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Created December 27, 2015 21:15
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import binascii
from enum import IntEnum
# class UniversalClassTags(IntEnum):
# sequence_of = 16
# set_of = 17
# numeric_string = 18
# printable_string = 19
# t61_string = 20
# videotex_string = 21
# ia5string = 22
# utc_time = 23
# generalized_time = 24
# graphic_string = 25
# visible_string = 26
# general_string = 27
# universal_string = 28
# character_string = 29
# bmp_string = 30
class BER:
"""Basic Encoding Rules"""
class TagClass(IntEnum):
universal = 0
application = 1
context_specific = 2
private = 3
universal_class_tags = ['eoc', 'boolean', 'integer', 'bit_string', 'octet_string', 'null', 'object_identifier',
'object_descriptor', 'external', 'real',
'enumerate', 'embedded_pdv', 'utf8_string', 'releative_oid', 'reserved', 'reserved', 'sequence',
'set', 'numeric_string', 'printable_string',
't61_string', 'videotex_string', 'ia5_string', 'utc_time', 'generalized_time', 'graphic_string',
'visible_string', 'general_string',
'universal_string', 'character_string', 'bmp_string']
def __init__(self, tag_class, is_complex, tag_id, octet_length, value):
self.tag_class = tag_class
self.is_complex = is_complex
self.tag_id = tag_id
self.octet_length = octet_length
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "<class=%s complex=%s tag=%s length=%d value=%s>\n" % (
self.tag_class, self.is_complex, self.tag_id if self.tag_class != self.TagClass.universal else self.universal_class_tags[self.tag_id], self.octet_length, self.value)
def parse_from(cls, buffer, offset=0):
tag_class = cls.TagClass(buffer[offset] >> 6)
is_complex = bool(buffer[offset] & 0b100000)
tag_id = buffer[offset] & 0b11111
if tag_id == 31:
# long-form identifier
tag_id = 0
while buffer[offset] & 0b10000000:
tag_id |= buffer[offset] & 0b01111111
tag_id <<= 7
offset += 1
tag_id |= buffer[offset] # & 0b01111111
offset += 1
# length
# null is zero length?
if buffer[offset] == 128:
offset += 1
octet_length = buffer.index(b'\0' * 2, offset) - offset
except ValueError:
raise Exception("Malformed packet: Indefinite form has no end-of-content terminator.")
elif buffer[offset] < 128:
octet_length = buffer[offset]
offset += 1
else: # buffer[offset] > 128
length_octets = buffer[offset] & 0b01111111
offset += 1
octet_length = sum([value << (octet * 8) for (octet, value) in
enumerate(reversed(buffer[offset:offset + length_octets]))])
offset += length_octets
stop_octet = offset + octet_length
if is_complex:
# value is wrapped in another tlv
value = []
while offset < stop_octet:
(subobj, offset) = cls.parse_from(buffer, offset)
value = buffer[offset:stop_octet]
return cls(tag_class, is_complex, tag_id, octet_length, value), stop_octet
class SNMP:
def __init__(self, version, community, pdu):
self.version = version = community
self.pdu = pdu
def decode(cls, buffer, offset=0):
"""Decodes SNMP packet"""
(object, offset) = BER.parse_from(buffer, offset)
assert len(buffer) == offset
(version, community, pdu) = object.value
return cls(version, community, pdu)
def __repr__(self):
return "<SNMP version=%s, community=%s, pdu=%s>" % (self.version,, self.pdu)
if __name__ == '__main__':
snmp_datagrams = map(binascii.a2b_hex, ['302602010004067075626c6963a119020452447053020100020100300b300906052b060102010500',
for datagram in snmp_datagrams:
snmp = SNMP.decode(datagram)
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