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Created July 24, 2023 19:08
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Redirect from Twitter to Bluesky userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter Redirect Prompt
// @namespace
// @version 0.7
// @description Adds a non-intrusive modal on Twitter homepage to redirect to
// @author @dynastic on twitter, on bsky
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
let count = 7;
function countdown() {
if (count > 1) {
count -= 1;
.innerHTML = `${count}`
setTimeout(countdown, 1000)
else {
setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
const messageElement = document.createElement('div'); = 'twitterRedirectPrompt';
messageElement.innerHTML = `
<div style="position: fixed; top: 20px; left: 20px; align-items: center; background-color: #000; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #fff; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 0 0 7px #fff; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">
<p style="color: #fff; font-weight: 800; font-size: 20px;">Would you like to redirect to <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: underline;"></a> instead?</p>
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<button style="background-color: #1A8CD8; color: #fff; border: none; padding: 8px 15px; margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 100px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;" id="redirectButton">Redirect</button>
<button style="background-color: #1A8CD8; color: #fff; border: none; padding: 8px 15px; margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 100px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold;" id="closeButton">Close</button>
<p style="color: #fff; margin-right: 10px; font-style: italic;"><small>Closing in <span id="counter">${count}</span></small></p>
const removeMessageElement = () => {
const elementToRemove = document.getElementById('twitterRedirectPrompt');
if (elementToRemove) {
const handleRedirectButtonClick = () => {
window.location.href = '';
const handleCloseButtonClick = () => {
const closeButton = document.getElementById('closeButton');
if (closeButton) {
closeButton.addEventListener('click', handleCloseButtonClick);
const redirectButton = document.getElementById('redirectButton');
if (redirectButton) {
redirectButton.addEventListener('click', handleRedirectButtonClick);
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