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Created August 31, 2017 09:49
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История варкрафт тралл

История варкрафт тралл - Орки (Warcraft)

История варкрафт тралл

Тралл [История]
Тралл (Thrall)
История Тралла
Тралл [История]

Тралл, сын Дуротана - орк , третий лидер Орды. Он является воплощением доблести, силы и отваги всей расы орков. Именно Тралл вывел свой народ из людских лагерей и открыл ему путь к свободе и процветанию. Теперь, во главе с Траллом, Новая Орда стала одной из самых влиятельных сил в Азероте. Тралл - шаман, который всегда видит глубинную суть стихий, эти видения помогают ему принимать правильные и наиболее подходящие решения в сложных ситуациях. При событиях Катаклизма Тралл покинул Оргриммар и оставил вождём Гарроша Адского Крика. Тралл - сын Дуротана, прежнего вождя клана Северного Волка , и Драки. Будучи младенцем, он был найден среди окровавленных трупов его убитых родителей Эдаласом Блэкмуром , командующим лагерями для интернированных, в которых содержались орки после Второй Войны. Блэкмур дал ему имя Тралл, которое также означало "раб" на языке людей. Блэкмур вернулся в свою твердыню, Крепость Дарнхольд , вместе с Траллом, и вырастил его гладиатором — со всей свирепостью орка, но также и с мышлением стратега. Он был многому обучен и тренирован, вскормлен человеческой женщиной , и рос как брат ее дочери, Тареты Фокстон. Тралл доказывал, что он являлся превосходным учеником и феноменальным бойцом. Он был умным, быстрым и огромным, даже по стандартам орков. Но избиения Блэкмуром на арене и вне её возымели эффект. Тарета начала писать ему письма и тайно доставляла их с книгами, и он отвечал ей. В итоге, он поведал Тарете, что готовит побег. Тарета устроила пожар в крепости и Тралл смог выбраться из своей камеры незамеченным. Они увиделись вне Дарнхольда, в пещере, где Тарета передала Траллу припасы и провизию. Затем он покинул Дарнхольд, надеясь больше никогда туда не вернуться. Однако, вскоре Тралл был пойман и доставлен в один из лагерей, где командовала Лорин Ремка. Он поведал ему, что единственным, кто продолжал сражаться, был непобедимый Гром Адский Крик , вождь клана Песни Войны. Когда другой орк сказал Траллу, что в лагерь прибыл Блэкмур, ища его, он вновь смог сбежать, и отправился на поиски Грома Адского Крика. После того как вождь нашелся и проявил себя, Адский Крик взял Тралла под свою защиту, обучая его оркскому языку. Также он объяснил ему, основываясь на изорванных пеленках которые предоставил Тралл, что он принадлежит клану Северного Волка. Проведя некоторое время вместе с Адским Криком, Тралл решил покинуть его для поиска своих предков в горах Альтерака. Тралла, обессиленного долгим переходом, подобрали орки клана Северного Волка и отвели в свой лагерь. Волчица по имени Снежная Песнь выбрала его как своего компаньона. Тралл был принят духами Земли, Воздуха, Огня, Воды и Природы в одном из самых возвышенных событий его жизни. В лагерь Тралл вернулся уже совсем другим орком, полностью посвящённым в таинства шаманов своего клана и приняв свою роль как сына вождя. Это означало не только то, что Тралл станет величайшим шаманом своего народа, но и то, что духи всё же смогли простить орков за их вероломное предательство, когда они заключили договор с демоническими силами и подтверждением этого стало то, что Тралл стал шаманом. Через некоторое время в лагерь зашел путешественник. Тралл начал разговаривать с ним вежливо, но вскоре разъярился, когда тот обвинил клан Северного Волка в том, что он прятался в своих горах. Его гнев, и гордость орка, продолжали нарастать. Тралл уведомил чужака, что собирается присоединиться к Адскому Крику с Песней Войны, и начать осаду лагерей. Чужак назвал Адского Крика "послушным демонам мечтателем", и сказал, что люди не стоят того, чтобы с ними сражаться. Разъяренный, Тралл вызвал чужака на бой. Откинув свой плащ, чужак продемонстрировал свою изношенную кирасу из черного металла и тяжелый боевой молот. После короткого но жестокого боя, Тралл разоружил его, но соклановцы не дали ему добить противника. Как оказалось, чужак был Оргримом Молотом Рока, вождем Орды. Тралл оказался способен не только вызвать его на поединок, но и победить, что раньше случилось лишь раз. И одолел его отец Тралла. Молот Рока сделал Тралла своим заместителем и объяснил стратегию по освобождению лагерей. Следуя его плану, Тралл должен был проникнуть в лагеря под видом одного из сломленных, впавших в летаргию заключенных, и потом воодушевить орков, показав им свои шаманские способности. Вместе со сломленными орками, которые воспрянут духом, увидев своё восстановленное наследие, они смогут быстро освободить лагеря. Эта тактика была более чем успешной для первых трёх лагерей. В четвертом лагере Тралла быстро узнали, и им пришлось прибегнуть к помощи новых членов Орды, а также к шаманским силам, которыми обладал Тралл, чтобы с успехом освободить этот лагерь. Пятый оказался подготовлен куда лучше — рыцари Дарнхольда теперь находились в каждом из последующих лагерей, и в связи с этим, какой бы из них орки ни атаковали, им оказывалось куда более упорное сопротивление. Во время освобождения данного лагеря — теперь это Падший Молот - застава Орды, которая находится в Нагорье Арати — Молот Рока был убит, сраженный рыцарским копьём. На последнем дыхании, Оргримм отдаёт Траллу свои черные латы с боевым молотом и нарекает его Вождём Орды. Первым действием Тралла, как нового Вождя, стало нападение на Дарнхольд с целью выведения из строя всей системы интернированных лагерей. Он втайне встретился с Таретой и попросил девушку покинуть крепость вместе с семьей, но она отказалась, надеясь, что дело не дойдёт до военных действий, и, боясь за последствия, если Блэкмур заметит её отсутствие он сделал Тарету своей любовницей, и такой расстановкой вещей она никогда не была довольна. Когда Тралл, ведя за собой Орду, прибыл к Дарнхольду, он увидел подвыпившего Блэкмура и предложил закончить всё миром, дабы избежать ненужного кровопролития. Блэкмур испытал всю гамму эмоций: Когда Блэкмуру вновь предложили сдаться или умереть, он ответил… броском отрубленной головы Тареты Фокстон во внутренний двор крепости, крича при этом, что так будет с каждым предавшим его. Тралл взревел от ярости и боли, даже элементали почувствовали его неистовство, и отдал приказ начинать атаку. Во время осады, Тралл загнал Блэкмура в угол в его тайном туннеле, и бросил меч в ногу изменника. Блэкмур достаточно отрезвел, чтобы противостоять Вождю — тому, кто прикрывал Блэкмуру спину, чтобы дать такую возможность - но когда он попробовал объясниться, и попросил Тралла помочь ему покорить Альянс, ярость Вождя от осознания судьбы Тареты разрушила все барьеры, и он нанёс смертельный удар. Умирая, хозяин Дархольда испытал гордость от того, кем стал в итоге Тралл — кем его сделал Блэкмур… или полагал, что сделал. Тралл покинул замок, чтобы увидеть орков одержавшими