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Created May 8, 2012 08:32
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Save baali/2633554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to download all gmail attachments.
# Something in lines of
# Make sure you have IMAP enabled in your gmail settings.
# Right now it won't download same file name twice even if their contents are different.
import email
import getpass, imaplib
import os
import sys
detach_dir = '.'
if 'attachments' not in os.listdir(detach_dir):
userName = raw_input('Enter your GMail username:')
passwd = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
imapSession = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
typ, accountDetails = imapSession.login(userName, passwd)
if typ != 'OK':
print 'Not able to sign in!'
raise'[Gmail]/All Mail')
typ, data =, 'ALL')
if typ != 'OK':
print 'Error searching Inbox.'
# Iterating over all emails
for msgId in data[0].split():
typ, messageParts = imapSession.fetch(msgId, '(RFC822)')
if typ != 'OK':
print 'Error fetching mail.'
emailBody = messageParts[0][1]
mail = email.message_from_string(emailBody)
for part in mail.walk():
if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
# print part.as_string()
if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:
# print part.as_string()
fileName = part.get_filename()
if bool(fileName):
filePath = os.path.join(detach_dir, 'attachments', fileName)
if not os.path.isfile(filePath) :
print fileName
fp = open(filePath, 'wb')
except :
print 'Not able to download all attachments.'
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How to authenticate hotmail and live accounts .Please give me an example.


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I am using Python 3.5 and found I needed to use

mail = email.message_from_bytes(emailBody) # instead of mail = email.message_from_string(emailBody)

to get it working.

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Jaan4276 commented May 2, 2017

How to authenticate office365 and microsoft accounts through python

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AlManja commented May 13, 2017

Anyone got it working for (I don't use google)
If anyone modified it to work it with, please share :-)
Just changing form:
imapSession = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
imapSession = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
didn't work

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hi, i have this error
Not able to download all attachments.

change in line 38 UTF-8
change in line 25 'UNSEEN FROM ""'

but continue this error
Not able to download all attachments.

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For anyone else who stumbled upon this:

  • If you want a label, change line 24 to read res ='<label_here>')
  • Create an "app specific password" for gmail in your general google account settings
  • Make sure your python is version 2, or be prepared to make changes

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It does not work, and I dont have idea why.
Even this code is working well
import smtplib

server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
server.login("Name1", "passwrd")

msg = "HEj"
server.sendmail("Name1", "Name2", msg)

So it should means that gmail is set up well

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vasone commented Jan 13, 2018

Guys can I ask how you can download attachment from specific person?
What code do I add?
Thank you

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UgoRomi commented Feb 14, 2018

I'm using it with python 3.6 and it works fine with just a few adjustments:

  • line 14 change "raw_input" to "input"
  • line 24 change "[Gmail]/All Mail" to "inbox" (or whatever label you want)
  • line 38 change "email.message_from_string" to "email.message_from_bytes"

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GBULLR commented Apr 10, 2018

I cannot get this to work.

Ihave done gmail / inbox
string / bytes

I find the right emails and all of that but still nothing.

get_payload does not seem to do anything.


Thank you.

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Anyone got this to work with gmail recently? Keen on something like this

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how to filter by date?

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how to change line 38? so it will support UTF-8?

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@lewisde how to change line 38? so it will support UTF-8?

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Anyone got this to work with gmail recently? Keen on something like this


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swesko commented May 17, 2019

keep getting raise EOF parsing error on python 3,X

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Works on Python 3.7 with several changes:

Line 38: mail = email.message_from_bytes(emailBody)

changed the raises to raise Exception("Not able to sign in!"), raise Exception("Error searching Inbox.") and raise Exception("Error fetching mail.")

Line 18: imapSession = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')

changed userName = input('Enter your GMail username:') to userName = ""

changed passwd = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ') to passwd = " "xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx" (had to get an application specific password for this to work. My Gmail password would not work.)

changed detach_dir to .\picture folder/Email Attachments/ to keep the attachments from being saved to current path

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kngeno commented Oct 16, 2019

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Aths23 commented Apr 6, 2020

Amazing Working Script Thanks To @baali

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x011 commented Apr 22, 2020

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usful code to check old pictures, thanks, however
When I ran the code it printed the email username and did not do anything more.

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This is awesome! Thank you

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Does anyone find this repo working? I think I am stuck with the login that throws me exception

typ, accountDetails = imapSession.login(userName, passed)

can anyone help?

thank you

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kngeno commented Apr 3, 2021

Hi @chaohuichen,

Have you tried this?

Also from @x011on flagging particular emails

Does anyone find this repo working? I think I am stuck with the login that throws me exception

typ, accountDetails = imapSession.login(userName, passed)

can anyone help?

thank you

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Hi @chaohuichen,

Have you tried this?

Also from @x011on flagging particular emails

Does anyone find this repo working? I think I am stuck with the login that throws me exception
typ, accountDetails = imapSession.login(userName, passed)
can anyone help?
thank you

Thank you @kngeno. the second gist link works!

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os835 commented Dec 27, 2022

Trying this in 2022 and always getting the 'Not able to download all attachments.' error. I read that in May 2022 google does not give the options to allow access to less secure apps, which fixed the problem for other users here. Does anyone know how to make this work in 2022?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

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Trying this in 2022 and always getting the 'Not able to download all attachments.' error. I read that in May 2022 google does not give the options to allow access to less secure apps, which fixed the problem for other users here. Does anyone know how to make this work in 2022?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

If mail is something like
Less secured app option is still available

For mails like you should use "app password"

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os835 commented Dec 27, 2022

Thanks for the reply! For App password, would I just use it in place of the regular password in the script above?

I tried that but am still getting the same issue.

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