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Last active April 28, 2022 23:13
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Parses the given URL and returns it as a JSON string.
* Parses the given URL and returns it as a JSON string.
* @param {string} url
* The URL to parse and return as JSON.
* @param {number|string} space
* Optional. Used to insert white space (including indentation, line break
* characters, etc.) into the output JSON string for readability purposes. If
* this is a number, it indicates the number of space characters to use aa
* white space for indenting purposes; this number is capped at 10 (if it is
* greater, the value is just 10). Values less than 1 indicate that no space
* should be used. If this is a String, the string (or the first 10
* characters of the string, if it's longer than that) is used as white space.
* @returns {string}
* A JSON string representing the given URL as an object with the following
* properties:
* - `hash`: A string containing a "#" followed by the fragment identifier of
* the URL.
* - `host`: A string containing the domain (that is the `hostname`) followed
* by (if a port was specified) a ":" and the `port` of the URL.
* - `hostname`: A string containing the domain of the URL.
* - `href`: A string containing the whole URL.
* - `origin`: A string containing the origin of the URL, that is its scheme,
* its domain and its port.
* - `password`: A string containing the password specified before the domain
* name.
* - `pathname`: A string containing an initial "/" followed by the path of
* the URL, not including the query string or fragment.
* - `port`: A string containing the port number of the URL.
* - `protocol`: A string containing the protocol scheme of the URL,
* including the final ":".
* - `search`: A string indicating the URL's parameter string; if any
* parameters are provided, this string includes all of them, beginning with
* the leading ? character.
* - `username`: A string containing the username specified before the domain
* name.
* - `singleValueParams`: An object where the keys correspond to the URL
* parameter names and the corresponding values are the last value found in
* the URL with that name.
* - `multiValueParams`: A object where the keys correspond to the URL
* parameter names and the corresponding values are arrays of all of the
* values with that corresponding name.
function jsonifyURL(url, space=2) {
const u = new URL(url);
const singleValueParams = {};
const multiValueParams = {};
Object.assign(u, { singleValueParams, multiValueParams });
const hasOwn =;
for (const [k, v] of u.searchParams) {
singleValueParams[k] = v;
if (hasOwn(multiValueParams, k)) {
else {
multiValueParams[k] = [v];
return JSON.stringify(
'hash host hostname href origin password pathname port protocol search username singleValueParams multiValueParams'.split(' ').reduce(
(result, key) => {
result[key] = u[key];
return result;
// Title of the IO App
"title": "JSONify URL",
// Name of the function that takes the input string and produces the output string.
"transform": "jsonifyURL",
// Where to find the code that will be eval'd.
"files": ["jsonifyURL.js"],
// Input setup
"input": { "label": "Input URL", "language": "plain" },
// Output setup
"output": { "label": "Output JSON", "language": "json" },
// Type of IO App
"type": "split"
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