победу. Если Альянс согласится, то они не будут доставлять ему лишних хлопот и будут рады сотрудничать и торговать. Если же он выберет путь войны, то они станут таким врагом, которого Альянс никогда не видел доселе — а контролируемая старым чернокнижником Орда покажется им ничем по сравнению с ними. После этого он покинул Дарнхольд, позволив Сержанту и другим выжившим людям уйти целыми и невредимыми. Потом он призвал Духа Земли, чтобы уничтожить крепость прежде, чем дальше отправиться освобождать свой народ. Тралл и Гром тратили много времени, собирая разрозненные силы Орды. Но вскоре, когда Тралл пребывал с маленькими силами в Нагорье Арати , ему приснился сон. Он видел сражающиеся армии, огни, низвергающиеся с небес и голос, предупреждающий его о грядущей опасности. Когда он очнулся, он понял, что это был не сон, а видение, посланное ему таинственным Пророком. Он поведал Траллу, что является вовсе не тем, кем кажется, что он отказался от своей человечности давным-давно, и единственный шанс для орков покинуть Лордерон — это плыть на запад, в Калимдор , лишь там они смогут обрести свою судьбу. Тралл, повинуясь, отдал приказ собираться Орде и начал приготовления к путешествию через Великое Море. Тем не менее, Гром угодил в руки людей, и молодой Вождь отправился выручать его. Адский Крик предложил похитить корабли, с помощью которых они смогли бы покинуть земли людей навсегда. Как только Орда была собрана, орки украли корабли и отплыли через Великое Море в Калимдор. На полпути к Калимдору , корабли Тралла были разбиты неистовым штормом рядом с Водоворотом и это вынудило орков искать убежище на маленьком острове. Опасаясь за Орду и безопасность Троллей Черного Копья, Тралл и его воины осадили заставу людей, лишь затем, чтобы узнать о том, что архимаг, который находился здесь, делал всё возможное, чтобы мурлоки оставались в заливе. Когда силы орков и людей были заняты друг другом, рыбоподобные монстры отправились на поиски новых жертв для своих ритуалов. Тралла держали пленником в мурлокской огненной пещере. Он узнал от тролля - охотника за головами, что их обоих собираются принести в жертву морской ведьме. К счастью, не смотря на то, что мурлоки были необычайно продвинуты, они ничего не знали о шаманских способностях Тралла, И молодой Вождь смог сбежать и освободить своих воинов. Тралл и его воины смогли убить трех Мурлоков-Стражей, поддерживающих магический барьер, который не позволял им бежать, но было слишком поздно Позже Тралл предложил троллям остаться в Орде за доброту, проявленную к оркам. Только Тралл смог покинуть подземелье, как столкнулся с Призраком Морской Ведьмы. Она погрозила отомстить за уничтоженный алтарь и убитых слуг. Морская Ведьма наложила проклятье на Вождя; он и всё его войско будут поглощены морем. После возвращения на базу, Тралл увидел, что его корабли, потрепанные во время шторма, ещё не готовы к отплытию. Он также узнал, что остров был вулканическим, и некогда бездействующий вулкан теперь готов был вот-вот пробудиться. Морская Ведьма, тем временем, отправляла мурлоков, жаждущая лишь одного - мести. Не смотря на это, Орда, при поддержке троллей, успешно отбивала все их атаки ровно до того момента, пока корабли не были починены, и смогла отплыть с острова до извержения вулкана. Проклятье Морской Ведьмы могло сбыться, всё зависит от того, как близко её остров находился к Калимдору — мы знаем, что силы Тралла потерпели кораблекрушение. Мы предполагаем, что остальные кланы, такие как клан Адского Крика , не были среди тех, кто попал в шторм, и спокойно добрались до острова. У берегов Калимдора корабли попали в бурю и были разбросаны, из-за чего все, кто были на борту, добрались до материка еле живыми. Кланы потеряли друг друга, а Тралл бродил по берегу, собирая орков и троллей, которых встречал. Эти земли были населены множеством новых необычных существ, наиболее жестокими из которых были кентавры, а также таурены, которых они атаковали. Когда Тралл сражался с отрядом кентавров, он неожиданно встретил Кэрна Кровавое Копыто, вождя одноименного племени тауренов. Впечатленный жестокостью и благородством орков Кэрн сказал, что поможет Траллу найти судьбу своего народа. Орк рассказал Кэрну, что видел продвижение кентавров на север, а тот пояснил ему, что в опасности деревня его племени, после чего орки, тролли и таурены смогли отбить деревню кентавров. После победы над кентаврами тауренам пришлось покинуть свои селения и отправиться к плодородным лугам Мулгора, чтобы избежать голода. Кэрн согласился поведать Траллу о местонахождении Оракула, который мог бы помочь найти свою судьбу всем оркам, если Орда поможет тауренам добраться до Мулгора. Тралл принял эти условия и помог тауренам, защитив их от диких зверей и мародеров-кентавров. Кэрн рассказал Траллу, что таинственный Оракул, способный помочь Орде обрести свою судьбу, в Когтистых Горах. Молодой орк, обрадованный, что нашел в чужой земле новых союзников, поблагодарил Кэрна и направился к горам. Добравшись до Когтистых Гор, Тралл узнал, что Гром Адский Крик и клан Песни Войны сражаются тут с людьми под командованием Джайны Праудмур. Ее войска заняли все проходы к главной горе, и Тралл надеялся, что сможет воспользоваться дирижаблями гоблинов, чтобы преодолеть преграду. Однако, когда вождь пытался незаметно добраться до гоблинов, нетерпеливый Гром неожиданно был атакован людьми, и Траллу пришлось отвлечь их внимание, атаковав их крепости. Наконец- молодому орку удалось получить несколько гоблинских дирижаблей. Адский Крик спорил с Траллом, сказав, что истинный воин сражался бы с людьми до последнего, а не пытался избежать битвы. Обеспокоенный жаждой крови Грома Тралл сказал ему и клану Песни Войны остаться в Ясеневом Лесу, пока сам он направится к горе. Наконец добравшись до горы, Тралл с удивлением встретился с Кэрном. Тот предложил помочь местным вивернам, освободив их от гарпий, ведь те были способны преодолеть по воздуху последнюю преграду - людей у главной пика. Тралл и Кэрн разделились и рыскали по пещерам. Через некоторое время они обнаружили жилище Оракула и встретили там Джайну Праудмур, с которой собирались сразиться, пока вдруг не появился Оракул, оказавшийся тем самым Пророком, которого и Тралл, и Джайна встретили в Лордероне. Он поведал Траллу о случившемся с Громом и о том, что орки должны объединиться с людьми, если все вместе не хотят быть уничтожены. Тралл неохотно согласился, отчаянно желая спасти Грома. Они возвратились в Степи и обнаружили проклятый клан Песни Войны под командованием Грома, который восстал против них, став частью начавшегося демонического вторжения в Калимдор. Во время последовавшей масштабной битвы между силами Вождя и Адского Крика многие воины пали с обеих сторон. Траллу с помощью Кэрна удалось пробиться сквозь орды проклятых орков и добраться к вождю клана Адского Крика. Гром издевательски кидал Траллу в лицо, что демоны вовсе не насильственно прокляли орков, а вожди орочьих кланов