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Last active June 6, 2016 17:49
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Javascript functions and objects
// follow along in the interpreter: node or browser developer console
// variable whose value is anonymous function
var square = function(num) {
return num * num;
// named function
function cube(num) {
return square(num) * num
// local vs global scope
// from eloquent javascript
var x = "outside";
var f1 = function() {
var x = "inside";
var f2 = function() {
x = "inside";
// functions within functions
// from eloquent javascript
function noisy(f) {
return function(arg) {
console.log("arg: ", arg);
var val = f(arg);
console.log("val: ", val);
return val;
// better noisy with apply
function betterNoisy(f) {
return function() {
console.log("args: ", arguments);
var val = f.apply(null, arguments);
console.log("val: ", val);
return val;
// "optional" arguments
// from eloquent javascript
function power(base, exponent) {
if (exponent == undefined)
exponent = 2;
var result = 1;
for (var count = 0; count < exponent; count++)
result *= base;
return result;
// simple closure
// from eloquent javascript
function myClosure(n) {
var local = n;
return function() { return local; };
// password authentication using a closure
// this is a closure because password is a local variable in the passwordChecker function
// yet that variable is accessible in the anonymous inner function
// returns a function which checks if the guess is equal to password
function passwordChecker(password) {
return function(guess) {
if (guess == password) {
console.log('successfully authenticated');
} else {
var authenticator = passwordChecker('cool');
authenticator('wrong'); // failure.
authenticator('cool'); // successfully authenticated
//----------------------------objects in JS-------------------------
// constructor to use with new
// when this function is called, an object is created
// with a prototype that can be accessed with Teacher.prototype
var Teacher = function(name, lecture) { = name;
this.lecture = lecture;
// don't forget the new keyword
var sherif = new Teacher('sherif', function() {
console.log('what do you want to cover today? how about ajax?');
// because the new keyword was used, julian is associated with the Teacher prototype
// therefore, julian can use any methods and properties associated with Teacher.prototype
Teacher.prototype.grade = function() {
console.log('you get an A');
// one way to write a constructor
// you don't get OOJS prototype functionality
var Mentor = function(name, lecture) {
mentor = {}; = name;
mentor.lecture = lecture;
return mentor;
var amadou = Mentor('amadou', function() { console.log('enthusiastic encouragement'); }); = function() { console.log('read the error'); } // should apply to all mentors??
amadou.lecture() // works // error
// new won't solve our problems here with the help function
var christianne = new Mentor('christianne', function() { console.log('jQuery is great'); })
christianne // { name: 'christianne', lecture: [Function] }
christianne.lecture() // works // still doesn't work TypeError: is not a function
// phase 3 content, read ahead if you are interested
// module using an immediately invoking function expression
// same password checking functionality as above
var soundcloud; // this is the module
(function(exports) {
var API_KEY = 'secretkey';
exports.authenticate = function(key) {
if (key === API_KEY) {
console.log("authentication successful");
else {
console.log("go away spammer");
})(soundcloud = {});
soundcloud.authenticate('fake'); // go away spammer
soundcloud.authenticate('secretkey'); // authentication successful
soundcloud.API_KEY = 'evilkey'; // doesn't alter the API_KEY within the module. it's a new property that doesn't matter
soundcloud.authenticate('evilkey'); // does not work
// augmentation i.e. adding new properties to an existing "module"
(function(exports) {
exports.playMusic = function() {
return exports;
}(soundcloud || {}));
// sub-modules i.e. module within a module
soundcloud.rapModule = (function(exports) {
exports = {};
exports.catchPhrase = 'yo yo yo';
return exports;
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