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Last active January 2, 2016 21:48
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EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server
WebSocketClient = require 'ws'
class ChatServer
constructor: ->
@server = new WebSocketServer { port: 80 }
@server.on 'connection', @onConnection
console.log "started server."
onConnection: (socket) =>
client = new ChatClient socket, this
client.on 'chat', @onChat
onChat: (client, data) =>
@broadcast data
broadcast: (data) ->
for client in @server.clients then client.send data
class ChatClient extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@socket, @server) -> this
@socket.on 'open', @onOpen
@socket.on 'message', @onMessage
@socket.on 'close', @onClose
@socket.on 'error', @onError
onOpen: =>
console.log "connected."
onMessage: (data) =>
console.log "received message. #{data}"
@emit 'chat', this, data
onClose: (code) =>
console.log "[#{code}] disconnected."
onError: (reason, code) =>
console.log "[#{code}] #{reason}"
send: (data) ->
@socket.send data
class Bot
address: "ws://localhost"
constructor: ->
@maxClients = 1000
@sayMaxClients = 10
@sayDelay = 1000
run: ->
for number in [1..@maxClients] then @_create number
_create: (num) ->
client = new WebSocketClient @address
client.on 'open', =>
console.log "[#{num}] connected."
if num <= @sayMaxClients
timer = setInterval =>
message = { id: num, timestamp: (new Date).getTime() }
client.send JSON.stringify message
, @sayDelay
client.on 'message', (data) =>
data = JSON.parse data
time = (new Date).getTime() - data.timestamp
console.log "[#{num}] id #{} latency #{time} ms"
client.on 'close', (code) =>
console.log "[#{num}][#{code}] disconnected."
client.on 'error', (reason, code) =>
console.log "[#{num}][#{code}] #{reason}"
server = new ChatServer
bot = new Bot
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