добровольно испили проклятую кровь. В ярости от предательства, Тралл бросился на старого друга и они один на один схлестнулись в жестокой схватке. После долгих и отчаянных усилий, Траллу удалось заключить сущность Грома в Камень Душ и доставить его к Ритуальному Кругу, где путём соединения магии орков и людей, демоны были изгнаны из его сущности. Гром, осознав что натворил, мгновенно раскаялся, и вместе с Траллом выступил против Маннорота в каньоне, кишевшем появляющимися с неба инферналами. Тралл предпринял попытку наступления на Маннорота , но был сразу отброшен назад и чуть не убит, одновременно с этим Гром, ещё не восстановивший все свои силы, совершил отчаянный бросок топора в Маннорота, расколов его броню и воткнув лезвие в брюхо. Этого хватило чтобы убить владыку бездны, его смерть вызвала огромный выплеск энергии, ударившей прямо в находящегося рядом Грома, и причинив ему смертельное ранение. Перед самой смертью демоническая красная мгла рассеялась из его глаз, и он ушёл из жизни как герой. Демоны и нежить, орки и люди, и ночные эльфы все сражались друг с другом за выживание, пока Траллу не приснилось видение, чтобы привести Джайну к роще у подножия горы Хиджал. Там он встретился с лидерами Стражей - Тирандой Шелест Ветра и Малфурионом Ярость Бури. Они были удивлены встрече, пока Пророк не появился еще раз и не показал себя. Он убедил их, что все они должны заключить союз против Легиона. Иначе они быстро потерпят поражение. Несмотря на беспокойство, Тиранда и Малфурион согласились, и все они объединились против Архимонда и его демонических последователей. Три расы совместно защищали Нордрассил и гору Хиджал с тремя укреплёнными поселениями на горе, делая всё возможное, чтобы замедлить восхождение Архимонда, пока ловушка ночных эльфов не была подготовлена. Как только Архимонд пробрался к базе Тралла, он сказал Траллу, что его расе не стоит возиться с этим. Тралл ответил, что всё это время для него было важным то, что его люди были свободны, и ударил, нанеся повреждения Архимонду. Джайна перед этим успела скрыться. Тралл верхом на Снежной Песни. После победы на горе Хиджал и поражения Пылающего Легиона Тралл собрал своих орков и решил найти место для них в суровых, но красивых землях Степи. Он основал Дуротар , названный так в честь своего отца-героя. Его столицей стал город Оргриммар , названный в честь Оргрима Молота Рока. Спустя некоторое время, всё начало приходить в порядок. Rexxar considered staying, but said that he would need to earn his keep. Thrall agreed, and sent Rexxar to speak to various citizens of Orgrimmar and see what he could do to assist them in their tasks. He also asked Rokhan the shadow hunter to assist Rexxar. The two were later joined by a wandering pandaren brewmaster named Chen Stormstout , who had been searching the area for ingredients to use in his new concoction. Thrall waited in Orgrimmar, helping build the city. Rexxar performed his deeds successfully, and Thrall began to respect the beastmaster. But soon he brought ill news that humans were amassing on the shores of Durotar. The treaty he had made with Jaina had hoped to keep such incursions from happening. After several more encounters with human hostiles, there was a summit arranged between Thrall and Jaina. Rexxar encouraged Thrall to send him in his place, sensing a trap. Sure enough, the "emissaries" were uninterested in talk and unsuccessfully tried to kill Rexxar and his friends, after expressing disappointment that Thrall himself had not come to be slaughtered. Rexxar returned and told Thrall that there had been a deception. Unable to believe that Jaina would order such a thing, Thrall prepared a note for Rexxar to secret into Theramore to arrange a parlay with Jaina herself. Only by meeting face to face could they ensure any sort of peace between the two races. While preparations were being made to storm Theramore, Thrall was informed that the island was surrounded by a blockade of ships that the assembled force had no way of breaching. Thrall was frustrated by this news. Then Jaina teleported onto the scene. She assured everybody that she came in peace. Jaina understood and was willing to help, even if it meant the death of her father. She begged Thrall to spare as many of her men as possible in the coming battle; even though most of them were following her father, they were the only family she had left after the fall of Lordaeron. Thrall gave her his word that he would try to keep bloodshed on the human side to a minimum and advised Jaina to get to safety, since the battle was about to start. Rexxar, Rokhan, Chen, and Cairne fought their way directly to Admiral Proudmoore himself and engaged him in combat. Before the battle was over Thrall tried to tell the admiral that this Horde was different from the one he had faced years ago, that they had no interest in conquest or murder. He grimly vowed that he would never stop fighting the orcs, and thus Rexxar was forced to kill him as Thrall had predicted. As soon as Daelin Proudmoore fell, Rexxar shouted that the battle was over and ordered the human forces to stand down. Thrall proclaimed that the Horde had no quarrel with the surviving humans and that they would leave Theramore in peace. He then took his forces back to Durotar and left Jaina to her mourning. Rexxar politely declined, telling Thrall that he was a wanderer and his place was in the wilds. But he promised Thrall that he was part of the Horde, and that if his help was ever needed again he would be there. So Thrall said goodbye to Rexxar and resumed building Durotar. For the moment, all was well. Тралл был предупрежден шаманом Калтаром об аномалии в горах Калимдора. Тралл отправил на разведку лучших своих воинов: Аномалия помимо Брокса и Гаскала поглотила Красуса и Ронина и отправила на 10 лет назад. Three years passed, and Orgrimmar swelled. However, a series of minor incidents between the Durotar orcs and Theramore humans threatened the stability of the entire area. Thrall and Jaina desperately attempted to keep the peace, but the Horde grew out of his control when his chief warrior Burx took an army of orcs and trolls to Northwatch Hold , the same keep Proudmoore used for his operations, and demanded they dismantle it. After the battle began, however, Jaina contacted Thrall with information that his Burx was working for the orcish end of the Burning Blade cult. Infuriated at the idea that an orc would once again serve the Legion the demon Zmodlor was pulling the strings of the cult , Thrall immediately stopped the battle with some impressive aid from the Spirits and denounced Burx. Despite the rise of tensions in the last year or so, their actions have halted, though not completely broken, the cycle of hatred. Thrall currently resides in his palace, located in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar. Threats to Durotar from outside and within force him to remain ever