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Last active April 30, 2017 15:36
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$text = <<< EOT
$validator = new UrlDomainValidator(['']); // register domain to whitelist
$extractor = new UrlExtractor($text);
/* out
string(41) ""
$url = $extractor->first();
/* out
array(2) {
string(41) ""
string(49) ""
$urls = $extractor->all();
/* out
<a href=""></a
// URLをリンクにするやつ
$text = $extractor->replace(function($match) use($validator) {
return $validator->validate($match[0]) ? sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $match[0], $match[0]) : $match[0];
/* out
string(92) "
// 許可ドメイン以外を含むURLを伏せ字にするやつ
$text = $extractor->replace(function($match) use($validator) {
$subject = $match[0];
if (!$validator->validate($subject)) {
$subject = str_replace($match[2], str_repeat('*', mb_strlen($match[2])), $subject);
$subject = str_replace($match[3], str_repeat('*', mb_strlen($match[3])), $subject);
return $subject;
class UrlDomainValidator
protected $domains = [];
public function __construct(array $domains = [])
$this->domains = $domains;
public function validate(string $url): bool
return $this->contains($url);
private function contains(string $url): bool
$parsed = parse_url($url);
if (!$parsed || !isset($parsed['host'])) {
return false;
if (!in_array($parsed['host'], $this->domains, true)) {
return false;
return true;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class UrlDomainValidatorTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider urlsProvider
public function test_validate($url, $expected)
$validator = new UrlDomainValidator(['', '']);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $validator->validate($url));
public function urlsProvider()
return [
['', true],
['//', true],
['', true],
['', true],
['', true],
['', false],
// invalid domain
['', false],
// invalid url
['http:/', false],
class UrlExtractor
private $pattern = '/((http|https):)?(?:\/\/)([-\+;:&@=\$,\.\w_]+)(\/[-\+~%\/\.\w_]*)?(\?[-\+=&;%@\w_]*)?(#[\w]*)?/';
private $subject;
public function __construct(string $subject)
$this->subject = $subject ?? '';
public function first(): ?string
$result = $this->extract();
return $result[0] ?? null;
public function all(): array
$result = $this->extractAll();
return $result[0] ?? [];
public function replace(callable $callback): string
return preg_replace_callback($this->pattern, $callback, $this->subject);
private function extract(): array
if (preg_match($this->pattern, $this->subject, $matches)) {
return $matches;
return [];
private function extractAll(): array
if (preg_match_all($this->pattern, $this->subject, $matches)) {
return $matches;
return [];
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class UrlExtractorTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider urlsProvider
public function testFirst($subject, $expected)
$extractor = new UrlExtractor($subject);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $extractor->first());
public function urlsProvider()
return [
/* OK cases*/
['//', '//'],
['asdf//', '//'],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['', ''],
['<br>', ''],
/* NG cases */
// invalid scheme
['http:/', ''],
['invalid-scheme://', '//'],
// invalid query string
['', ''],
// unsupported multibyte domain name
['http://日本語.jp/?key=value', ''],
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