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Last active May 2, 2017 03:41
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>.highlight-link { background-color: yellow; }</style>
<p id="root"><br>
<script src="./simple-link-decorator.min.js"></script>
var elm = document.querySelector('#root');
elm.innerHTML = SimpleLinkDecorator.decorate(elm.innerHTML, {class: 'highlight-link'});
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// export to window.SimpleLinkDecorator
const PATTERN = /((http|https):)?(?:\/\/)([-\+;:&@=\$,\.\w_]+)(\/[-\+~%\/\.\w_]*)?(\?[-\+=&;%@\w_]*)?(#[\w]*)?/g;
export function decorate(text, option = {}) {
const attributes = createKeyValuePairs(option).join('');
const callback = (option.callback && typeof option.callback === 'function') ? option.callback : null;
return text.replace(PATTERN, (match) => {
return callback ? callback(match) : `<a href="${match}"${attributes}>${match}</a>`;
function createKeyValuePairs(attributes) {
const result = [];
for (const key in attributes) {
if (key !== 'callback') {
result.push(` ${key}="${attributes[key]}"`);
return result;
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