vigilant. Thrall from the Battlecry wallpaper by Wei Wang. Thrall, proud Warchief of the Horde remained in his palace, located in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar. Thrall was unsure about them, but with the support of Hamuul Runetotem Thrall was convinced to accept them. Thus, the Horde gained access to Lordaeron. He watched a growing danger within the caves of Orgrimmar and worked with the young horde members who he sent to spy on Neeru Fireblade. Thrall learned that he was the leader of the Burning Blade and worked with Searing Blade under Orgrimmar. Eventually, Thrall sent the adventurers beneath Orgrimmar to deal with the Searing Blade leaders. During the process, they were kidnapped but later rescued and eventually killed the Syndicate leader - Aliden Perenolde and acquired the necklace of Taretha which was delivered to Thrall. While there, he allowed himself to be captured by the Dark Iron dwarves in order to gather intelligence. Thrall learned about the princess and immediately sent a group of adventurers to kill Dagran Thaurissan and rescue Moira. His goal was to improve relationships. The adventurers succeeded in killing the emperor but Moira was saddened and sworn that when her son, Dagran Thaurissan II will become the king of Ironforge, the Horde will be attacked. After Thrall learned about this, he went to confer with Sylvanas and Cairne. It is uknown how canon it is as The Shattering: Later, a human spy brought a message, that draenei led by Prophet Velen crashed on Azeroth and joined the Alliance. Thrall was worried that with this joining, there could be no peace. A faction of orcs exists in Outland, who remained untouched by demonic corruption. However his advisors urged Thrall to make the proper preparations, instead of leaving Orgrimmar and the rest of the orcs on Azeroth open to attack. After he returned from Draenor , Thrall brought with him Garrosh Hellscream , son of Grom Hellscream , to be his adviser. Rehgar and Garrosh had a great discussion: Then suddenly Thrall received a call from Jaina to meet at Razor Hill. When Thrall decided to go to a new meeting with the human King Varian , he brought with him his two advisers: Thrall traveled in a zeppelin to Theramore , [2] where he had a peaceful discussion with an eye toward mutual gain. Varian had to end the summit early as Goldshire and Southshore were reported to be under simultaneous distress by the Scourge. The Alliance races of the Twilight cultists attacked the Horde representatives while the Horde races of the Twilight cultists attacked the Alliance representatives. After catching a glimpse of Garona , Varian thought that Thrall had sent her to assassinate him as the Shadow Council had done in the past with his father. Garrosh accused the Alliance of orchestrating the attack while Varian accused the Horde; specifically Garrosh. Thrall tried to calm down the heated parties and remind them to not jump to conclusions. Rehgar and Valeera both were sure that neither Thrall nor Varian would stoop to an assassination tactic on neutral ground and tried to rationalize the surprising turn of events. Jaina and Thrall bid each other farewell, both sorry that any chance of a human-orc alliance was ruined. This attack shook the delicate human-orc tolerances, leaving both factions in distrust of one another. Shortly after, Thrall departed back to his home of Orgrimmar. Thrall was later asked to join the New Council of Tirisfal but refused and in his stead, Rehgar Earthfury joined the Council. Thrall arrived to Orgrimmar but the Lich King executed his plan and made a Zombie Infestation. After consulting Saurfang and the spirits, Thrall favored a more cautious approach to dealing with the Scourge: Thrall and Garrosh led the forces of the Horde in repelling the Scourge attack, with the help of Saurfang, Sylvanas, [6] Reghar, [7] the city defenders, and some adventurers. After the Scourge assault force had been dealt with, Garrosh asked to be sent to Northrend again. This time, Thrall agreed and ordered Saurfang to begin preparations for war. Тралл искал единения с духами земли и почувствовал присутствие и боль Трага. Тралл предложил свою помощь, но Траг потерял контроль над собой и напал на него. Только обретя мир в своей душе, Тралл победил свой страх, выжил, и обрел свободу. Он отрицал, что Тралл может сделать что-нибудь для него, и предупредил его чтобы он ушел пока не поздно. Приняв такую учесть Тралл попросил его смотреть ему в глаза когда он будет делать это "что бы я видел своего убийцу". Траг приготовился нанести удар. Выполняя последнюю просьбу орка, Траг посмотрел ему в глаза и там, в их глубине, он увидел все испытания и несчастья, сделавшие Тралла тем кем он стал, и спокойное понимание царившее в душе предводителя орков. Его спокойствие было столь велико что позволило Трагу победить собственный страх. Голос по прежнему взывал к таурену требуя прикончить Тралла, но теперь Траг мог противостоять мощному натиску Короля Лича. А если не получится - то уничтожить себя. Траг отказался, но поблагодарил Тралла за предложение и за то что он был добр к тому, кто мог бы его убить. Тралл признался с улыбкой, что он не стал бы просто стоять там и ждать своей участи, если бы не был уверен что Траг сможет противостоять голосу. Трал сказал, что он будет просить духов, присматривать за Трагом и к своему удивлению, попрощаться с ним назвав его по имени, хотя таурен помнил что не называл своего имени. Траг отправился на одном из кораблей в Нордскол. Несмотря на то, что он был почти уверен, что он потерпит неудачу, тем более, что он умрет, он был полон решимости встретить свою судьбу без страха. As the combined Horde and Alliance forces begin their assault upon Angrathar the Wrath Gate , an uprising breaks out in the Undercity. Varimathras and hordes of his demonic brethren overrun the city, slaying all those who will not submit to their dark rule. Sylvanas herself will nearly be killed in the coup, but manage to escape with a number of loyalists and flees to Orgrimmar. Determined not to allow the Dreadlords a foothold in Horde territory, Thrall and Sylvanas plans an immediate counter-attack. In the midst of their planning, Jaina Proudmoore arrives with terrible news: After fighting the forsaken rebels and the demons within the combined might of the Horde slays the traitorous demon Varimathras. When a fight breaks out between the Alliance and Horde, Jaina stops Thrall and Varian from killing each other and teleports Varian, herself and the Alliance army back to Stormwind, hoping to stop further bloodshed and chaos. As Thrall laments on the broken peace between the Alliance and the Horde, Varok Saurfang arrives and reminds Thrall of his duty to lead their people. When Brann Bronzebeard learns that Yogg-Saron has escaped its ancient prison in Ulduar , Rhonin summons Thrall and Varian to the Violet Citadel. He asks them to work