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Last active December 5, 2018 14:53
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A "perl -ne" like REPL for guile scheme to work with shell scripts
#!/usr/bin/guile \
-e main -s
;; A "perl -ne" like REPL for guile scheme to work with shell scripts.
;; A s-expression string representing a lambda taking 1 or 2 arguments,
;; such as `(lambda (l) (display l))`. When 1-arity lambda is provided,
;; the only argument is feed line-by-line of the inputs. When 2-arity
;; lambda is provided, the extra second argument collects the expression
;; from last execution, similar to the `fold` procedure. The `--init-value`
;; option can be used to give the initial value of the first iteration.
;; If that option is not given, the initial value is `#f`.
;; If a 2-arity lambda is given, an <eof-object> will be fed as the line
;; data for the last iteration to mark the end of execution. You could use
;; the pattern `(lambda (l q) (if (eof-object? l) ...))` to cope with this
;; behavior.
;; The REPL reads from FILE arguments as if they are one document. If no
;; FILE is given, it reads from standard input.
;; -h|--help: print help.
;; --init-value: initial value for 2-arity lambdas.
;; A simple line reader which adds 1 to every line:
;; (lambda (l) (+ 1 (string->number l)))
;; Summing the second column of a CSV file (but it will print every line!):
;; (let ((sum 0))
;; (lambda (l)
;; (let ((num (string->number (cadr (string-split l #\,)))))
;; (set! sum (+ num sum))
;; (display sum)
;; (newline))))
;; Summing the second column of a CSV file using 2-arity lambda:
;; (lambda (l q)
;; (if (eof-object? l)
;; (begin (display q) (newline))
;; (let ((num (string->number (cadr (string-split l #\,)))))
;; (if q (+ num q) num))))
;; Summing the second column of a CSV file using 2-arity lambda with
;; `--init-value "()"`:
;; (lambda (l q)
;; (if (eof-object? l)
;; (format #t "~a~%"
;; (apply + (map (compose string->number cadr) q)))
;; (cons (string-split l #\,) q)))
(import (ice-9 rdelim)
(ice-9 match)
(srfi srfi-11)
(rnrs io ports)
(system vm program))
(define (repl-gen repl-str init-value)
(define repl-obj (with-input-from-string repl-str (lambda () (read))))
(define repl (eval repl-obj (interaction-environment)))
(define arity (length (program-lambda-list repl)))
(list repl arity init-value))
(define (feed repl-obj input-ports)
(match repl-obj
((repl 1 init-value)
(let A ((remain-ports input-ports))
(if (not (null? remain-ports))
(let ((current-port (car remain-ports)))
(let B ((line (read-line current-port)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(A (cdr remain-ports))
(repl line)
(B (read-line current-port)))))))))
((repl 2 init-value)
(let A ((remain-ports input-ports)
(accumA init-value))
(if (null? remain-ports)
(repl (eof-object) accumA)
(let ((current-port (car remain-ports)))
(let B ((line (read-line current-port))
(accumB accumA))
(if (eof-object? line)
(A (cdr remain-ports) accumB)
(B (read-line current-port)
(repl line accumB))))))))))
(define (print-usage exec-name)
(format #t "Usage: ~a [-h|--help] [--init-value VAL] PROC-STRING [FILE]...~%"
(define (main args)
(let ((exec-name (car args)))
(let B ((args2 (cdr args))
(init-value #f))
(match args2
(() (print-usage exec-name))
(("-h" . _) (print-usage exec-name))
(("--help" . _) (print-usage exec-name))
(("--init-value" iv . args-rest)
(B args-rest (with-input-from-string iv (lambda () (read)))))
((expr-str . filenames)
(let ((repl-obj (repl-gen expr-str init-value)))
(if (null? filenames)
(feed repl-obj (list (current-input-port)))
(let A ((files filenames) (ports '()))
(if (null? files)
(feed repl-obj (reverse ports))
(call-with-input-file (car files)
(lambda (port) (A (cdr files)
(cons port ports)))))))))))))
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