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4 cubes → 12 small pyramids → 3 big pyramids

4 cubes → 12 small pyramids → 3 big pyramids

Pure CSS. Uses transform-style: preserve-3d, so it won't work in IE up to and including 11. Should work in the new Edge browser, but not actually tested. Tested & works for the most part in Firefox 39, 42 (nightly), Chrome 44, 46 (canary)/ Opera 31 beta on Windows 8. Firefox has 3D ordering issues, Chrome shows lines between parts. Update: Safari works the same as Chrome, while Edge seems to have a problem when combining into cubes (same as Firefox?) - see replies here. Inspiration:


Forked from Ana Tudor's Pen 4 cubes → 12 small pyramids → 3 big pyramids.

A Pen by Stefano Guglielmi on CodePen.


- 12.times do
- 4.times do
// no JS, it's just CSS
$l: 5em;
$d: $l*sqrt(2);
$b: 1.75*$l;
@function xor($a, $b) {
@return if($a*$b == 0 and $a + $b == 1, 1, 0);
@mixin paint($c, $dir) {
$dtxt: if($dir == 0, right, left);
background: linear-gradient(to $dtxt bottom,
transparent 49%,
currentColor 50%);
color: $c;
@mixin cube($ixo, $izo, $state: 'final') {
$f: if($state == 'final', .25, .5);
$ixo*$b - (1 - $izo)*$l*$f,
(1 + $izo)*$l*$f
$izo < 0,
@mixin pyramid($k, $izo, $state: 'final') {
$f: if($state == 'final', 1, 1.5);
translate3d(0, 0, 2*$izo*$b)
rotateY(($k - .5)*90deg)
html, body { height: 100%; }
body {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
perspective: 40em;
background: #191919;
.assembly {
&, * {
position: absolute;
bottom: 50%; left: 50%;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform: translateY(.5*$l)
rotateX(-22.5deg) rotateY(30deg);
.pyramid {
@for $i from 0 to 12 {
$j1: $i%3;
$k1: floor($i/3);
$ixo: ($k1 - 1.5);
$izo: ($j1 - 1);
$lightb: ($k1 + $j1 + 1)*8%;
$lightl1: ($k1 + 5)*8%;
&:nth-child(#{$i + 1}) {
translate3d($ixo*$b, 0, $izo*$b);
animation: pos#{$i + 1} 4s linear infinite;
@if $izo != 0 {
/* 2 classes because specificity */
.pyramid__face.pyramid__face--base {
animation-name: baseshade#{$i + 1};
.pyramid__face--lateral {
@for $li from 0 to 4 {
$lj: $li%2;
$lk: floor($li/2);
$xor: xor($lj, $lk);
$lightl2: ($j1*4 + $k1 - $li + 5)*5%;
&:nth-child(#{$li + 1}) {
color: hsl(0, 0%, if($xor == 1, $lightl2, $lightl1));
@at-root {
@keyframes pos#{$i + 1} {
0%, 5%, 45%, 55%, 95%, 100% {
translate3d($ixo*$b, 0, $izo*$b);
@if $izo != 0 {
15%, 35% {
@include cube($ixo, $izo, 'mid');
20%, 30% {
@include cube($ixo, $izo);
65%, 85% {
@include pyramid($k1, $izo, 'mid');
70%, 80% {
@include pyramid($k1, $izo);
@if $izo != 0 {
@keyframes baseshade#{$i + 1} {
20%, 30% {
background: hsl(0, 0%, $lightb);
&__face {
margin: 0 (-.5*$l);
width: $l; height: $l;
backface-visibility: hidden;
&--lateral {
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
@for $i from 0 to 4 {
$j: $i%2;
$k: floor($i/2);
$xor: xor($j, $k);
&:nth-child(#{$i + 1}) {
@if $xor == 1 {
height: $d;
@else {
animation: inherit;
animation-name: no-flick;
transform: rotateY((1 - $i)*90deg)
if($xor == 1, rotateX(45deg), ());
@include paint(
darken(silver, random(50)), $k
&--base {
rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(.5*$l);
background: #000;
.pyramid:not(:nth-child(3n + 2)) & {
animation: inherit;
@keyframes no-flick {
0%, 69.99%, 80.01%, 100% { opacity: .999; }
70%, 80% { opacity: .001; }
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