together against this threat, but Thrall is unable to keep Garrosh and Varian from fighting one another. After the events at Dalaran, Thrall and Garrosh travel to Warsong Hold. On the way Garrosh contemplates the past events where Thrall first brought Garrosh to Orgrimmar. After defending Warsong Hold from an attack from the Scourge, Thrall witnesses a report given from Icecrown about the Horde forces flanking the Alliance during their assault at the Broken Front. Thrall watches as Garrosh deals with the situation, telling the commander from Icecrown, Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar , that the Horde would fight with honor or not fight at all. Thrall, watching Garrosh, feels proud of him for his decision. Upon arrival Tirion greeted them personally. After a heated exchange of words the two were escorted into the colliseum by their host. Though he tried alternate ways to save her life, Tarethra always ended up dieing. The nightmare ended with Thrall crying in his sleep. The whole of Azeroth was caught in by Emerald Nightmare and so was the Warchief. His wolf companion Snowsong felt mists of the Nightmare but it was too late. Orgrimmar with its inhabitants had already fallen to the mists. After the threat of Emerald Nightmare was over, he sent a letter to Tyrande and Malfurion. The bearer of the message was Thura. Thrall is unsure on the matter. He advises Muln to follow the guidance of the spirits. Thrall had a speech of problems of the nature and also of financial ones. It was decided that Hamuul will go to a meeting with Cenarion Circle in order to get help for the Horde. Unfortunately Durotar had been suffering a very severe drought and caused one of the bonfires to become a conflagration that destroyed several buildings. Thrall himself tried to calm the flames using his shamanic powers, but found that the fire was hell-bent on destruction, resolving to snuff out the flames forcibly, an act he regretted. He realized that something was very wrong with the elements and that they were out of control, and pondered the situation. There were other troubles, such as an orc attack on a group of Sentinels in Ashenvale which was in direct violation of the Horde-Alliance treaty. The Sentinels had been skinned and then chopped up into pieces, left for carrion feeders. Whether or not they had been alive when they were skinned was debatable. The skins of the murdered night elves were hung on trees that had painted Horde symbols depicted on them; written with elven blood. Since the night elves have ceased to allow Horde members into Ashenvale in protest of the Wrathgate, many orcs celebrated this attack. He received a letter from King Varian Wrynn demanding to denounce the attacks and turn over any attackers he can find to the Alliance for justice. Though he did express anger that the treaty had been violated, his unwillingness to publicly reprimand those who use brutal methods to assault Alliance members has weakened his popularity with Alliance leaders. After a meeting with Jaina Proudmoore and Eitrigg, Thrall decided that he was going to have to travel to Nagrand in Outland to converse with the elements there and try to discover why the elements in Azeroth were so out of control. Before setting out on his quest, Thrall appointed Garrosh Hellscream acting warchief of the Horde and met with Cairne who was against this decision, though Thrall was certain that he is doing the right thing. Thrall eventually met with the elements of Draenor, the Furies, all of whom except the Fury of Earth were unable to help Thrall understand what was happening in Azeroth. The Fury of Earth was able to help him after ingesting a small rock Thrall had brought with him from Azeroth, and the Fury told him that the elements were afraid of a shattering, a cataclysm akin to the one that had broken Draenor. As Thrall prepared to return to Azeroth to attempt to prevent the cataclysm, Aggra revealed that she had secretly been growing more and more attracted to him and wanted to go with him to Azeroth, but only if he refused to be weak. Thrall welcomed her company, as he too had begun to slowly grow closer too her, and the two returned to Azeroth together. Perith Stormhoof to Garadar and told Thrall all what had transpired, about Cairne, Garrosh and the Grimtotem, thus he returned to Azeroth immediately. His heart was heavy knowing how his last encounter with his most cherished friend consisted of harsh words. The fragment was etched with a single rune, whose meaning did not escape Thrall - "healing". It was there where he put off the armor of Orgrimm Doomhammer. Baine agreed to have it delivered to Orgrimmar. Thrall decided to make his way to the Maelstrom , which he sensed was the center area where the cataclysmic event was coming from, to attempt to calm the elements. Тралл на Затерянных островах. He led the orcs from the internment camps of Lordaeron into a new era of freedom and prosperity, and under his leadership the Horde has established itself as a major force on Azeroth. As a shaman, Thrall has a deep connection with the elements, and their wisdom has proven to be a great boon to the warchief. It remains to be seen whether his recent differences with Garrosh Hellscream are a one-time event or a hint at the shape of things to come. He first appears on the Lost Isles , part of the goblin starting zone, where he helps bring the goblins into the Horde. As one of if not the pre-eminent shamans of Azeroth, Thrall steps away from his duties as Warchief to join with the Earthen Ring. He journeys to the Maelstrom at the center of the Great Sea, where Deathwing made his return to Azeroth from the depths of Deepholm. There, he desperately watches as his friends, Nobundo, Aggra and Muln are killed by the Aspect. Despite the encouraging words of his good friends Nobundo and Rehgar , Thrall finds himself at a loss as to how best to aid his comrades. Aggra outs this doubt to pertain to his longing for the Horde , which Thrall angrily denies. After some argumentation, Thrall leaves their sanctuary to clear his head and gain some clarity. Distraught, the embittered Life-Binder officially disbanded the Accord, and fled the scene. Ysera , who was present to witness this, appears before Thrall in her kaldorei guise. Ysera asks Thrall to undertake a journey - of seemingly minor proportions - to relieve a small druid camp in Feralas of a rampant fire elemental. Thrall is surprised to see that the camp is inhabited mainly by night elf sentinels, though after some mutual hostility, Thrall converses with the fire elemental its attitude reminiscent of those who had attacked Orgrimmar prior to the cataclysm and convinces it to leave. Having succeeded in his small task, an elf named Desharin approached Thrall and urges him to come into the local woodland. After speaking with the relieved ancients , Desharin reveals himself as a