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Created May 6, 2024 13:53
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CardX = 85.6;
CardY = 54;
CardZ = 10;
R = 2.5;
module Card(h) {
translate([0, 0, h / 2]) {
cube([CardX - 2 * R, CardY, h], center = true);
cube([CardX, CardY - 2 * R, h], center = true);
translate([CardX / 2 - R, CardY / 2 - R]) cylinder(h = h, r = R, center = true, $fn = 20);
translate([CardX / 2 - R, - CardY / 2 + R]) cylinder(h = h, r = R, center = true, $fn = 20);
translate([- CardX / 2 + R, CardY / 2 - R]) cylinder(h = h, r = R, center = true, $fn = 20);
translate([- CardX / 2 + R, - CardY / 2 + R]) cylinder(h = h, r = R, center = true, $fn = 20);
module CoinCase(hole) {
difference() {
for (i = [0, 1, 2]) {
translate([-28 + 26 * i, 0, CardZ / 2 + 0.8]) {
translate([0, -13]) cylinder(h = CardZ, d = 24, center = true, $fn = 60);
translate([0, 13]) cylinder(h = CardZ, d = 24, center = true, $fn = 60);
cube([16, 16, CardZ], center = true);
translate([-28, -13, CardZ / 2 + 6]) cylinder(h = CardZ, d = 27, center = true, $fn = 60);
translate([CardX / 2 - 5, - CardY / 2 + 5, CardZ / 2]) cylinder(h = CardZ + 1, d = hole, center = true, $fn = 60);
module Lid(hole) {
difference() {
translate([CardX / 2 - 5, - CardY / 2 + 5, CardZ / 2]) cylinder(h = CardZ + 1, d = hole, center = true, $fn = 60);
translate([0, 70]) Lid(3.5);
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