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Last active May 24, 2021 13:23
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test letsencrypt challenges against their staging api before rolling to production

Here's an example of letting ansible provision certificates and test challenges against a dns provider from the stage api and then rolling on to the production api when it's successful. This ensures you don't hit an api limit with LE and that dns and challenge funcationality is working properly. Note the task file is being reused and vars: are passed like a function signature.

flags is used in the and server/quiet are used in the cli.ini. There's a cron element not shown here which would use a renewal script once the initial pull is issued by ansible.

# ansible-playbook -i inventory le.yaml --tags test-letsencrypt-challenge
- import_tasks: issue-certificates.yml
    environ: staging (dry-run)
    flags: "--dry-run -v --debug-challenges"
    quiet: False
  tags: ["issue-certificates"]
- import_tasks: issue-certificates.yml
    environ: production
    flags: ""
    quiet: True
  tags: ["issue-certificates"]
# issue-certificates.yml
- name: Install letsencrypt "pull" wrapper scripts
    src: wrappers/
    dest: "{{ some_path }}/"
    mode: 0700

- name: Install letsencrypt cli.ini for {{ environ }}
    src: cli.ini
    dest: /etc/letsencrypt/
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644

- name: Issue newly added certificates from {{ environ }}
  command: sh "{{ some_path }}/"
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