green dragon; informing Thrall that Ysera has a far more important task for him and him alone. While there, the two are attacked by a mysterious human in eerily familiar armour. Desharin is beheaded by the assailant, and he and Thrall do battle. The bronze dragons relieve the battle, and Thrall is instructed to flee through a time portal. As he makes his leave, Thrall cannot help but sense a strong aura of familiarity from the attacker. On the other end of the time portal, Thrall finds himself at a late point in the Second War. Though overwhelmed by the possibilities - such as meeting with Doomhammer - he remains mindful that the timeline must be preserved. He is mistaken as a warlock by an orcish patrol party, and taken to a neighbouring base camp. After struggling to avert his gaze from them, he is approached by Draka with an infant Thrall in tow , and after an awkward conversation with his mother, leaves to escort his parents to safety with the patrol who picked him up to begin with. Thrall throws himself into the fray as the violence ends, and exercises all of the restraint within him to let their sole surviving killer live, for the sake of the timeline. Shattered, Thrall approaches the body of his father. He swears to a dying Durotan that his child will live, that their people would be redeemed, and that the orcs will have a land of their own. Durotan dies secure in this knowledge. As Blackmoore approaches the infant, such as proper in the true timeline, Thrall grabs his attacker and hurls him into a neighbouring river. The two struggle for a time, though after noticing a curious glittering of bronze scales, Thrall is taken to another point in time and his attacker disappears once more. Thrall comes face to face with a slightly older Taretha ; embittered by what appears to have been a far harsher life. After convincing her that he is who he says he is and showing her an identical necklace to prove it , Taretha informs him of some damning news - in this timeline , Thrall had died as a child. Blackmoore, robbed of his prized future-gladiator, did the unexpected: Gaining huge support, Blackmoore led his army against Orgrim Doomhammer , and slew the Horde warchief in one-on-one combat. Rather than have the stunned orcs killed, Blackmoore engaged in a secret pact with them - to join him, and overthrow the Alliance. Blackmoore killed Terenas Menethil , slaughtered Uther the Lightbringer and Anduin Lothar ; usurping the kingdom of Lordaeron and deposing House Menethil. Thrall can barely believe it, especially the thought of the pathetic, drunk Blackmoore taking down the mighty Orgrim in a fair battle. The three come to realize that not only is their "timeline" false; but rather, "time" itself was the illusion here. The understanding shatters the apparent timeway, and Thrall finally finds the Aspect of Time, Nozdormu , awaiting him. Thrall does battle with the twilight dragonflight. Nozdormu begins to piece together the various events occurring in both the alternate the true timeline. This event would be Nozdormu founding and presiding over the Infinite Dragonflight. Nozdormu also admits that, as such, he was also responsible for sending the assassin after Thrall. Regardless of this pressing matter, Nozdormu thanks Thrall for giving him clarity; setting him another task: Thrall and Tick set out to confront the bereaved Life-Binder, and the two find her in the barren wasteland of Desolace. Though Alextrasza rebukes his comfort and banishes him from her sight, Thrall does not give up hope for the Life-Binder just yet. Thrall then makes the journey to the Nexus , and after an extremely cold reception, is admitted audience with Arygos and Kalecgos. Though Kalecgos goes out of his way to make his orcish visitor comfortable; conjuring scenery of Horde -designed indulgences to make him seem more at home; Arygos is on edge with the visitor and even goes so far as to suggest his death. An event known as the " Embrace " is set to occur shortly; a time where the two moons of Azeroth meet in what cosmetically appears to be the form of a mother embracing her child, hence the name. This sacred event heralds a celestial time for the blue dragons, and their best chance of truly empowering a new Aspect for their flight. Arygos, enraged, curses the flight for fools; abandoning Coldarra. After disposing of several of the creatures, the blues give chase to the fleeing remainder. They arrive at the Wyrmrest Temple, and catch sight of the semi-functional Chromatus. Regardless, the blues press on; fighting back the twilight dragonflight with efficiency. Chromatus - now awakened with the blood of the murdered Arygos - engages in the battle, and cuts a swathe of destruction through the blues. Thrall is hurled off Kalec in the ensuing chaos, and finds his footing in the snow. Thrall is brutally attacked by a newly-arrived Blackmoore. Wielding the Doomhammer in tandem with his powerful elemental skill, Thrall catches his mortal enemy off-guard. As Thrall moves in to deal the final blow, Blackmoore begs for his life. Elsewhere, the blue dragons were beaten back by the powerful Chromatus. Kalec has Thrall rescued by one of his drakes, though the strain of leadership in the wake of their defeat begins to gnaw at the new Aspect of Magic. Thrall encourages Kalec to remain strong, and he leaves once more for Desolace. Thrall finds Alextrasza in an even more shattered state. Reinvigorated and regaining her confidence, the Life-Binder travels to the Nexus to join forces with the new Aspect of Magic. Before long, the red, blue, and green dragonflights are reunited with their respective Aspects. With their might combined, they leave to do battle with the murderous Chromatus and his ilk. After a vicious battle, Chromatus reaches his full potential - and overpowers all three of the mighty Aspects. The downhill fight is relieved by the arrival of Nozdormu and his bronze flight, and the Aspect of Time puts forward the notion that they will need to work together, in the most fundamental sense of the word, to defeat this creature that embodies all of their traits and powers. Chromatus has a head for each dragonflight, and there are no black dragons present to assist in this task - though Thrall, as a shaman, offers to take on that role. Knowing that he could never become as Aspect, he remains content with the notion that he could assist his allies in their hour of need. The four Aspects launch a volley of powerful abilities at the stunned Chromatus, who cannot bring himself to counter the volatile new powers at their disposal. The chromatic dragon is blasted downwards; the Twilight Father in tow. Later, the Aspects and Thrall meet on the top of Wyrmrest temple, where Nozdormu informs the group of a plot by the Old Gods To destroy the dragonflights. Thrall is given both the thanks and a scale each of the dragon aspects; in return for assistance