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Created November 18, 2015 14:34
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  • Save b00gizm/cc704ba2a96e4a319e9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save b00gizm/cc704ba2a96e4a319e9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# coding: utf-8
import appex
import console
import keychain
import dialogs
import re
from pygithub3 import Github
from string import Template
from datetime import date
from time import strftime
from unicodedata import normalize
def slug(text, encoding=None,
if isinstance(text, str):
text = text.decode(encoding or 'ascii')
clean_text = text.strip().replace(' ', '-').lower()
while '--' in clean_text:
clean_text = clean_text.replace('--', '-')
ascii_text = normalize('NFKD', clean_text).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
strict_text = map(lambda x: x if x in permitted_chars else '', ascii_text)
return ''.join(strict_text)
def extract_title(text):
lines = re.split('\n+', text, 2)
title = re.sub('^#+\s+', '', lines[0])
if (len(lines) < 2):
return (title, None)
index = 1
if'^(=|-)+$', lines[1]):
index = 2
return (title, '\n'.join(lines[index:]))
class MobileBlogger:
def __init__(self, github_user, github_password, github_repo):
self.github_user = github_user
self.github_password = github_password
self.github_repo = github_repo
self._latest_commit = None
def _initialize_client(self):
self._gh = Github(
def _get_latest_commit(self, reload=False):
if self._latest_commit is None or reload:
self._latest_commit = self._gh.repos.commits.list().next().next()
return self._latest_commit
def _prepend_meta_data(self, text, metas):
template ='''---
layout: ${layout}
title: ${title}
author: ${author}
date: ${date}
tags: ${tags}
return Template(template).substitute(metas) + text
def create_new_post(self, title, text, metas):
default_metas = {
'layout': 'post',
'date': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
'title': title
branch = default_metas['branch']
filename = default_metas['filename']
del default_metas['branch']
del default_metas['filename']
text = self._prepend_meta_data(text, default_metas)
latest_commit = self._get_latest_commit()
# Create blob
blob = self._gh.git_data.blobs.create(dict(
content=text, encoding='utf-8'))
# Create tree
tree = self._gh.git_data.trees.create(dict(
base_tree=latest_commit.commit.tree['sha'], tree=[dict(
path='_posts/' + filename, mode='100644', type='blob', sha=blob.sha)]))
# Create commit
commit = self._gh.git_data.commits.create(dict(
message=('New post: ' + title), tree=tree.sha, parents=[
#Update reference
ref = 'heads/%s' % branch
self._gh.git_data.references.update(ref, dict(
def undo_last_post(self, branch='master'):
if self._latest_commit is None:
ref = 'heads/%s' % branch
self._gh.git_data.references.update(ref, dict(
sha=self._latest_commit.sha, force=True))
def main():
if not appex.is_running_extension():
print 'Running in Pythonista app, using test data...\n'
text = '''## Daring Fireball
John thanking Makerbase.
> My thanks to Makerbase for sponsoring last week’s DF RSS feed. Makerbase is like an IMDB for people who make apps, websites, and podcasts. New features include the ability to get notified — optionally! — when your friends make a new project, or when someone says you inspire them.
(Source: []('''
text = appex.get_text()
if text:
author = 'Pascal Cremer'
github_repo = ''
github_user = 'b00gizm'
github_password = keychain.get_password('github', github_user) or ''
(title, text) = extract_title(text)
filename = '' % (, slug(title))
github_fields = (
'Github Settings',
dict(title='Github Username', key='github_user', type='text', value=github_user, autocorrection=False, autocapitalization=False),
dict(title='Github Password', key='github_password', type='password', value=github_password),
dict(title='Repository', key='github_repo', type='text', value=github_repo, autocorrection=False, autocapitalization=False)
posting_fields = (
'Post Settings',
dict(title='Title', key='title', type='text', value=title),
dict(title='Author', key='author', type='text', value=author),
dict(title='Layout', key='layout', type='text', value='post', autocorrection=False, autocapitalization=False),
dict(title='Tags', key='tags', type='text', value=''),
dict(title='Filename', key='filename', type='text', value=filename, autocorrection=False, autocapitalization=False)
'Please seperate tags by spaces.'
results = dialogs.form_dialog(title='Publish new post', sections=[
if results is None:
console.hud_alert('Posting was cancelled', 'error')
metas = {
'tags': results['tags'],
'branch': 'master',
'author': results['author'],
'layout': results['layout'],
'filename': results['filename']
if github_password != results['github_password']:
keychain.set_password('github', results['github_user'], results['github_password'])
mb = MobileBlogger(results['github_user'], results['github_password'], results['github_repo'])
mb.create_new_post(results['title'], text, metas)
console.hud_alert('New post created!')
print 'No input text found.'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy link

The pygithub3 only seems to work with Python 2. So safest to prefix this script with:

#! /usr/bin/env python2

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