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Created August 13, 2021 09:13
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using github packages for maven repository
kind: Schema
- name: jx-basic-auth-user-password
mandatory: true
- name: username
question: the username for basic auth ingresses
help: The username to login to basic authenticated URLs
defaultValue: admin
- name: password
question: the password for basic auth ingresses
help: The password to login to basic authenticated URLs
minLength: 5
maxLength: 41
generator: password
- name: jx-basic-auth-htpasswd
- name: auth
question: the htpasswd format basic auth for Ingress
help: The htpasswd encoded user and password for basic auth ingresses
retry: true
template: |-
{{ htpasswdExtSecret "jx-basic-auth-user-password" "username" "password" }}
onlyTemplateIfBlank: true
- name: jenkins-release-gpg
- name: pubring.gpg
question: The gpg public ring
# lets force the secret to be created with dummy values until the user really populates it
defaultValue: todo
- name: jenkins-maven-settings
- name: settings.xml
question: Maven settings XML contents
help: This is the maven settings XML which is mounted for Java builds
noMask: true
template: |-
<!--This sends everything else to /public -->
{{- if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "bucketrepo") }}
<name>bucketrepo mirror</name>
{{- else if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "none") }}
<name>US Central</name>
<name>UK Central</name>
{{- else if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "github") }}
<name>US Central</name>
<name>UK Central</name>
{{- else }}
<name>nexus mirror</name>
{{- end }}
<!-- lets disable the download progress indicator that fills up logs -->
<username>{{ extsecret "nexus" "username" | default "admin"}}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "nexus" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "nexus" "username" | default "admin"}}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "nexus" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" "username" }}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "jenkins-x-bucketrepo" "username" }}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "jenkins-x-bucketrepo" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "sonatype" "username" }}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "sonatype" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "docker-hub" "username" }}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "docker-hub" "password" }}</password>
<username>{{ extsecret "tekton-git" "username" }}</username>
<password>{{ extsecret "tekton-git" "password" }}</password>
{{- if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "bucketrepo") }}
{{- else if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "github") }}
{{- else if and (hasKey .Requirements "repository") (eq .Requirements.repository "none") }}
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
<name>Github Mentor Releases </name>
<!-- TODO use: .Parameters.gpg.passphrase when it is always populated -->
<gpg.passphrase>{{ extsecret "gpg" "passphrase" }}</gpg.passphrase>
- name: settings-security.xml
question: Maven security XML contents
help: This is the maven security XML which is mounted for Java builds
noMask: true
template: |-
- name: tekton-git
mandatory: true
- name: username
noMask: true
key: secret/data/jx/pipelineUser
question: the pipeline username
help: the user name used by pipelines running in Jenkins X
generator: gitOperator.username
- name: password
key: secret/data/jx/pipelineUser
question: the pipeline token or password
help: the token or password used by pipelines running in Jenkins X
generator: gitOperator.password
- name: tekton-container-registry-auth
mandatory: true
- name: .dockerconfigjson
question: Docker JSON Configuration
noMask: true
help: This is the docker JSON configuration for authenticating with container
template: |-
{{- if eq .Requirements.cluster.provider "gke" }}
"credHelpers": {
"": "gcr",
"": "gcr",
"": "gcr",
"": "gcr",
"": "gcr"
{{- else if and (eq .Requirements.cluster.provider "eks") (hasKey .Requirements "cluster") (hasKey .Requirements.cluster "registry") (contains "aws" .Requirements.cluster.registry) }}
{{- if and (hasKey .Requirements "cluster") (hasKey .Requirements.cluster "registry") (not (eq .Requirements.cluster.registry (secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "url"))) }}
"credHelpers": {
"{{ .Requirements.cluster.registry }}": "ecr-login"
{{- end }}
{{- else if eq .Requirements.cluster.provider "aws" }}
"credsStore": "ecr-login",
{{- else if eq .Requirements.cluster.provider "aks" }}
{{- if and (hasKey .Requirements "cluster") (hasKey .Requirements.cluster "registry") (not (eq .Requirements.cluster.registry (secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "url"))) }}
"credHelpers": {
"{{ .Requirements.cluster.registry }}": "acr-env"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "password" }}
{{ secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "url" | default "" | quote }}: {
"auth": {{ auth "jx.container-registry-auth" "username" "password" | b64enc | quote}},
"email": {{ secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "email" | default "" | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if or (eq .Requirements.cluster.gitServer "") (eq .Requirements.cluster.gitServer "") }}
{{- if secret "jx.container-registry-auth" "password" }}
{{- end }}
"": {
{{- if secret "jx-git-operator.jx-boot" "email" }}
"email": {{ secret "jx-git-operator.jx-boot" "email" | quote }},
{{- end }}
"auth": {{ auth "jx-git-operator.jx-boot" "username" "password" | b64enc | quote}}
{{- end }}
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