asking only for a way to travel back to the Maelstrom. Thrall acknowledges that he has been a slave to outside influences his entire life, though resolves to see that end. At the Maelstrom, Thrall strains himself attempting to commune with the elements. Able to feel how broken the world is, and with the elements remaining silent for him, Thrall tells Aggra that he will have to work without limits to fulfill this task. As he ponders the meaning of this, his elemental calls are finally answered - by none other than Ragnaros the Firelord. Stunned, Thrall falls to the ground, and the cackling Firelord dissipates. Thrall then begins his journey to Mount Hyjal with Aggra. As new growth bloomed across the region, members of the Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle, along with the noble Dragon Aspects, convened at the ancient World Tree of Nordrassil. Among the gathered heroes were the legendary archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, the former Horde warchief and accomplished shaman Thrall, and his strong-willed companion, Aggra. Together, this illustrious assemblage was to unite its wondrous powers and restore the World Tree for the good of Azeroth. Yet this auspicious event ended in tragedy. If these terrible rumors hold true, the Earthen Ring—indeed, all of Azeroth—has potentially lost one of its greatest champions. While the Aspects concede that Thrall may be lost to the elements forever, Aggra believes that her mate can be saved and calls on the aid of adventures of both the Horde and the Alliance to venture into the Skywall , the Abyssal Maw , Deepholm , and Firelands to rescue her beloved from an eternity of torment. His self-doubt manifests itself in the plane of wind, where Thrall expresses regret over his decision to pronounce Garrosh Warchief, noting that he will lead the Horde to ruin. He mentions that he has failed both the Horde and the Earthen Ring , and that he is unworthy of Aggra. He laments that he believes his own weakness has delivered Azeroth into the face of ruin. It was also shown that he desired to be free of the burdens of leadership and start a family with Aggra. With his resolve renewed, Thrall overcomes his predicament, with the chains that had once bound him shattered—all that he once was, and more. Thrall and Aggra return to the world tree, where Thrall declares his love for Aggra, and the two become life mates. It was there that he encountered Deathwing, using the power of the Old Gods to imprison his spirit within. The corrupted Aspect mocked Thrall, believing that the Aspects sought to replace him as Earth-Warder with the mortal shaman, and claiming that the "gift" he had been granted by the Titans - his charge to defend Azeroth - was in fact a curse, imprisoning him to his duty. To demonstrate, he allowed Thrall to experience what it was like to have the weight of the earth on his shoulders, claiming that this was what the Aspects wanted - "to damn you to a life of eternal torment", as Deathwing stated it. The Aspects decided that in order to defeat Deathwing, they would have to acquire the Dragon Soul in its "purest form" - a period not long after its creation, during the War of the Ancients ten millennia earlier. As the Soul was imbued with a powerful enchantment to prevent dragonkind from ever using it, the Aspects called on Thrall to be the wielder of the Dragon Soul in the battle against Deathwing. With Mount Hyjal secure and the firelord defeated, Thrall is tasked by the dragon aspects with taking the place of the maddened earthwarder once more. To this end, the defenders of Azeroth acquire the much-coveted Dragon Soul from a pivotal point in the past. Ultimately, heroes of Azeroth are successful in both claiming the Dragon Soul and averting a cataclysmic alternate timeline , woven by the corrupted aspect of time, Murozond. The Dragon Soul is delivered to Thrall, who makes his way to to Wyrmrest Temple in order to defeat Neltharion for good. Fighting his way through the snow-covered vestiges of an old god -corrupted Dragonblight , Thrall does battle with a formidable ice ascendant named Arcurion and a treacherous blood elven contract killer known as Asira Dawnslayer. After claiming victory, Thrall heals the drake she had slain, and makes his way to the inner sanctum of the temple astride it. Like Asira before him, Benedictus falls before Thrall, and the son of Durotan leaves to make preparations for the final battle. With the Dragon Soul in hand, Thrall and the dragon aspects Alexstrasza , Ysera , Nozdormu , and Kalecgos prepare to defeat Deathwing , while the united dragonflights and a group of mortal heroes fend off attacks from the forces of Twilight. Chasing Deathwing in an Alliance gunship, the adventurers leap onto the corrupted Aspect and remove his elementium plating, giving Thrall a big enough opening to blast Deathwing again. The Destroyer falls from the sky and crashes into the Maelstrom. Thrall and the Aspects briefly rejoice at the end of the Destroyer, only for him to suddenly rise from the Maelstrom, his form melting into a molten mass of unfathomable power. The adventurers work alongside the Aspects, preventing Deathwing from bringing about the final Cataclysm, and giving Thrall the chance to fire the third and final blast from the Dragon Soul, completely obliterating Deathwing. Thrall feels the elements "awakening", relieved that the Cataclysm is over. Alexstrasza explains that the Aspects have expended their ancient power and fulfilled their duties. Sometime afterwards Thrall and Jaina meet in secret where they were discussing Garrosh. Thrall maintained that he has found a new path and his work with the Earthen Ring was too important to abandon. After changing the conversation to his new life mate Aggra, Thrall tells Jaina that he hopes that she will find someone like he has. After the fall of Northwatch Hold and the Theramore , Eitrigg sent a courier with a message for Thrall at the Maelstrom. Deciding that his fellow shaman deserved to hear the message, Thrall told the courier to read the message out loud in public rather than in private. The gathered members of the Earthen Ring were horrified to hear that molten giants were enslaved during the fall of Northwatch. They were even further distraught and horrified with the knowledge that Theramore was destroyed by a mana bomb. With no one surviving the blast, Thrall believed that Jaina was killed. This unpleasant news caused Farseer Nobundo to inform Thrall that the Earthen Ring would understand if he were to go back to the Horde and that they could continue to heal the land with out him. Later on Thrall and several others noticed that their efforts in healing the damage at the Maelstrom seemed to have less of an effect. As Thrall and Aggra went to converse with Muln about the subject, Thrall was shown a vision of Orgrimmar being drowned and destroyed by