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Last active August 15, 2018 17:22
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29 Behaviors That Will Make You An Unstoppable Programmer

Pick out 3 behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection

  • 6. Understand that “code is cheap.”- This is something that I know I will struggle with, it is a weekness I have had in the past and I will have to work on it. In the article Ken explains that sometimes it is easier and faster to "scrap" all of your previously done work in order to change they way you approach it. I have at times fallen victim to the sunk cost fallacy that he explained and it usually causes more harm than good, it delays the inevitable of you starting your work over. I think this also goes along being a good team member if you delay yourself by trying to salvage the unsalvageable it not only hurts you but also your co-workers.
  • 23. Know when it’s time to give back- While I know this is something that won't be that relevant to me too soon, I will need to keep this in the back of my mind. I will be leaning how to program fairly soon from some very talented people, one day I will hope to be skilled enough to repay the favor. In a team environment it is important to help lift the team by lifting up the individuals to make them better, this not only helps that person but everyone else. taking the time to help the people on your team may take extra time but it will save a ton in the long run, with the added bonus of helping someone as well.
  • 29. Move Fast and Break Things- As Ken said in the beginning of his article he beleived this was the most important of all the 29 behaviors I think he was right. A theme in this article is that mistakes will happen and its not the end of the world, in fact they are important in the learning process. Some of the best lessons I've ever learned have been from a huge **** up, it burns it into your memory and helps you avoid what caused the mistake in the firstplace. My dad always used to say "show me someone who doesn't make a mistake and I'll show you someone who isn't doing anything".

Atul Gawande's 'Checklist' For Surgery Success

Write a reflection (4-6 sentences) on the benefits of a checklist and how an organizational system such as a checklist might help you first as a student and later as a full-time developer.

Life can be crazy at even the most calm of times, making it extreamly easy to forget a thing here or there. I am certainly not perfect and I doubt anyone truly is that is why a list can help in so many different ways, I can't even count the times I have gotten back from the grocery store to find that I forgot something. When I was in college I used google calender almost to the point where it became just a list app. With as much freedom I had in school at times it seemed common I would forget even the largest of deadlines coming up, I am sure I will re adopt my list method from college in turing and maybe even expand on it. From the Pre work I have done I can already tell that this will be a mentally demanding feat so I am sure that notes and list will be falling out of my pockets just so I dont forget something basic. I am sure that once I am a full developer those notes and list will be manditory for my sucess just to keep my projects in order.

Strengths based Articles

  • What is your impression of strengths-based development? What questions do you have about this kind of development?
  • --I like the idea of strength based development, it helps people play to their strenths and allows you to maximize your time doing what youre good at and minimize waste on topics you struggle with. Ideally this is how the world should work, I am sure that there is a large amount of waisted potential out there because people are working jobs that dont showcase their talents. My problem with it however is that these articles are based on big companies with diverse job responsibilities. What happens if you are a manager and you have to put all of your employees on your sole project that doesnt play to the strength of everyone at the company? I dont think the right decision is to always look for new staff, sometimes the business world gets complicated and you must "roll with the punches".

  • What do you feel are your top strengths? How do you know?
  • -- I think some of my strengths come from adaptability and working with a team. I used to be a professional Race car driver, in that job I had to work with mechanics, engineers, owners, sponsors, and team managers; each of which required very different approaches, with there own sensibilities and roles. In my three years on a professional level, I felt like I saw it all (I definitely didn't) we had ups and downs consiting of crashes causing all nighters to wins that also caused all nighters. I felt like I did a good job of maximizing the efforts of ever individual who was on my team by my last year, which even though it never resulted in a win, what I accomplished in that regard felt like one.

  • How do you hope to develop your strengths for your new career in software development?
  • To be completely honest I have no idea what my skills will be like in regards to writing programs at this point, I am sure that will become clear when working with the other students in the coming months. I do have a feeling though that my past skills in team management will be one of the strengths I can use in my development career. From what I can tell from the articles I have read today teamwork will be an important part of my coming career.

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