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Created March 27, 2021 08:29
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Software Drag Racing: C++ vs C# vs Python - Which Will Win? - Dave's Garage
#! /usr/bin/env raku
use v6.d;
proto sub assert (|) {*}
multi sub assert ( Str:D $message ) {
warn $message;
multi sub assert ( Bool:D $ where ?* ) { #= True
multi sub assert ( Bool:D ) { #= False
warn 'something bad happened'
class Prime-Sieve {
#| Upper limit, highest prime candidate we'll consider
has int $.limit = 1_000_000;
#| Storage for sieve.
#| Since we filter out evens, just half as many bits
has int8 @!rawbits = 1 xx ($!limit+1) div 2;
# (there are plans for adding int1 and uint1 including in native arrays)
#| Historical data for validating our results
my constant %prime-counts = Hash[Int, Int](
10 => 4,
100 => 25,
1_000 => 168,
10_000 => 1229,
100_000 => 9592,
1_000_000 => 78498,
10_000_000 => 664579,
100_000_000 => 5761455,
#| Look up our count of primes in the historical data (if we have it) to see if it matches
method validate-results ( --> Bool:D ) {
$.count-primes == (%prime-counts{$!limit} // (2..$!limit).grep(*.is-prime).elems)
# if we don't have it, calculate using built-in .is-prime
#| Gets a bit from the array of bits, but automatically just filters out even numbers
#| and then only half as many bits for actual storage
method !get-bit (int $index --> int ) {
$index %% 2
?? 0
!! @!rawbits[$index div 2]
#| Reciprocal of GetBit, ignores even numbers and just stores the odds.
#| Since the prime sieve work should never wast time clearing even numbers
#| this code will warn if you try to
method !clear-bit (int $index --> Nil ) {
$index %% 2
?? assert "clearing even bit $index"
!! @!rawbits[$index div 2] = 0
#| Calculate the primes up to the specified limit
method run-sieve() {
# convert to native integer so that the rest of the code
# doesn't have to do coercions and boxing/unboxing
my int $sqrt = Int( $!limit.sqrt );
# No need to check evens, so skip to next odd ($factor = 3, 5, 7, 9 … ∞)
loop ( my int $factor = 3 ; $factor < $sqrt ; $factor += 2 ) {
# find the next factor
next unless self!get-bit($factor);
# for $factor..$!limit -> int $num {
# if self!get-bit($num) {
# $factor = $num;
# last;
# }
# }
# If marking factor 3, you wouldn't mark 6 (it's a multiple of 2) so start with the 3rd multiple
# We can then step by a factor * 2 because every second one is going to be even by definition
loop ( my int $num = $factor * 3 ; $num < $!limit ; $num += $factor * 2 ) {
#| Return the count of bits that are still set in the sieve.
#| Assumes you've already called .runSieve()
# (works because @!rawbits[1 div 2] is set even though we don't use it.)
method count-primes () {
sum @!rawbits
#| Displays the primes found (or just the total count, depending on what you ask for)
method print-results ($duration, $passes, Bool:D :$show-results = False ) {
# Since we auto-filter evens, we have to special case the number 2
print '2, ' if $show-results;
my int $count = 1;
for 3..$!limit -> int $num {
if self!get-bit($num) {
print "$num, " if $show-results;
LAST put() if $show-results;
assert $count == $.count-primes;
put "Passes: $passes, Time: $duration, Avg: {$duration/$passes}";
sub MAIN (
Bool:D :$show-results = False, #= Show the prime numbers
Int:D :$limit = 1_000_000, #= The maximum prime candidate to check
Real:D :$time = 10.0, #= The minimum amount of time in seconds
Bool:D :$validate = False
) {
my $start = now;
my int $passes = 0;
my Prime-Sieve $sieve;
# Run until at least $time seconds have elapsed
my $timer =$time);
until $timer {
$sieve .= new(:$limit);
my $duration = now - $start;
if $validate && not $sieve.validate-results {
assert False;
$sieve.print-results( $duration, $passes, :$show-results );
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