water elementals. While experiencing the vision, water elementals informed Thrall that they did not want to carry out such an act and become enslaved for all eternity. When he asked where the person who was going to enslave them was, he was shown a vision of Fray Island. When the vision ended, he informed his fellow Earthen Ring members about what he experienced. While Muln expressed the desire for all of them to help, Nobundo pointed that Thrall was the only who received the vision and as such only Thrall shall go. After Aggra told him that she understood the task was his alone, Thrall departed to Fray Island. Upon arriving Thrall discovered to his joy that Jaina Proudmoore was alive. That joy soon turned to horror upon realizing that it was Jaina trying to enslave water elementals and destroy his people. While shocked at her words, Thrall admitted that he blamed himself and asked that Jaina need not seek vengeance for Theramore by killing his people. In response, Jaina retorted that her father was right in believing that orcs were monsters and sent out a giant tsunami at Orgrimmar. Calling upon the Spirit of Air for aid, Thrall was able to keep the tsunami at bay and soon learned that Jaina had gotten hold of the Focusing Iris. In response, Jaina attacked Thrall, not with the intent to distract him but with the intent to kill. While reeling from this revelation, Thrall found that he could not bring himself to try and kill Jaina. Unwilling to kill Jaina, Thrall continued to plead for her to see reason by claiming that she should fight Garrosh, not innocent children who deserved to have a future. Jaina bitterly retorted that those who died in agony at Theramore have no future and Jaina pushed with all her might to unleash the wave under her command. Consumed by her quest of vengeance, Jaina began to gather energy in her hand but suddenly, the blue dragon Kalecgos arrived. When both, the dragon and the orc, told Jaina in their own ways to stop or she would turn back on everything that was right, Jaina retorted that she was only doing what she knew to be right. The dragon further told her that Arthas did not react with hatred in his heart and then asked her if she wanted to be remembered as another Garrosh, another Arthas. Jaina declared that she had hundreds of elementals enslaved to her and that she would use them to protect the Alliance. Informing Jaina that her heart would be glad for her choice, he was told that he did not know her heart anymore. Realizing that the friendship held between them was another casualty of the destruction of Theramore, Thrall mentioned that the coming war would change Azeroth as much as the cataclysm. Thrall informed Jaina and Kalecgos that he has pledged to heal the world and mentioned that he wished he and "Lady Jaina" had departed in another way. Being told that Jaina felt the same but that wishes meant nothing, Thrall nodded and then departed back towards the Maelstrom. Thrall and Aggra in Quest: Thrall, having finished his job at the Maelstrom, he wanted to resign from the politics and train young shaman in Durotar and live with his beloved Aggra and their newborn son Durak. Thrall leaves to do so, reiterating what his vision of the Horde -- when it was simply an idea in the desert of Durotar -- had first entailed. After relieving the isles of their control, Thrall ponders how best to deal with Garrosh, concluding that simply challenging him for the right to the Horde would be ill-advised at this point. Images of Aggra and Thrall briefly appear in Quest: Gods and Monsters , a story told by Lorewalker Cho. They entered to the Underhold probably learning about it from Eitrigg where they faced the mantid. Varok was badly hurt and urged on Thrall to continue. Thrall entered a throne room in the Underhold and confronted Garrosh, who explained that his dark shaman had corrupted the land, making it impossible for Thrall to call upon the spirits. Thrall engaged Garrosh in melee combat, but was soundly defeated. Garrosh himself was subsequently defeated by adventurers. Taran Zhu said Garrosh should stand trial in Pandaria. Varian and Thrall agreed and stood down. When approached by Horde players after the Siege Thrall remarks that he thought Garrosh was ready and believed that the position of Warchief would give him perspective. However Hellscream only saw one solution to the problems facing the Horde, a solution that brought the Horde to the brink. Модель Тралла в дополнении Warlords of Draenor. Когда Темный Портал стал красного цвета, Тралл возглавил игроков Орды в путешествии на Дренор , на тридцать пять лет назад от наших дней. Он вступил в контакт со своим отцом и присоединился к клану Северного Волка на Хребте Ледяного Огня. To any who who try to harm his people, such as demons and the undead, he will end their lives without remorse. Unfortunately his extremely forgiving nature has ultimately become the cause of his beloved Horde committing genocide and mass murder thanks to the short-sighted promotion of Garrosh to Warchief. На протяжении многих лет Траллу было дано много званий и прозвищ, и в том числе:. Войти Нет учётной записи? The Burning Crusade Wrath of the Lich King Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria Warlords of Draenor. Охотник на демонов Мардум, Расколотая Бездна. Возвращение в Каражан Казематы Стражей Катакомбы Сурамара Квартал Звёзд Крепость Чёрной Ладьи Логово Нелтариона Око Азшары Собор Вечной Ночи Утроба душ Чаща Тёмного Сердца. Гробница Саргераса Изумрудный Кошмар Испытание доблести Цитадель Ночи. Классы Воин Друид Жрец Маг Монах Охотник Охотник на демонов Паладин Разбойник Рыцарь смерти. Орк Нежить Тролль Гоблин Таурен Эльф крови Дреней Человек Ночной эльф Дворф. Алхимия Кузнечное дело Наложение чар Инженерное дело Сбор трав Начертание Ювелирное дело Кожевничество Горное дело Снятие шкур. О проекте Администраторы Руководства Правила Справка. Вики-деятельность Случайная статья Сообщество Видео Изображения. Комикс World of Warcraft: Шаман Персонажи "Легенды" Персонажи "Артас: Восхождение Короля-лича" Персонажи "Ярость Бури" Персонажи "Раскол: Прелюдия к Катаклизму" Персонажи "Тралл: Сумерки Аспектов" Персонажи "Лидеры Азерота" Персонажи "Джайна Праудмур: Приливы Войны" Warcraft III Вождь Персонажи Лидеры Азерота Молот Рока Тралл: Сумерки Аспектов Оргриммар Калимдор World of Warcraft: Cataclysm World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft. Эта незавершённая статья или раздел нуждается в переводе. Эта статья полностью или частично на английском языке. Замените английские игровые названия на их русский эквивалент, руководствуясь официальным переводом. Босс Крепость Громмаш , Оргриммар ; Гарадар , Награнд ; Крепость Дарнхольд , Пещеры Времени. Содержание [ развернуть ]. Добавить фото Warcraft Legends 2. Добавить фото Ulduar council. Twilight of the Aspects , pg. 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