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Last active June 12, 2020 17:51
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  • Save b2ox/2cec7e3c5a72ff7e8f9ee16aad1e4d58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save b2ox/2cec7e3c5a72ff7e8f9ee16aad1e4d58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git呼び出しライブラリ for deno
// Usage: deno run --allow-run git-mgft.ts from to
// fromをtoにマージする
import * as git from './git.ts'
async function main(): Promise<number> {
if (Deno.args.length < 2) {
console.error('Usage: git-mgft from to');
return -1
const [branchFrom, branchTo] = Deno.args
const current = await git.currentBranch()
if (current === null) {
console.error('not a git repository')
return -1
const info = await git.branches()
if (info.indexOf(branchFrom) < 0 || info.indexOf(branchTo) < 0) {
console.error('no branch: ' + branchTo)
return -1
console.log(`git merge: ${branchFrom} -> ${branchTo}`)
await git.checkout(branchTo)
await git.merge(branchFrom)
await git.checkout(current)
return 0
Deno.exit(await main())
// Usage: deno run --allow-run git-wip.ts
// 現在のブランチがworkなら wip/YYYYMMDD_hh ブランチを作成し移動
// wip/~ ブランチならworkブランチにマージ
// Script install: deno install --allow-run ~/denoscripts/git-wip.ts
// 上記でインストールすると ~/.deno/bin に ~/denoscripts/git-wip.ts を呼び出すスクリプトが作られる
// ~/denoscripts/git-wip.ts自体は~/.deno/binにコピーされない
import * as git from './git.ts'
async function main(): Promise<number> {
const work = 'work'
const twoDigits = (n: number): string => (n > 9 ? '' : '0') + n
const current = await git.currentBranch()
if (current === null) {
console.error('not a git repository')
return -1
} else if (current === work) {
const now = new Date()
const wip = `wip/${now.getFullYear()}${twoDigits(now.getMonth() + 1)}${twoDigits(now.getDate())}_${twoDigits(now.getHours())}`
if (await git.checkoutBranch(wip)) {
console.log(`branching "${wip}"`)
} else {
console.error(`do not branching "${wip}"`)
return -1
} else if (current.startsWith('wip/')) {
if (!(await git.branches()).includes(work)) {
console.error('no exists "work" branch')
return -1
} else {
console.log(`${current} is merging to work`)
await git.checkout(work)
await git.merge(current)
await git.deleteBranch(current)
} else {
console.error('not a work or wip branch')
return -1
return 0
Deno.exit(await main())
export async function branches(): Promise<string[]> {
const ret = await runCmd(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--branches'])
if (ret === null) return []
return ret.split(/\r\n|\n/)
export const currentBranch = () => runCmd(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'])
export const checkoutBranch = async (branch: string) => null !== await runCmd(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch])
export const checkout = async (branch: string) => null !== await runCmd(['git', 'checkout', branch])
export const merge = async (branch: string) => null !== await runCmd(['git', 'merge', '--no-ff', branch])
export const deleteBranch = async (branch: string) => null !== await runCmd(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch])
async function runCmd(cmds: string[]): Promise<string | null> {
const p ={ cmd: cmds, stdout: 'piped', stderr: 'piped' })
const { code } = await p.status()
return code !== 0 ? null : (new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output())).trim()
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b2ox commented Jun 12, 2020


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