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Created April 19, 2019 13:23
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Simulating date/time in apex for accurate, time-based testing
public with sharing class ProductionCode.cls {
private static void scheduleBatchExecution(){
//Use in place of
DateTime nowDT = Utilities.getCurrentDateTime();
@IsTest private class TestCode {
private static testMethod void simulateCurrentDateTime(){
//Set the current date time to test a maintnenance window or other time-specific scheduling logic
Utilities.testDateTime = DateTime.newInstance(Date.Today(), Time.newInstance(9, 0, 0, 0));
public with sharing class Utilities {
public static DateTime testDateTime;
//Used to enable testing of logic that is dependent on the current dateTime;
//This will be called in place of by functional code
public static DateTime getCurrentDateTime(){
if(Test.isRunningTest() && testDateTime != NULL){
return testDateTime;
} else {
//Used to enable testing of logic that is dependent on the current dateTime;
//This will be called in place of by functional code
public static Date getCurrentDate(){
if(Test.isRunningTest() && testDateTime != NULL){
} else {
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