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Created May 25, 2021 14:42
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ansible - pass interpolated values to import_playbook

This is possible:

- import_playbook: collection.base.onprem
    icinga_servers: ["server1", "server2"]
    auter_cron_prep_spec: "0 5 * * Mon root"
    auter_cron_apply_spec: "0 6 * * Mon root"

However this is not

- import_playbook: collection.base.onprem
    icinga_servers: "{{ group_var or host_var }}"
    auter_cron_prep_spec: "{{ group_var or host_var }}"
    auter_cron_apply_spec: "{{ group_var or host_var }}"

Ansible can't pass vars at host|group_var scope to playbook scope. This is an issue if you don't want all your servers patching and rebooting at the same time on the same day. You can however set facts which can then be passed to the playbook.

- hosts: all
  remote_user: root
  name: Set vars so that they can be passed to import_playbook
    - set_fact:
        prep_spec: "{{ auter_cron_prep_spec }}"
        apply_spec: "{{ auter_cron_apply_spec }}"
        icinga_servers: "{{ icinga_servers }}"

# import playbook can't pass interpolated rvalues "{{ var }}" between playbooks
# setting as facts allowed values to be passed in to expected lvalues
- import_playbook: collection.base.onprem
    icinga_servers: "{{ icinga_servers }}"
    auter_cron_prep_spec: "{{ prep_spec }}"
    auter_cron_apply_spec: "{{ apply_spec }}"

Any roles needing access to these variable names will get the values of the set_fact above.

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