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Last active November 26, 2021 19:04
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module {
name: "neuron-autoindex",
version: "0.1.0",
description: "generate hierarchical indices for neuron notes",
authors: ["Maddison Hellstrom <>"],
license: "GPL-3",
def invert_tags:
| [
| .[]
| .value
| select((.indexTags // []) != [])
| . as $z
| .indexTags
| .[]
| {
tag: .,
zettels: [$z]
| reduce .[] as $t ({}; .[$t.tag].zettels += $t.zettels)
def with_tagPaths:
| .tagPath = (.tagPath // (.key | split("/")))
def treeify:
| (.tagPath | length) as $len
| (.tagPath[0]) as $cur
| if $len == 0 then
elif $len == 1 then
{ zettels: (
| .zettels
{ children:
[ ( .tagPath = .tagPath[1:]
| treeify
| [{
key: $cur,
value: .
| from_entries
def filter_key(key):
| map(
| to_entries
| map(select(.key? == key))
| flatten(1)
def gather_keys:
| reduce .[] as $e ([];
| . as $acc
| $e
| to_entries
| map(.key)
| . + $acc
| unique
def merge_recursive:
| . as $in
| ($in | gather_keys) as $keys
| reduce ($keys | .[]) as $key ([];
| . + [{
key: $key,
value: (
| filter_key($key)
| reduce .[] as $e ({ zettels: [], children: [] };
| . as $acc
| $e.value
| {
zettels: ($acc.zettels + .zettels),
children: ($acc.children + .children)
| .children = (.children | merge_recursive)
| from_entries
def as_tagTree:
| invert_tags
| to_entries
| map(with_tagPaths)
| map(treeify)
| merge_recursive
def as_indices(base):
| to_entries
| map(
| (base + [.key]) as $path
| .value.children as $children
| [{
name: ($path | join("-")),
title: (if ($path | length) > 1 then $path[1:] else [$path[0]] end | join("/")),
zettels: (.value.zettels | map(.zettelID)),
children: ((.value.children | keys) | map($path + [.] | join("-"))),
| . + ($children | as_indices($path))
| flatten(1)
def as_indices: as_indices([]);
def as_file:
| {
name: (.name + ".md"),
content: ([
"date: \"\(now | strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))\"",
" - index",
"# \(.title)"
] + (
if (.children | length) > 0 then
"## index",
(.children | .[] | "- <\(.)>")
) + (
if (.zettels | length) > 0 then
"## zettels",
(.zettels | .[] | "- <\(.)?cf>")
) + [
def as_command(basedir):
| (basedir + "/" + .name | @sh) as $file
| "echo '\($file)' >&2\n"
+ "cat > \($file) <<\"EOF\"\n"
+ (.content | join("\n"))
+ "EOF\n"
def main(basedir; index):
| .result
| .vertices
| to_entries
| map(.value.indexTags = (.value.zettelTags | map(select(startswith(index + "/")))))
| map(select((.value.indexTags | length) > 0))
| as_tagTree
| as_indices
| map(as_file)
| map(as_command(basedir))
| "rm \(basedir + "/" + index + "-" | @sh)* &>/dev/null || true", .[]
def main: main("\($ENV.HOME)/zettelkasten"; "index");
set -Eeuo pipefail
shopt -s inherit_errexit
declare -g basedir
basedir="$(realpath -e "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
# shellcheck source=/home/maddy/.env
source "$HOME/.env"
cd "$HOME/zettelkasten"
if [[ ${1:-} =~ ^(-w|--watch)$ ]]; then
reflex -d none -sg '*.md' -G 'index*' -- \
bash -c "neuron query --graph | jq -r -L '$basedir' 'import \"neuron-autoindex\" as n; n::main' | bash"
neuron query --graph | jq -r -L "$basedir" 'import "neuron-autoindex" as n; n::main' | bash
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