapt] Tuple2.type adapted to [T1, T2](_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | | \-> (_1: T1, _2: T2)(T1, T2)
| | |-- 12 BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | \-> Int(12)
| | |-- "hello" BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | \-> String("hello")
| | solving for (T1: ?T1, T2: ?T2)
| | \-> (Int, String)
| |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | \-> Int
| |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | \-> Int
| |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | \-> String
| |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | \-> String
| |-- super EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (silent: <init> in Test)
| | |-- this EXPRmode (silent: <init> in Test)
| | | \-> Test.type
| | \-> Test.type
| |-- def select[T, R] BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- R TYPEmode (site: method select in Test)
| | | \-> R
| | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value t in Test)
| | | \-> T
| | |-- Select[T, R] TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | |-- T TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | | \-> T
| | | |-- R TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | | \-> R
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- Select[T,R] TYPEmode (site: value sel in Test)
| | | \-> Select[T,R]
| | |-- sel(t) : pt=R EXPRmode (site: method select in Test)
| | | |-- sel BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | |-- sel.apply BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | | \-> (t: T)R
| | | | [adapt] Select[T,R] adapted to (t: T)R
| | | | \-> (t: T)R
| | | |-- t : pt=T BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: method select in Test)
| | | | \-> T
| | | \-> R
| | \-> [def select] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| |-- (Int, String) BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | \-> [val x ] (Int, String)
| |-- def x BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- (Int, String) : pt=(Int, String) EXPRmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value x in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> (Int, String)
| | \-> [def x] => (Int, String)
| |-- Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- Int TYPEmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | \-> Int
| | |-- select(x) : pt=Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value y in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> (Int, String)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R : pt=Int BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> <error>
| | | |-- select(x) BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value y in Test)
| | | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | | \-> (Int, String)
| | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
| | | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | | \-> String
| | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | \-> String
0.test-2.scala:20: error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: Int
val y: Int = select(x)
| | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R based on pt Int
| | | \-> <error>
| | \-> [val y ] Int
| |-- def y BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- Int : pt=Int EXPRmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value y in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> Int
| | \-> [def y] => Int
| |-- String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- String TYPEmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | [adapt] String is now a TypeTree(String)
| | | \-> String
| | |-- select(x) : pt=String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | |-- select BYVALmode-EXPRmode-FUNmode-POLYmode (silent: value z in Test)
| | | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | | \-> (t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R
| | | |-- x BYVALmode-EXPRmode-POLYmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> (Int, String)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R)
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | solving for (T: ?T, R: ?R, O: ?O)
| | | [adapt] [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] adapted to [T, R, O]=> Select[(O, R),R] based on pt Select[(Int, String),R]
| | | solving for (R: ?R)
| | | |-- [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R : pt=String BYVALmode-EXPRmode (silent: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> String
| | | [adapt] [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R adapted to [T, R](t: T)(implicit sel: Select[T,R])R based on pt String
| | | \-> String
| | \-> [val z ] String
| |-- def z BYVALmode-EXPRmode (site: object Test)
| | |-- String : pt=String EXPRmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | |-- Test.type EXPRmode-POLYmode-QUALmode (site: value z in Test)
| | | | \-> Test.type
| | | \-> String
| | \-> [def z] => String
| \-> [object Test] Test.type
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